Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

BL4 You are beyond a doubt one of the most infected people on here. Makes me like you. Especialy if your willing to suck up this heat! Hope your incoming survive! WWW sorry for the sad news! KAQ is there enough room in that pool for me too? I'd play nice, promise! CG if your not in sales you should be. Those pics make me hurt. I'm doin great! How are you? Becky, once again I busted out laughing. It was the pic of the frizzled blue what a great pic! Bet you do laugh at him, I would! Beautiful flock!!!! Bigz are there windows like that all the way around the new condo? BBCB JP is playin on the jukebox right now. My foot fell asleep as I swallowed my candy. I see this morning that there's 2 new albums for sale one's on vinyl too. HHHHMMMMMM!!!!! Got muscles in his head ain't never been used. Amy sooo glad to hear Jerry made it home to his food bowl! Now get some sleep!
I laid the box fan down on one end of the brooder box on low and lil ones seemed to appreciate it. Took em a minute to get used to it then there were a few doing their Marlon Brando on a trailer impressions from "The Wild One" BORN TO BE WILD! PEEP PEEP PEEP! Not so lil rebels anymore. Have to go check to make sure they haven't assembled a chickcycle from the "good stuff". Stay
I went out to Fleet in Point today and bought a pool. 18'x48"!!!
Now I am setting it up and it will probably take until tomorrow.
Not to mention a month to get warm.
But.......I GOT A POOL!!!!
Yeah for the pool! I could sure use one here today...good thing we've got the lake--I do believe I will be heading there with the kids after dd18 gets out of school! Speaking of DD18.....she got the Jon Davies scholarship last night at the awards program...deep breath...it is for $20,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am SO PROUD of her! (I am also still in disbelief!)

Right now I am sitting under the fan-just home from work-soon to be changed and outside seeing what needs to be watered. Man it is a hot one here today. Got a bunch done on the yard over the weekend...now I have to start thinking about food. I am making turkey sandwiches but really do not want to start the oven to roast the turkey...maybe I will do it in the Nesco out on the picnic table! Yup--good idea methinks! Guess I better get a move on for that...got to drag out the recipe books and go to the store too...wonder how many people will show up? LOL--stay cool! Terri O
Congrats to your DD, Terri O!

And yes. We have lakes here too. Over 100 in Waupaca County alone. But a pool here at the house will be nice too. Sometimes you just don't feel like dealing with other people. We still will go to our local watering holes. We have 2 nice swimming lakes within 3 miles of our house. But the peace and quiet of home is nice too.
I totally agree FM...besides then after dark you and DH (oops...this is a family site isnt it? *blush)

Well I am sorry to say that I need all of your prayers and well wishes again....I feel like such a dope! The brick wall on one part the tortoise garden fell down sometime today while I was at work and BOTH torts escaped and went on walk about!
The good thing is that I went immediately to the plowed field (now planted with corn) and there was Stuart! He was walking along in the exact same place I found him last time when he was gone for 6 (really long)days! So I looked for Monty for about 4 hours...he did not turn up. I am very sad. I was just comenting to DH yesterday how he knows to go back into his little house when it is bed time...I am saying prayers again and I will resume the search tomorrow as soon as I wake up.

to the "new" people that must have been here before I joined...you guys seem to know them. I cant remember the name of the pweson from Milwaukee but I just wanted to say good luck on your chicken welcome thing...whatever you called it...it was a cute name! I hope you get to keep chickens there! Any word on Franksville? Did their motion pass? My BIL lives there and I know that he would love to have chickens...they always rave about our eggs when we bring them over.

I am soaking my feet in cold water with icy hot in it in hopes that they will feel better! I stood too long today and walked too many fields. Besides I have bad bliksters from sandals over the weekend...I need to find something more comfortable to wear in the summer. My Redbacks are just too warm for this weather!

Well--off to read the boards and catch up on email---goodnight all...turn on those house and ceiling fans! Terri O--who does not have AC either!
yes dr ha ha i think there would be enough room it is a 20' X 12' and 4 ' deep so i think you could get all wet just have to finish filling it have it about a 1/4 of the way so far .. and we are filling it with nice cold well water ... let just say the kids highlight of the summer is filling the pool and then having there legs frozen the first time they wade in the pool it takes a bit to warm up enough to swim but it wont take long with the wheather we are having this week if it keeps up for a while ... will have to water garden lots lol... hope to get the rest planted this week
Terri O.......
and more for Monty's FAST and SAFE return.

Hope you all are staying cool. The pool is half filled up. OMG it's HUGE!!!!!!!!
I didn't think it would be that big. I guess I could of bought the smaller one.

And BL4....baby all comfy, cosy?
Baby is ramming around cleaning himself and finally found the water! He is not too sure about that hard crumble stuff as food, but I think when hunger kicks in he will adjust. (and I have no idea if it is a he or a she so I may say either one until we know....)
We put a old McDonalds Blue Jay beenie baby in the brooder to keep him company until his playmates arrive (alive I hope!
). I can't get over how TINY he is! Smaller than the chicks I have hatched out!

I swear this was a Friday the 13th instead of a Monday....
one of those Murphy's Law days where if something is going to go wrong it will. At least I did not get fired so that is a bright spot, and the little duckie too!

Another scorcher for tomorrow,...... I am just waiting for the big thunderboomers to arrive!!! Bring it on!
Hi all!

Lots of silkie chicks hatching here- getting a new incubator really helped! Decided to add on yet ANOTHER run area to my existing runs. Wish me luck in the hot weather.

Great pics of the coop and buckeyes!
Everyone must be outside in their pools
FM I'll bring the tequila you bring the limes and we'll have some fun in the sun by the pool!

Still waiting for confirmation the babies have shipped..... maybe they are waiting until tonight so they do not have to travel in this heat.... poor little guy is lonely.

Not much happening here. Contractor is working on the bathroom getting the tub surround up and in
I can't WAIT to take a bath in my private pool/tub!!!!! I'll try to post pics when I can.

Keep cool everyone!

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