Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I think I sat for a total of 5 min yesterday (driving does not count!). First thing in the morning I ran to my moms on my bike to pick her rhubarb, come back home and pick mine as well so a local friend can use it for baking. Drop off the rhubarb on my way to FM's where I drop off 1/2 a bag of duck starter and chit-chat for a bit. Then, off to the country greenhouse for my container flowers. I pick up lunch for DH and myself, then off to my moms to pick her up to take her to the same greenhouse! I get back home and start planting. Three hanging baskets, four window boxes, and a container later I am off to the store to pick up something to grill for dinner. After supper head over to another friend's house so I can check out an old dog house of hers for a possible duck home. She askes if I would like to assist her in transporting a horse that evening! Of course I would jump on that, so off I run home to change quick. She picks me up and off we go to get the horse. Due to a bad trailering experience, it took a while to convince her that she would be fine and that we were going to move at her pace..... the funniest part was after about an hour of gentle coaxing all it took to get her in was a little slap on the rump!

Well, off to Bay Beach Wildlife sanctuary for a field trip with a bunch of second graders. It is a day for the ducks!

Oh, and the little call duck is poking at the air cell membrane!
BL4 Even after rereading your post still not sure who had the bad trailering experience and got slapped on the rump. Your friend or the horse?
Morning! That was funny DrH...I was thinking the same thing!
BL4 your post made me tired just reading it! That is a lot of running. I dont like days like that at all. This morning I was able to cut my running for this day: I had to take DD18 to school because her car has a broken tie rod, so I thought as long as I was in town I might as well go and shower my one client instead of going home and coming right back into town...funny thing is I took my daughter in my PJs!
SO I went to his house and he was still asleep! His wife forgot that I was coming today and I WAS an hour early! So we had a good laugh and a cup of coffee. Got my work done there and now I am home for the rest of the day!
So I am sitting here in the "cage room" watching the parrots eating their breakfast. (and
of course!) I am disappointed that I did not get the beans and peas in yesterday! That rain last night would have been so good for them. I love a nice soft rain like that in spring! I woke up to it and thought about the beans and my laundry still on the clothesline....and the rain put me right back to sleep. I guess today will be a house cleaning day--only forced to do it because it is too damp outside to work. I am going to take it easy though; like everyone else I am worn out from all the outside stuff the past few days!
Have a great one everybody--Terri O
Well-I got the bathroom painted yesterday. It really is pretty! A pale blue/green. And even though I don't care much for blue paint, I really like how bright and airy it is in there. Almost summery...beachy.....like.

I am glad it is raining. We can use some. AND it's just one day.

DH bought a "new" truck. "NEW" for us that is. A 1999 F350 with the 4 full doors and a v10 and a 8 foot bed. Great deal. Can't pass that up. Now we have 2 trucks for sale if any one is interested. One with a plow on it and one with a back seat in it. PM me if you're interested.

Today is the last day of school for my youngest. We're having a picnic and stuff. It probably will be inside today. He is sad that school is done for this year. Me too! I like taking him there for a brake. But I miss him when he's gone.....a little......

P.s. The incubator is full again!!!!
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THEY ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! 29 Sandhill babies, no losses, 5 breeds
PO called at 6:30 Thurs morning, I'd been awake since 5 on pins and needles (for me, that is wicked early

They sent:
6 Ancona (I reallyreally wanted those
6 Golden Polish
6 Buff Laced Polish (now what am I gonna do with a dozen Polish??)
6 Black Sumatra
5 Frizzle

Plus the 3 EE pullets, so 32 babies in the brooder

More ornamental types than I wanted, but that's what I get for choosing a random assortment. Wondering what actual breed the Frizzles might be? I read they were just a mutation found in many breeds. These chicks are the spunkiest, cutest little buggers. My son is in love!

BL4, did you get your chicks yet?


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Ha ha ha what a bunch of comedians! You guys. I was typing fast this morning so yes it was the HORSE that was on the receiving end of the slap, my friend was on the other end with the rope and the head......

Bay Beach Wildlife sanctuary was beautiful. I was able to get some really nice pics of some wood ducks, teals, and of course the canada geese and some mallards.....

Off to help with stalls......
Afternoon Everyone.... Congrats on your new peeps Amyable. Thanks for sharing the pics of the newbies, they sure look good and healthy. Even though the polish are considered mostly ornamental today, they were originally an egg breed and might provide alot of eggs for you. I'm glad they all arrived nice and safe!

I hope they turn out to be a happy healthy flock for you!

Jennie is stopping for tacos tonight...I'll try to get some pics posted later.

~ bigzio
Hi all! How is every body?
I am trying to sell my baby chicks. I have 21 st.run mix breed chicks hatched out on Monday.
They are $3 each. They vary badly need a home. I am in St.Croix WI. I hatched them all out
for some guy, and the day he was going to pick them up he said he cant any more! And i cant have more chicks right now.
So if any body would like to buy some that would make my day. I am willing to drive 20mil from my house if you cant pick up.
They are vary healthy all from good healthy egg layer chickens. Breeds are JG, NHR, White Leghorn, Cochin, and BO.




Some will be pure JG. Please PM if you would like to buy some!
Thank you for your time,

Chicken Girl
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So babylady4 is slapping rumps and Terri O is showering with her client.

Fordmommy- congrats on finishing painting--- it's a chore-- and the new truck. We buy used too.
Bigzio- What did you plant in your garden? And I'll take some of that bass too! Can't wait to see your pics of the coop and javas!!! Yay!
BIGBadCryBaby--- I'm so sorry to hear about Elvis- He was a cutie and I know you were really hoping to find a home for him. Wish I could have taken him. Hope to see you at our bash on the 30th.....
If anyone else will be near Milwauke, you are more than welcome at our Memorial weekend cookout.


Amyable- those chicks are just darling. I love all the breeds you listed. Especially the Polish. I unsuccessfully tried to hatch some awhile back.

Got in some gorgeous Indigo Egg Silkies and I'm enjoying them. Also finally put up my coop buildings pages on "My BYC Page" if anyone wants to see... please excuse my really goofy sense of humor on them.
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Stop tempting me with more babies, people! I cannot build another coop right now!

Lost one golden Polish sometime this afternoon, not sure why. Maybe just weak. Hope it will be the only one. Bigz, I sure hope these Polish strains are good layers
Otherwise that's a lot of lightweight birds to put in freezer camp.

Supposed to hit 80 degrees tomorrow, wow! And after the rain it's gonna get humid. Will be dressed up for a wedding, oh boy. Have a terrific weekend everybody!

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