Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Dr. Haha- Glad to hear that dad's doing better! Have racoons ever got into your chickens? That is one of my fears because we do have coons in the area and they can be nasty little buggers.

Terri- I'll take some of that Rhubarb Torte too! Yum

FordMommy Glad you spent some time with a fellow WI BYC member, good company! Your ducks are cuties, I peeked back at the pic again because they were just adorable.

Bigzio- Yay for the coop! Where is it coming from?

I had a really rough day yesterday--- one of the rabbits that my dad gave me (NOT happy about them lol) was pregnant and unfortunately gave birth and rejected all the babies. She bit and killed a few and threw all of them out of the cage. When I was cleaning up the very sad massacre, I noticed two were barely alive but moving around. I couldn't bear to see them suffer so I took them inside and put them in the incubator. I fed them Soy Milk with an eye dropper and low & behold, they completely perked up and were wiggling around all day in the incubator. Oy. So now I am stuck being a surrogate mother to some feisty rat-looking baby bunnies. The other female rabbit is due any day (grrrr!), so I am going to try and introduce these guys into her brood.
I also had one of my eggs hatched yesterday, so now I have another tiny little silkie chick.
No MTF haven't had any preditor problems yet but know it's coming. 110 acres ajoins my 8 all woods. Plenty of yotees mink, weasels, coon, and whatever else. Even had an otter come up my back road once. Just got home from the track meet. And I went in the garage to check on the lil ones and like Bigz here was one of them on top of the feeder. Na Na Na Na Na Naaa! Busted out laughing. Wore a cut off T today got burned in new spots. We didn't do too bad considering an East wind that lake is notorious for shutting down with one. Crappies were very tight. Had to cast right on top of the trees in the water so the minnow would slide down the log, the furthest they would venture out was about 6 inches. Got a nice meal for both of us. Told the BFF I was going for a grand slam. I caught perch, smallmouth, bluegill and crappies. All that was left was a walleye, northern, a largemouth, and a muskie. Caught something I've never seen before. BFF said it was a cross between a bluegill and a rock bass. It sure looked like it too. Regular bluegill markings and build but with a rock bass mouth. Pretty bizzare. Think he said they cal them a Warmouth. Hope you all had a great day!
Never heard of a warmouth. Did you keep him, DrH, or at least get a picture?? Sounds like a rare occurence.

Well, got a call from Linda Drowns at Sandhill tonight and they shipped my chicks today!
She said they put in 4 extras too. now just hoping hoping hoping they get here tomorrow and not Thurs
Calamus is only about 5 hours from here, so I think there's a good chance they arrive in the morning.

I do have 3 EE's, one week old, from Gray Ghost (thanks Jay!) and they are doing really good. One is littler than the others, but she can get up on the small cardboard box in the brooder, while the other two look up at her and wonder how she does it. I love chick TV!

Need to get in the garden this week too, along with y'all. Planted a 2nd round of lettuce today, the first isn't looking promising, too bad. But all my tomato starts went wild this weekend while we were visiting family. Apparently they thrive on neglect. Anybody ever direct-seed their broccoli? I didn't start any, hopefully will have luck with seeds.

Good night all, will check in again when the babies arrive
I hope you are at the PO right now picking up you babies Amy! How exciting. I am trading some of my goslings for some turkey poults this weekend. I just tried calling him but there is something wrong with the number. I am hoping for an email today.
Yeah--today I have the whole day off!!! I cooked some scrambled eggs and beans and veggies for the parrots for breakfast and they have egg all the way up their beaks! Guess they like eggs too
My friend that I have known since grade school is coming here to spend the day. We are working on the yard for the party. Well, that and losing our voices talking and laughing! I wish she lived closer. BL4--since you didnt get that job (sorry) you can drive down too! Then we can really make a party of it!
I had so much to read to catch up with not being on for a day...I dont know how you all do it responding to all the stuff people say...I forget what I am wanting to type by the time I am done reading so I can only respond to the last couple! Makes me MAD!
I do remember that Grandpa passed away...95 WOW! Can you believe all the things he must have seen in his life? (and if he was anything like some of my clients; how confused he must have been with all the new technologies?) I just love talking to older folks about "the olden days!" Glad it was peaceful....
Oh yeah--RACCOONS!!! They wiped out my entire flock 6 or 8 birds at a time last fall! I was lucky that my neighbor was moving so I could buy her entire flock. They are nothing to mess with...if you are not secure with your enclosure the WILL get in! It might take a while but once they know that there is tasty chicken to be had they keep returning until they kell them all of the coop is secure.
I have been having a different problem here...something has gotten 2 or 3 of my ducks. I find the skeleton totally intact with the meat chewed off. Any ideas? Mr Mr--my tame Pekin duck from Florida got eaten 2 nighs ago and his female (that I got at Beaver Dam) was also taken a week before that. This creature doesnt seem to be going after the Muskovies just the Pekins and Mallards. I have no idea...
Well, Jen should be pulling in at any time--better get a new pot of coffee on!!! Have a great sunny and productive day everyone! Terri O
HI!!! I just wanted to introduce myself
I don't have any chickens yet, but we are working on it
The short version: I am a single Mom of 2 kids (2 and 5) and my boyfriend and I are fixing up a coop on his land in Somerset. (I live in MN, but the kids and I are there on weekends). We want mostly silkies, but will probably get others, too
I also want to get some Guineas to raom around, since the ticks are HORRIBLE! We are thinking about going to the feed store in New Richmond on Sunday (have to check their hours...) to look at what they have for feed, DE, etc, and see if we can order chicks/keets from them. Where do you guys get yours? Do any of you have any I could buy?
Their coop is one of his old sheds, so it is going to be BIG! I will get measurements this weekend. We also planted our...well, my garden, really
.. this weekend! We have: corn, peas, tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, zucchini, lettuce, spaghetti squash, carrots, onions, and watermelon. I think that's it! I LOVE being there, I was definately born to live in the country, not the city! LOL! The kids and I are moving there next summer, after school gets out
Christine! We always like new faces

