Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

BuckCreek- Those pics are majestic looking. Gorgeous birds!
Terri- I love the goats. I've been wanting to get a pair so I have been avidly reading and learning about them.
Dr. Ha- Yum on the black raspberries. Those are my favorites and unfortunately with all the clay in our soil, they don't seem to grow well here. When do yours usually ripen?

Had a miserable day yesterday. Candled my lav silkie eggs and they were all duds- prob got shook up at the PO. Than USPS also delayed two boxes of Silkies I had coming, 1 arrived with 6 beautiful but dead silkies yesterday. Today is better though, the other box I rec'vd this morn and thankfully they are all alive and just beautiful in coloring.
Thanks! I try!

Now where to start. WHY is that when I have eggs in the bator there's a power outage?????
BL4 lives just 8 miles from me and had all that rain AND had power. I was out of power for 45 minutes and less than an half a inch of rain.
Thank goodness I had to brains after last time to go to Menards and buy that plug-in for a cigerette lighter. Best $7.00 I ever spent. I think it was 2 Christmas's ago, I bought DH a portable battery charger thingy that has a cigerette lighter plug-in on it too. We just brought that in here and plugged in the adapter and bing, bang, bomb......eggs are toasting again.

Got a ton of things going on right now. I made Deviled Eggs and Tropical Fruit Salad yesterday. And this morning I baked the B-day cake. He wanted Jello cake with strawberry jello for his B-day. Well-of coarse I had to take it up a notch. I also added fresh cut strawberries to the batter and after I frost it with pudding & whip cream frosting, I'll add fresh cut strawberries slices to the top.

Since Sunday I have been letting the big girls free range with access to their coop part for the nesting boxes. I kept the run door closed and been putting the big babies in there for the day time. So yesterday, I moved all the big babies into the big coop with the big girls. There was hardly a squabble between the ladies and the babies. Mostly squabbling between the babies themselves. Last night they all slept in the big coop together.

Then I took the little babies and moved them to the new coop. And the ducklings went in a cage outside for the daytime. At night I put them back in the garage.

I am exhausted! I think I need this party just as much as DH. I'll try to check in later. Have a GREAT day everyone!!!!
TO I can just see Stuart with a little tin cup rattling it on the fence. ATTICA ATTICA!!! Thanks for all the tips! I made the last loaves from the same flour and they were great. Didn't know about the salt last trick. Will have to read up on proofing yeast bought it last week with good dates. What I think happened was that it wasn't warm enough in the house for it to rise after a half an hour I turned the oven on and set them on there but too late. Had L pick up a thermometer that covered the 105-115* needed for it. My first thought was to give it to the girls then remembered the lettuce coming. After cutting it found it was pretty raw in them middle so their ending up with it a little at a time wouldn't want to spoil them.
The big girls are now going into morning lock down until there done laying only 3 eggs today. Got the cage and put the young ones in it they were having a ball. Peaches just blew me away. He was walking around the cage for almost an hour eating grass and scratching showing the lil ones how to do it. Then he picked a blade of grass and stuck his beak in the cage and one of the lil ones took it from him. I couldn't believe it I thought that was really really neat! He always calls the girls when he finds something to eat then stands there and lets them eat it. He has surpassed any expectations that I could even imagined. Then it hit me he was giving candy to little girls.
Oh man--you have a perve for a rooster! Better watch him when those little girls are out! Maybe he was just showing them how nice he was...ya know...so they wouldnt be scared of him. (sheesh--that sounds bad too!)

You have the worst luck with power outage Fordmommy--reminds me of this place before we go the new transformers along the highway. A little thunder miles off and our power would go out--just teasers though, enough to have to reset all the clocks! We did lose it on this last one for a while though--long enough to make me late for work one day...or was that last week? I have a funny story about that. My dd24 came out to the barn and said we had no water. I thought, "GREAT--what am I going to do?" With my mind in overdrive trying to think of ways to get the barn well water into the house I finished the chores and went in. She said, "watch now it will work." And it did! It was really weird...then I saw that the coffee pot clock was blinking so we must have had another of those "blink outs!" My daughter thought she was going crazy for sure.

All my people were really crabby today...it was not a fun day. I didnt find Monty when I got home and I am out of cat food...I think I will sign my name with only 2 R's...Terri O
Evening to All....Mother Nature is keeping us dry here. I can't believe Wega is only 30 minutes away from here, and we never saw a drop of rain....

Planted most of the last garden. Still a few rows to go.

The peeps are growing fast. Time to get the new coop ready for them. I need a day off....prolly ain't gonna happen though. I think I deserve a long tall bottomless cool one!

~ bigzio
Great Morning to everyone!!! fm sounds like your party is coming together nicely. TO still vibin for Monty! I've always said whoever said it's a dogs life was never owned by a cat. Bigz hope you enjoyed the beverages of your choice. I know I did. MTF I agree black raspberry pie is right near the top of the fav's list. Don't mind all the tooth pickin later. Heading out to drop my first tree for the wood shed real shortly. Breaking in myself slowly. The girls are in lock down till at least 10 AM. Looked for their nest yesterday no luck. Better get movin.
After camping out in the duck house for several nights, no fox has returned and no more losses. The Havahart trap arrived today so I am hoping that will get Renyard! Current score.... Fox-3, Poultry-0 The ducks have become used to the armed and crazy woman in the lawnchair and will probably miss me when the fox war is over. Hope everyone is enjoying the cooler temps and lower humidity.
You ordered from efowl, right? The one good thing I've heard about them is that they tend to throw in a LOT of packing peanuts - free birds! They're usually chicks (and roosters at that), but still...

Plus, I've heard that their Call ducklings ship from Minnesota, so that's a nice, quick trip for them.

I haven't been on this board in ages! Hi again - I'm reading through the last few pages to catch up!

EDIT: I know this was a few pages back, but beckyschicks - your Columbian Cochin is a pullet!
I have 8 of them right now that are 2 months old and turned out to be 3 cockerels and 5 pullets. Plus, I have two Mottled Cochins that are still a little young to sex, but I'm pretty sure right now that they're a pair!

Here's one of the Columbians at 5 weeks old (pullet named Bridgette):

And here they were out in the yard last week - with "Henry" looking at me! I'm pretty sure that Henry and the pullet standing next to him are both split to Lavender (the breeder told me that the ones that were split to lavender would have more solid black in their hackles, so I just have to wait and see if they molt out of it or not!), so if I pen them together, 25% of their offspring will be Lavender Columbians ("Coronations"). I'm excited so see how they turn out, and if I really ended up with a pair of Columbians split to Lavender!


And, while I'm sharing pictures, here are a few of my Holderreads ducklings that arrived the first week of April, remember?




Okay I'm done now.
I loved the pictures of your goats, Terri and those new parrots are gorgeous!
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