Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

That’s so sad to think about . I keep chickens illegally, they are very well cared for, I’m a nurse. They have a fan in their coop at night on hot summer nights and a heat lamp in the winter on cold nights. I so wish I could have a rooster. I’m my girls rooster, they do the chicken handshake with me daily. I’m a girl ‍♀️
Hi all,
yesterday I went to check the tension on the V belt on the tractor. before I could get my hand on it, I got stung 3 times by those nasty bees. I think their nest is on the radiator this year. last year they had it under the dash by the gauges. Wasp/Hornet spray doesn't work on them. I found that a misty flying insect spray works the best.
The garden is really staring to produce now...plenty of cukes, maters, zucchini, green beans and broccoli so far.....nothing better than fresh grown stuff from your own garden.
The lawn will attention before long...sooner rather than later since it won't quit raining a few times a week....glad this isn't snow....

the only people who are bothered by chickens cackling or crowing are the ones who just like to throw their weight around..
the fact that the chickens can be heard means nothing. they just like to "abide by the rules" so that they can make it miserable for someone else..
I agree @jvls1942 !

My sister got a citation for a barking dog one weekend. They were on vacation in Florida and their dog was at a kennel across town. She went to court to argue the ticket - judge said that the cop heard her dog barking after 10 pm and since she had received tickets for barking dog in the past, it had to be her dog and she had to pay the $100 fine - EVEN though she had the receipt from the kennel that showed the dog was boarded at the time of the ticket. They had a 6' wooden privacy fence around their backyard so there was no way for the cop to see what yard the barking was coming from... her next door neighbors had just gotten a dog from the pound and it barked constantly when they left it outside. My sister moved a few months later and over a month after they moved to a new town, they received a notice for failure to pay a citation for a barking dog at the house they sold - that was issued 2 weeks after they had moved...

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