Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Usually wyo you can have the fire dept fill it with their water truck for a small fee. They do it for folks around here anyway. We did have some rain, but no way near a inch.

Stay cool... bigz
Milk haulers will fill pools on the side as well. My neighbor would fill pools for around $200-250 a pool.

Hot hot hot........ expected to be close to 100 today here. Plan on begging by the pool this afternoon.

The wedding was beautiful. Hot, but beautiful. My cousin has chosen a fantastic life partner, and she is a welcome addition to the family. What is interesting is she is the same age as my oldest daughter, and my cousin is the same age as my daughters fiancé.
It is a $200 pool, so it is really sad that it would cost us more to fill it than buy it. This is just a "test pool". If we find we like it and use it alot, then we will invest some $$ in a nice pool and buy better water for it. Probably have it professionally installed also - this pool is on the "flattest" land we have - it is about 3 inches deeper on the one side than the other, but we didn't want to deal with too much work pulling sod, hauling in sand and leveling it. The directions say not to place it on sand anyway.
It should allow me to get wet and cool down when it is hot out. Now I need to find a nice floatie with a can holder...
Picked up some local Texas bbq for dinner tonight..... did not disappoint! Leftovers for breakfast tomorrow......

Have had a lovely time here, but it is time to come home. I hear the weather will not be much different than here though......

rain, thunder and lightning for awhile last night.
got plenty of rain. I am not disappointed with that.
I really have to get some weeding done. can't tell the weeds from the tomatoes.
Brent did you know there is someone on byc who calls himself BigZ ?


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