Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

geese don't need much shelter. often mine used to sleep right outside in sub zero weather.
I would run a tub of water for them at all temperatures. they loved their daily baths.
Remember water feels warm compared to sub zero air.
they would dip and splash and the water would instantly freeze and roll off their backs like BB's.
I put the old used toilet on craigs list for free.
I got a response. "do you have a picture?"
my response: No I don't,
but it is used, white, clean and free.
Really ? doesn't everybody know what a toilet looks like ?
I hauled one load of burnables to the burn pile this morning. Then I came in and made a kettle of chili.
The coop is pretty crowded to fit three large Toulouse geese in there..... plus they won’t fit through the chicken door. I plan on getting a small shed for them; that way they can stay snug when the weather is crappy..... yes they will be very spoiled; they are sleeping in my basement until we get something figured out.....

I can’t believe its been some 30+ years since I had my geese.

We just returned from a waterfowl hunt up in Manitoba canada. Holy cat's did the tomato plants produce. I am going to be busy for a week with hopefully the last batch if canned tomatoes.
Any one got any good canning recipes? I have canned: salsa, pureed tomatoes, pureed tomatoes & balsamic vinegar, pizza sauce. We like sauce based things. Would love to hear any ideas you have.
when I canned tomatoes, all I did was run them through the food processor, dump them into a large kettle, boil them for a little while and put them into jars and process the jars.
didn't make anything special with them.
didn't peel them or ad any salt or anything.
You tube is your friend.
Been in Schaumburg since Monday for a Food Safety conference...... happy to be home, I missed my critters. I love my geese, and I will be working from home tomorrow so if it is nice I’ll be outside hanging out with them. They are still in the basement every night, but I’m ok with that....... working on getting a house for them outside.

One of the nice things about staying out for work is that the company pays for dinner..... so I had some amazing sashimi last night, some of the best I have had........ will need to get back to that joint more often!

So tonight, torturing myself with food shows.......
My calls were killed by a weasel some years ago when we had to remove them from our home due to city idiots.

Probably not going to get any as I picked up the geese, I had plenty of opportunity to get some last weekend, but I was looking to get Sebestopol geese, and ended up with Toulouse. I love them anyway.
Yeah, I remember you taking them to the inlaws ? I didn't know they got killed.
I picked some up a few years ago. they were wild and never got settled down. so I sold them. I had Sebastopols too. same thing.
I kept them for awhile, though. they did calm down, but never got to the point of eating out of my hand.
I sold them when I found out that I had no males. got eggs but no hatches.
Ready for the cold snap? I need to grab all my geraniums and bring them in for the winter........

The geese are adjusting well; not too sure about some of those roosters but that’s ok by me. We need to get those boys butchered soon.

Expanded the coop pen. This electric fencing system is awesome. A little pricy but I have had zero issues with predators (other than a Coopers Hawk doing some flybys).

The bees have been raiding the hummer feeder.

And Gretchen the Chocolate Cuckoo Orpington says hello.

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