Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

all I know about Racine is that my cousin's cousin's dad (no relation to me) owned a cookie factory .. this was back in 1960. IDK if it still exists ..
I went to the VA yesterday. traffic is very light. in our 10 mile drive to town, we didn't meet any other vehicles. two county roads.. 11AM..
I was the only person in the waiting room. they are taking only people with appointments.
I think it's a introduction Jim. I could be wrong? Welcome to the cheeseheads Tyler.
My tax preparer sent the results here fedex...I just needed to sign the 8879 form and then delivered them back in their drop box. That went smooth without having to have any contact. Kinda nice to run to town and stay in my chore clothes...LOL
Stay Safe.
I didn't see that post until after the edit note was added..
I never saw such a note before..
I am just wondering if we all are going to be subjected to editing for reasons we don't know.??
I feel that a reason should be given from the moderator for that action ..
I had to go back and look at the post. I didn't see the edit note the first time I read it. Your eyes are better than mine Jim.

Could use some sunshine here. I need a dose of Vitamin D to build my resistance up.

The moderators don't edit posts much - everyone here is pretty good about following the rules.

My daily commute is a much better drive. Seems everyone knows where they are going and is going about the same speed to get there (fairly fast too - going about 76 mph both ways). Sometimes I-41 gets a little messy during the morning commute - people will go 66 mph in the left lanes, then the guy going 80 has to switch lanes and cut me off to go around them, lol.

Grass is starting to green up at our place.
The rhubarb is starting to sprout. It is a big Rhubarb plant that was at the place when we bought it.

Anyone have rhubarb? I have been largely ignoring it, does it need to be fertilized? should I put finished compost on it? How about old hay for mulch?

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