Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I forgot to send that last post.
we had rain two days in a row. I figured I would take Ollie and drag up a strip of sod where I am going to plant a couple grape vines.
turns out the ground is too wet. Ollie is stuck in the mud. I will wait a day or so until it dries up some and maybe I will be able to drive out. otherwise I will have to pull him out with the pick up truck..
for some reason the battery on the lawn mower went dead. I have the charger on it.
maybe it is time to move into an assisted living home.. I just can't catch up to all the outside work..
No big deal Jim. Just allow some stuff to go rustic and just do the minimum. Too much good life in the country to give it up because of some of the work. I just don't worry about some of the stuff I use to.
Holy Heat Wave Batman! :eek:

Hottest day of the year: time to crack open the hives! I am really surprised with the bees this year, they are supposed to be a slightly more aggressive type and yet they have been as docile as can be.

Chickens are doing well, tolerating the heat by hiding under the coop. Growing like weeds and sounding more like grown up chickens.

Everyone do your best to keep cool....
Sorry to interrupt the conversation here, but someone recommended that I ask here. I’m wondering if anyone breeds/has for sale sebrights? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!
Gosh the storm tonight was a real show! The lighting was crazy! We sat outside watching the lighting show till it was right upon us. Hope everyone and there animals handle it well. Hope no serious damage resulted. Hope everyone's flock is handling the extreme heat and humidity ok. Our ladies are laying regularly, but spending lots of time in front of the fan. Gosh can't wait for cooler days.
Hi MadisonOde!
You are not interrupting, you're asking your fellow cheeseheads a question. I'm afraid I do not have an answer for you though... Good luck!

Sorry to interrupt the conversation here, but someone recommended that I ask here. I’m wondering if anyone breeds/has for sale sebrights? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!
I hope everyone in the path of the wild storms yesterday is ok, and you escaped with minimal damage. I have seen some pretty amazing pictures from that area. My DD told me the neighbors tree took out part of the picket fence at our old house. Mom escaped with minimal damage, my SIL had over 15 trees down...... no word on the damage at my in-laws. Power might be out for days...... The wicked weather predicted for this area fell flat.
we went through both nasty storms without a scratch. can't believe it. with so much damage all around us.
DD has 250 hemp seedlings in individual pots all over our back yard. about 8 inches tall. they all came through the storms just fine.
however, we do have a tall wind break all along the west property line. that really helps deflect the wind.
If we have any damage, it is just some of the pine wind breakers' tips get broken off.
lost about half dozen last year. none this year
after the tips break off, there is still about 30 feet of tree left..
Mother Nature is being coy today. acting as if she did nothing wrong for the past two days. No AC needed last night. windows open . no AC needed yet today..
It's a beautiful day in Wisconsin...

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