Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

In regards to the egg eater. If you don't have curtains on the front of the nest boxes, they do help. Chickens won't eat eggs they can't see. If you are collecting often, that really helps a lot. Keep a close eye on the situation is your best bet. Good Luck.
Egg numbers do drop this time of year too.

Stay Safe .. bigz
I sewed curtains for the two nesting boxes, and the girls seem to like their privacy. Divine, our New Hampshire, is a bit, ah, *big*, and doesn’t fit! She lays her eggs just outside the boxes, in the coop!
Every once and a while I'll find yellow gooey yoke type stuff in a box with maybe an egg or two, so I pick out the handfull of nasty bedding and throw it out into the yard and replace. Never any shells, not sure what that means.
As far as eggs go, Lately I've been getting 3-4 a day.
Now, about Eddie, Twice now when they were in the yard by the run and I came out, they came over as usual, and the first time I saw him make a run from behind at me. Of course I turned and let him know that if he messes with me he looses!
The second time as I was going into the coop I felt him against my leg I turned and we exchanged unpleasentries.
For a while I took my chicken herding stick with me.
I'll post a pic of it for you all to see. It's really a work of art.


If you zoom in you can see that these are carved in before painting
I’ve begun walking with a rake, in case he tries to attack me. He charged at me this evening, and I almost dropped the bowl with their night snack!
I would be having chicken soup in the near future if it was my bird.
A bird like that ruins all the enjoyment of having a flock. In my opinion.
They do make the best soup possible.

Stay Safe .. bigz
I would be having chicken soup in the near future if it was my bird.
A bird like that ruins all the enjoyment of having a flock. In my opinion.
They do make the best soup possible.

Stay Safe .. bigz
I would have to agree they would be turned into soup at my place to. No aggressive chickens stay here.
Every once and a while I'll find yellow gooey yoke type stuff in a box with maybe an egg or two, so I pick out the handfull of nasty bedding and throw it out into the yard and replace. Never any shells, not sure what that means.
As far as eggs go, Lately I've been getting 3-4 a day.
Now, about Eddie, Twice now when they were in the yard by the run and I came out, they came over as usual, and the first time I saw him make a run from behind at me. Of course I turned and let him know that if he messes with me he looses!
The second time as I was going into the coop I felt him against my leg I turned and we exchanged unpleasentries.
For a while I took my chicken herding stick with me.
I'll post a pic of it for you all to see. It's really a work of art.
carry a squirt bottle of water. after a while all he has to see is it hanging from y our pocket. c

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