Well, no phone call from the PO this morning. I assume the chicks didn't get there yet (unless they have shipments arrive during the day?
) I'm gonna have to call them anyway and ask for an early-morning wake-up call tomorrow because I have a dentist appt at 9. Really don't want the babies sitting there until noon.

I think I'm gonna make a chicken wire box so the EE babies can be outside for a bit without me chasing them all over creation. The projects never stop...

Get OUT and enjoy this gorgeous weather, people!!!!!!!!

eta: Had a barn swallow fly inside the house this morning - it got stuck between a window and the couch so it was easy to catch. They're so pretty! One of my fave wild birds. Well, that was my excitement for the day, LOL.
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amyable I too am waiting for a box of babies! Mine should be here next week and I am keeping my fingers crossed they are not all DOA

FM I picked up that duck starter today from the co-op; just let me know if you want me to drop it off or if you want to pick it up.

Dr. H, the store we went to is the Stevens Point area Co-Operative; a wonderful store that sells herbs, bulk foods, organic foods, and natural health products. My favorite place to eat lunch in Point is the Wooden Chair; if you ever get the chance check it out!

Christine! I don't have chickens either; I just end up being the surrogate hatcher!
I have a call duck in the bator right now and more babies in the mail so I hope by Memorial Day we will have 7 babies (

Since I worked yesterday I have tomorrow off!
FISHING!!!!! Maybe I will get my garden planted too...

BL4, tomorrow would be fine. I know you have the day off and I plan on being home most of the day.

I got some Bobwhite Quail eggs from a guy off craigslist today.
hoping that more than one make it this time. And I stopped by BCC's. Babies, babies, everywhere!!!! She has her hands full, that's for sure!

When I was coming back from Appleton, I saw a HUGE bobcat dead on the road near the Waupaca Airport.
I haven't seen one in years! Too bad it was dead.
So pretty!

Anyway. Back outside for me. The sun is shining!!!! The sun is shining!!!! The sun is shining!!!!
Great day today-been busy all day with some paperwork and getting the outside area ready for the turkeys to move to-they will be protected under our 2nd story deck-but I have to move all the items that was stored there for the last 3 years

all the new faces, glad to have you here!

hope everyone's relatives, who are sick, are starting to feel better

tomorrow we go into lock down with hatch date Sunday May 23rd-
we will candle tonight after 4-H dog training and have to divide the basket so we know which birds are which-they are all Andalusians but came from 2 different pens. They won't be big enough for this years fair but will be for next year.

Had to take the old grumpy dog to the vet today for his annual check up and talk to the vet about his not feeling good again. Sent me home with some Rimadyl to try. Our Hobbes is 11.5 years old and has been at deaths door several times in the last year and half-of course the tests they did came back fine so it is puzzleing as to what might be happening. Of course he doesn't like the vet at all so it doesn't help them try and exam him either.

Well off to dog training so I need to get supper made-grilling some hamburgers and eating left overs from our Sunday party for our DS(8) first communion.

Warmouth is a hybrid between bluegill and Rock bass some lakes have them in I don't care cfor them the meat is a little soft. My dad has some in his pond I'll try and get pics they look like a gill but have a larger mouth.
Coons are bad news and I haven't been hit yet hope it never comes

Everyone who is fishing good luck the sun is pretty high this week.

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