Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Where is everyone????

Not much happening here..... I have to say, meat birds sure are dumb...... One would think after a week they would figure out where they should roost each night....... nope. Every night we go out and pick all of them up and put them inside the tractor. Dunderheads. They are growing like weeds, already the size of a softball and only 4 weeks old tomorrow.

l have one hive that is exploding.... the second.... well I hope I can get them through the winter. I plan on harvesting honey from the one hive and nothing from the second since they are not building their population like I would expect..... The really strong hive I have two supers on, so work it girls!

Getting some down time in this weekend,.... and I am really looking forward to it!
Here I am, I check in every day.
what I do is mostly boring for the rest of you.
I am into growing lots of tomato plants.
I don't have any type of animals anymore.
Just butterflies and flies..

think cool thoughts. remember this ?
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I am here too. Checking in once a week! Garden & job been keeping me pretty busy.
We are also taming the wild tomato! Aka trying to kill it a little. Before it takes over the world (garden).
This week I canned dilly beans, cauliflower with heat(peppers) and without. Past week was plain jane green beans, week before was strawberry jam (3 kinds).

Hope everyone is hanging in there with this heat!
Yep busy as can be here too! I wouldn't want it any other way.
The only things meat birds do bl4 is eat and poop.
My eight extra roo's are in the freezer and the new chicks are moved from the brooder to the roo's old coop and pen. They sure are enjoying all the space to run and play.

Stay Safe... bigz
meat birds have the brains bred out of them.
chickens learn from example. You take a flock of meaties with no other chickens, and there are none that can set a good example.
So if one lies down, there's your example. Let's all lie down right here..
Jim, you hit it on the head..... I did have two last night that figured it out, but I moved them today and tonight all of them were in a puddle in the middle of the yard......... at least that made them easier to catch.

I do have a hen that is broody again..... I would love to cram her in there with the meaties but when I tried a few weeks ago she wanted nothing to do with them.

Put up 4.5 gallons of pickles last week. Had some cukes leftover so I am trying brined pickles...... we will see what happens.

I am definitely running low on canning jars......... between the honey, pickles, and I need to make sauerkraut again, jams...... it’s a lot.
BL4 , when you butcher, are you going to keep them whole ? or cut them up ?
when we kept them whole, we did not try to dig out the guts through a small hole in the rear.
We did that at first, but I figured out a different way. I sliced the chicken along each side and broke them open like a clam. the back made a "hinge" at about the shoulder blades. Made it real easy to clean out the innards.
There is some dark stuff along the spine , on each side. held in place with some cordy things. those are kidneys. I scoop that out with my finger. chickens and turkeys from the super markets have those left in. I guess I am just a finicky eater..
Our last batch of chickens we cut up into pieces. made packages of drumsticks, breasts and thieghs , wings, backs(for soup/stock)
after the legs and wings are cut off, then I open up the chicken and separate the back from the breast. that's when I pull the innards out.. The necks go in with the backs.
The tail (deacons nose) is discarded..

a panoramic view of my 60 tomatoes
from left
to right


I am sending this just to see if I can send pictures again. I had a new battery put into my phone and for a couple of days I could not send pictures.
It looks like GS has it straightened out for me..
good morning, hospital update:

Annie called me at 7AM . She is feeling good.
On pain meds , so no pain. can walk with her walker to the bathroom. having PT at 7:3oAM.
Can come home on Saturday..

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