Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I didn't work on anything outside today.
it rained a little and threatened to rain the rest of the time.
we went in and picked up six 60 pound bags of sacrete. I had them put the bags on a pallet in the pick up truck. easier dumping them into the cement mixer from up there rather than standing on the ground.
I have to get fresh gas for the chainsaw. have to cut up the plum tree that blew down a couple of weeks ago.
also some black walnut trees have to be trimmed and one to remove..

some of the brush I had to remove to get to the window well. the clump to the right is the black raspberries. the stuff in the foreground is red raspberries.

there is a window well under all that greenery; (below.)



the window well as far as I am .
I poured one 40 pound of concrete at the left of the well. I am leaving the metal window well in place and adding concrete all around it on the outside.
our power went out for about two hours today, so that put the kabash to today's work. couldn't mix concrete, no power. and couldn't get water without power either..
Thanks for the hive information bl4. I'm also like wyo, and am more interested in the pollinators than the honey harvest....I buy a quart from the neighbor and it lasts all year. I have enough to do here without the hive work...maybe you could start a business and place hives for the honey harvest...sign me up....LOL
I do see all the bees on the goldenrod right now...that should be some great tasting honey.

I noticed a spot where some bees are using a hole in the ground created by coons I think....do they store honey under ground? They must be pollinators, and honey storing bees of some variety.

my vote for your ground bees is hornets, Brent.
to test it, just step on the hole .:lau
there is a type of bee that lives in tubes. Like you can make a hive by stacking hollow tubes together. IDK if drinking straws are large enough. I will have to go look them up again..

ETA: I looked up the bee I mentioned.
they are called Mason bees.
Look it up.
the only thing I did not find yet is what size tube to use.
I will do more searching.

ETA: the tubes are 5/16" diameter x 6" long
you can buy paper inserts for the tubes, but I think those are quite expensive.
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Hey all, thanks for sharing your updated. I am interested in bee keep too for both honey & pollinators. I really like learning form your post. I have learned alot so far. Keep posting!
We are in the middle of a chicken palace update :lol:. This last year was a chicken trial year (newbie chicken owners). So far we enjoy them & their drama. So I decided to spend a little money and create a larger chicken run as we spend very little to get started. Out with the old trampoline frame run no. It worked, but looked pretty bad.
So I about doubled the run space.... spoiled ladies:p . Here is a work in progress picture. You all can see the old trampoline. I have started to take it apart. I am excited for easier to access & safer run.
I agree with nothing better than user friendly coops and pens. This really is a few times a day chore to collect eggs, water, and clean-up....way more fun with user friendly digs every day, multiple times a day, day after day.

More fresh zucchini bread here today...oh my the warm loaves are addicting and hard to keep at bay.

Staying over at the land of green and gold this weekend. Renting a home through air bnb three blocks from Lambeau field. Highly recommend this style of travel. We have the whole house, three bedrooms, and could bring the dogs. Save money by cooking and eating here at the house.

Neighbor is watching the chooks for us..... owe him at least a 6pack for the trouble.

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