Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

there are plenty of places open for food. some are carry out only.
what part of wausau will you be in ?
masks are required in all public places.
LJ33, what kind of work are you doing here?
what part of town is the work at ?
today I made myself a goal. to get the tube into the tire and to feed the tomatoes.
I have the tire pressured up. waiting to see that it holds air before I put in onto the lawnmower.
mixed up 5 gallons of fish emulsion. have about half of the tomatoes fed.. feel pretty good about myself..
I have so many projects started and nothing getting done.. I decided to pick out a project, forget about all the others, and get one done. then I will start on another one.
otherwise nothing gets done..
Jim, I Do insurance investigations. I am a licensed private investigator in Wisconsin and Illinois. We do cases where they suspect fraud. I might end up staying in Rothschild.I have a cap on what I can spend for a hotel per night. It looks like I’ll be working in the area near the island of ferns park.

It’s a gorgeous day for a drive. We’ve had some really nice mild weather in the southern part of the state.

I finally ordered a really nice trail cam, and it should arrive today. I can’t wait to get back home and set it up and really have a better idea of Predator movement
a long time ago one of my bil's was an insurance investigator. I tagged along with him once. Trying to catch a man doing heavy work..
All we saw were cows in a pasture . LoL..
Island of Ferns is downtown .. Near the power station..
@jvls1942 I hear ya on too many projects. x2 on pick one and get it done.

DH is building an office in the bonus area of the 2 story garage. He look last week off work to work on it. He is so disappointed that he didn't get it done, but he has the walls up, most of the insulation is up and the wiring is done. It has been so hot and humid in that closed in area, that he was only able to work on it in the mornings.
Wyo, that is a bummer when work gets in the way of things you want to do..
just do a little when he can. . I built our house mostly at night and weekends.. I took one week of vacation to work on it, but my SOB boss called me back in to work after just two days of my vacation. Just couldn't get along without me.
B>S .. He was trying to be a d#*^. and he succeeded ..
I did quit that job a few months later..
What am I to do!? My daughter brought my 2 grandsons ages 3 and 1 1/2 yrs old. Pixie, my Rhode, would get behind them and tey to attack them with her feet. Glad both boys are in diapers. We had to put her in time out when she tried a third time. She has never done this before

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