Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

BL4, did I ever mention the lady we knew in Minn? she collected maple furniture. anything made of maple. She has long since passed on.
I wonder what happened to all of her things.?
I had a productive day yesterday. got the line on the oil pressure gauge fixed. I took all of the kinks out of the line and put a $1.25 fitting on it.
the gauge still doesn't work. I will pick up a new gauge from F&F for $14.99.
then we amended and rototilled a spot for the garlic bed. planted all 54 cloves. all covered with a foot of straw and now waiting for spring.
Dan has become attached to the old chickens. His first experience with chickens.
I don’t think you ever did......

This table sure is a beauty..... a rabbit had chewed up the legs a bit, but a little TLC with the sander and they are as good as new. Table has been stripped, stained, and has one coat of poly on it. Tomorrow we will lightly sand and get the second coat on.

Since we were refinishing furniture, I had my neighbor pull his table out so we could get his top refinished. It will be so nice to play cards on a table that is not sticky!

Chickens are on molting and on fall strike...... we are lucky to get one egg a day out of 18 hens....... and every once in a while we get a duck egg.
yesterday we pulled a piece of wire out of the lawn mower tire and patched the tube.
then mixed gas and oil for the chain saw. Dan has been chomping on the bit to cut some downed tree tops. He did not last too long.
got winded. he smokes a lot..

enjoy this last day of indian summer. we won't see temps like this until spring..
hello ?

not much going on around here. Yesterday I took Ollie and graded the driveway. There are always divots to fill in. I enjoy doing that. easy and relaxing job.
we still have the eight old chickens. got a bag of feed to get rid of before we butcher them.
We were outside most of the weekend, doing fall clean-up. We cleared the front yard of leaves last weekend, and now need to do the same again, lol.
A neighbor came over to sight in his new gun. It was nice to see him and his wife. He is now all set for hunting season, lol.
Nice to see you stop by H&R.....My torn retina had 12 tears, the worst the surgeon ever saw....nothing more important than the eyes.
Place in Shawano butchers poultry, my 7 roo's are going in the Morning...$3 each bagged and flash froze....glad I don't have to deal with it this time around.
Neighbor trapped a huge Bobcat...I'm sure it was the same one that grabbed one of my young pullets...glad he trapped it because they are relentless once they taste chicken.

Stay Safe..... bigz
Before and after....




Good morning,
Dan felt sorry for the chickens in the coop. asked if he could let them out. I said, go ahead. this is the first time those chickens ever went free ranging. . they loved it. they stayed all together, even the three young roosters did.
No fighting at all.
now, with any luck at all, a bobcat will visit and thin the flock. I really do not want to do any butchering..
For fellow WI chicken mamas and papas- what type of chicken doors do you have? I am thinking I will need to invest in an automatic coop door. Our coop door slides up and down. What do you use? What holds up to our winters and predators?
For fellow WI chicken mamas and papas- what type of chicken doors do you have? I am thinking I will need to invest in an automatic coop door. Our coop door slides up and down. What do you use? What holds up to our winters and predators?
I don't have an automatic coop door.
My door is part of the ramp into the run, the whole thing swings up to lock onto the coop. But I rarely close this, I normally leave it open all the time unless we get those -30F weeks, I will close the plank up at night.

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