Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

TO are you telling me your nettles are already flowered out? What a day! The lil ones enjoyed the sunshine and fresh air. Going to keep the girls in the coop/run in the AM to see if production is down or if there's a hidden nest somewhere. Only 6 today. Peaches came running up on me from behind today. I turned and gave him a lecture. Think it was an alpha male thing. We had a meeting at the table and I brought it up. He looked at me sheepishly. Think that will take care of it. Forgot in my flurry today to take something out for the grill so did L, doctored frozen pizza for supper. It'll go good with beer and drag racing. Hope you enjoy your beautiful evening!!!!!
Tore up my grassy garden... chooks were mad cuz they stayed in the coop. I usually let them free range but the chicken poop was getting bad... yuck..

Had to spray my crabapple tree because the tentworms were just THAT BAD. I HATE pesticides but I needed to kil them... they defoliated half the tree!

Hit the Madison Farmer Market this morning.... LOVED it.. there were so many little girls with long hair and dresses running amongst the flowers, they looked like butterflies the way they circled and darted and laughed..

Spicy cheese bread
HOT pepper seasoning and chili oil
Very Nice Man GAVE me three pots of basil
cheese curds
Whole muscle jerky
herbs to plant

Hubby bought a big bag o kettle korn

beautiful day
Wonderful Evening to All... I just love all you guys! BCC, you and family are in my prayers....nothing but the best wishes for a good outcome!

Hoping to finally get something planted tommorrow...God knows I've been trying.
Spending time keeping the pasty butts on the buckeyes lookin good. The javas just simply rock, and prolly gonna be a breed for me to work with....we will see.

Doc, I'm so happy you are happy I could just lift one for ya...consider it done. I just love folks in love with simple life. It's just so darn important to make it mean something. Cause it really matters...this truly is as good as it gets. I'm ok with that too!

Stay Safe...Have Fun... ~ bigzio
WOW have some PO'd chickens this morning. Let them out in the run and opened the outer coop door and walked away. Did I ever hear about it. But I gotta know whats going on. They hauled Dad in yesterday. Turns out he's been blowing smoke up our hinders about his kidney tests. Found out that he was supposed to be on dialysis for the last 6 months. One of my sisters got in his face about it. I told her that's exactly what has to be done. I said I was coming over to do just exactly that. She to stay here she did a good job. What stubborn ol cuss. Looks like beautiful weather for the next week should get a lot done. More vehicle cleaning today plus get the fence done in the garden. Think the SLW's have just about doubled in size. Took almost 5 days for them to eat a quart and a half, now 2 days for nearly the same amount. little big: sounds like you had quite the day Sounds like your face might hurt from all the smiling, that's a good thing! The simple joy of children is always a reminder of how you should be as often as you can. It's still in there you just have to let it out. Now go on go skip out to your garden it feels good!
I really love that farmers' market in Madison! Dont get there too often though...always so much to do on a Saturday! We have one here in Lake Mills on Wednesday afternoons. It is pretty good but of course much smaller.
Got all the cedar tree burned up yesterday--what a mess. The wind took the rest of it down and we had to get that cleaned up! Not sure what we will be cleaning up today...maybe just junk in the yard. Got the veggie garden weeded yesterday...potatoes are coming up really well so I hilled them a bit. Had a nice snack of some late asparagus right there in the garden--Man I LOVE that! THe onions are coming along and so is the garlic. Today I think I will risk putting in the tomato plants that DD grew in AG class. THey have been outside anyway so they should be OK.
Went out to supper with DH last night. We were too tired to cook and all the kids were gone. Prime rib at the bar down the road...YUMMY!
Suppose I ought to git...lots of work to be done! Have a great day everyone! Terri O
What a beautiful day and I have to work!

Fm you and your DH have a blast at Larry the Cable Guy tonight!!! Tell me all about it tomorrow....

I love the Madison farmers market.... they do a fairly decent one here in the Valley on College Ave. I'll have to check and see if it is up and going yet....

Now I am trying to figure out where to put the ducks, my veggie garden, and save room for somewhat of a back yard and an area for the dogs to go potty in........

I hope I have some GOOD news to share tomorrow........
that job would be a lifesaver for us..... we could MOVE.
Babylady4 & BCC Good luck!!

Drhaha your family is in our prayers good luck with dad.
What a nice day my twin daughters turned 19 today so we had a small party and a cookout on the grill. Went over to see my dad and he was in ER last night he's got walking pneumonia and an acute sinus infection and his face is all broken out with sores from it.
TO-- hope your hands feel better.
Fordmommy those ducks are AWESOME!
Cedar- Happy Birthday to your twin girls!
Dr. Haha I hope your dad feels better.
Bigzio- Glad to hear the Javas are awesome.

Nice weekend- weather was great and can't complain!
crazy weekend we had my lil cousin because his mommy had his new baby sister on friday so we had a blast with a 1 yr old running around here
althought our saturday was packed we had to add one more bit of fun we had to take out our one rooster he attacked my syd for the last time
he has been getting more and more aggresive and this time he pecked he leg hard ... scared her but she was ok .. he met the ax shortly after so she is one happy girl no need to worry about surprise attacks anymore . then we went to town to meet the new lil one she is just too cute
and had a bunch more stops then got home and got half the yard cut so by sunday after noon i was happy to just sit around the house and do nothing .. yeah right with our kids ha ha ha ha ha ha

glad to see all of you had a great weekend too

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