Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Sounds like an interesting story!! @jvls1942

I don't know how interesting it is.
we used to choose up sides. cowboys against the indians.
we played in the woods. each side trying to capture one of the other's members.
then we could tie them up and torture them. like poke them with a stick.. nothing to draw blood. just irritate them.
we captured Annie's younger sister.
tied her up and laid her down on the ground. and left her there to be found by her team mates.
well, we laid her down in poison ivey. of course, she wiggled and squirmed to get herself free. really got a case of the ivey itch.. in fact, we had to take her to the ER
I think that was our last game..
Finally cut the grass today after church...it is long enough that I've raked the worst parts into wind rows for drying. Tomorrow I'll roll the rows over and allow them to totally dry and then. bag the grass in mesh bags for Winter use in the coops. The hens enjoy it and keeps them busy in the coop when boring Winter days arrive.
Hope to get some tilling done tomorrow.....that would be a good thing. Cut my first big head of broccoli today...3 more heads will be cut in the next few days. Cheezy broccoli salad on the menu in the near future.

maybe this one will amuse you.
a few of us guys were skinny dipping in the river which ran alongside the big pine woods.
there was a horse trail that ran along the bank of the river. groups of riders on rented horses.
well, we got to horsing (no pun intended) around and for some reason my younger brother took off running down the trail.
buck naked.. He got to the bend in the road and ran smack dab into a horse. the rest of us were far enough back to make it safely into the water..
:lau:lau :eek: OMG!!! That is hilarious! My dad always had stories to tell me. So, thank you for this!
One of his stories was about a (male) school teacher he did not enjoy. This teacher always relieved himself through the screened window of the school (to the outside). My dad and his buddies hooked up electric fencing to this screen. Evidently, the teacher stopped relieving himself in this manner soon after that...:eek:

maybe this one will amuse you.
a few of us guys were skinny dipping in the river which ran alongside the big pine woods.
there was a horse trail that ran along the bank of the river. groups of riders on rented horses.
well, we got to horsing (no pun intended) around and for some reason my younger brother took off running down the trail.
buck naked.. He got to the bend in the road and ran smack dab into a horse. the rest of us were far enough back to make it safely into the water..
:lau:lau :eek: OMG!!! That is hilarious! My dad always had stories to tell me. So, thank you for this!
One of his stories was about a (male) school teacher he did not enjoy. This teacher always relieved himself through the screened window of the school (to the outside). My dad and his buddies hooked up electric fencing to this screen. Evidently, the teacher stopped relieving himself in this manner soon after that...:eek:
:lau:gig that is real potty training..

little girl asked her mom,
when I was born what did you want, a girl or a boy ??
Mom answered, all I wanted was a backrub.
I finished the last AC window frame.
Now I am waiting for Annie to get out of bed and take me to Menard's for some white paint
I have been up since 5am..

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