Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I hate to say it, but the fees are what is paying for services: road maintenance, fire department, town hall, animal control, ditch maintenance, etc. As the taxes that you pay into the state get divided up, the local governments are getting less and less of a share. They have to make up the difference somehow.

Do I think the fee proposal for having chickens in your town is right, no. Glad to hear that they are trying to work on a good solution. Hope you are legal soon...
Uh your taxes pay for a lot of the items in that list above...... Not fees.

The city of Burlington requires a fee when you change the appliances in your house. Please tell me what the point of that one is?

LJ we should meet for coffee sometime......
the new fed tax forms are goint to be something like this.
A. how much did you make?
B. how much did you pay in taxes.
C. how much do you have left ?
D. give that amount to your local government.
My point was that the local government is not getting enough of the taxes. Therefore, they need to enact fees to pay for what they need to do.
Or do you think the fees go into the pocket of the mayor?
We don't even have a mayor. I am not originally from Wisconsin, so still learning all the ins and outs of jurisdiction, townships vs cities etc.

Ive been a gov employee, I know how taxes work and that we need them to make the world go round. I do think that some are needless and just for pork.
Good early Saturday morning, August is almost all used up. Starting to feel like fall already.
This weekend is canning more tomatoes time.
Youngest daughter will get two dozen quarts if she shows up. this whole "let's can a lot of tomatoes" was her idea in the first place. No show, no tomatoes..
I decided to take the shaft to the fixit shop and have them duplicate it. I just do not have the specialty tools for the job..
The business end splined coupler will cost $58.oo ..
I will put the radiator back onto the tractor. then at least we can use the rear mounted implements.

Happy Saturday morning. I finally got a trail cam. Had it out for a week and other than a few neighbors driving by, or me mowing the lawn, I got nothing. That's a good thing. We had foxes real close in May/June but I haven't seen them for awhile. I will put it in another spot and try to get more of a view toward the river. Have a great day everyone.

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