Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Those ducks always remind me of Roman-nosed horses.
Spent some time catching baby grasshoppers for the chicks today, that is entertaining. Also gave the chicks the run of the entire coop, they love it. The 3 EE's are almost 3 times as big as some of the Sandhill chicks, and can jump/fly up on all the roosts already (only 2.5 weeks old). We were impressed.
Of the 5 Frizzles, one is definitely frizzling, not sure of the other 4. I don't care too much, but I can tell that one will be a cutie. I can't wait til these little guys grow up so I can turn them loose on the bugs!

Ok, half the garden is in, aiming to finish it this weekend. DH got the pond pump hooked up yesterday, so no more dragging 3 hoses to reach the garden from the house.

Terri, that is the greatest pic of Stuart. I agree, it looks like a prison break! Still praying for Monty's homecoming

Have a great Memorial weekend, all. THANK YOU VETERANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our garden is almost all in too. Our soil is basically two feet of sand, and then solid sandstone here, so we do all container gardening in EarthBoxes (which really are amazing!). So far, we have lots of tomatoes, peppers, beans, eggplants, cucumbers, and pumpkins in (we started the peppers, cucumbers, and beans from seed ourselves this year!) - still have to get the rest of the squash and zucchini planted.
Thanks for all the prayers and such for Monty...I am feeling that he will need it! They baled the hat in the back today and I sure hope he didnt go that way! I am keeping my vigil for him in hopes that he is out when I am looking. He WILL come home!
Got the raspberries mulched today, chairs powerwashed, rest of the flowers in the ground and al the houseplants moved and fertilized. That was after noon. This morning I worked with one client, bank, post office and grocery shopped for the party and got the turkeys roasting in the Nescos. It smelled like Thanksgiving in our yard! I need to take them out yet tonight and refrigerate them. Tomorrow I turn them into turkey with cream gravy! MMM--I cant wait to eat a sandwich! I forgot to go to the mill so I am going to run out of corn tomorrow...I am hoping that my neighbor will sell me some or I will have to go to F&F and buy it. THe yard is looking good--got the edges mowed tonight and the rest will be mowed tomorrow in preparation for Monday. Now I am hearing that they are thinking some rain on Monday? I am glad we rented a tent if that is the case. YOu just never know about Memorial Day!

Welcome back Annarie! I missed you. Those ducks sure grew up quick! It really is a Roman nosed look that that first one has! I lovew the pics of the chicks too...so cute. I have to get my youngest ones outside too...they are plenty big enough but the one Ancona hen that I have seems to have a bit of a wheezing when she breathes so I am watching them for an extra week. THe turkeys are doing fine and they decided that the tub I had them in was too small....half were out this morning so today they all went out with the little chicks...they werre freaked for a bit but settled down quickly. That's what they get for jumping out!

Well--gotta go out and fed and them I am off to bed--lots of cooking to be done tomorrow! Good night--sleep tight--Terri O
Glad to have you back Annarie! Your birds are beautiful!

Anybody want the freebies when they arrive??? What the heck am I going to do with chickens??????

Took the little duck outside for a swim in a rain-filled metal washtub.
it was SO FUNNY!!!!!!! He was terrified at first and paddling like a maniac! After a minute he calmed down and started to enjoy himself so much he started going after bugs and even took a dive!

I can't wait for his friends to arrive!!!! I ordered on the 12th of May so I am thinking they will hatch this Saturday. That would get them here Tuesday IF they are coming from MN and they take one day to ship (no mail Monday....)....

TO, you need to put GPS on your turtles...... I hope you find him!

Looking forward to my vacation!!!!
Former cheesehead and before that a FIB.
Now in South Dakota but just returned from Madison Wisconsin.
Well-the party was great. Lots of food! BL4 wasn't able to make it because of work but we went rummage saling today and later I brought her a bunch of food for her and her family. Nice day!

I let the ducklings play in the kiddy pool today for the first time. That is good entertainment! They'd swim round and round the edge as fast as they can.
Mind you, they are only 2 weeks old in these pics taken today! Hunka chunka's!!!!

In this pic, the little yellow and black one is shaking the water out of his ears.....at least that's what it looks like.

I also got a lot of bulbs planted today. Gotta little sun too. I am beat! I'm headed to bed here in a little bit. Have a nice night everyone!
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Annaire- Those are gorgeous birds and great pics of them!
Fordmommy- Glad the party went well! Whooot!

SuzyQ- A southern WI meetup would be bananas- I would def. go!

We have a big memorial day bash tommorow and my MIL is coming in on her broomstick...er... on a plane this afternoon. Should be lots of fun and hopefully BigBadCrybaby will come. Where are you BBCB anyway? Hope things are okay!
Good Morning Everyone!!!! Sitting here watching a doe watch Bob. Glad your party turned out fm was DH surprised or did all the prep give it away? What kind of a head count do we have for the Bash? Don't blame anyone for not driving long distance for it. Regional meets would be cool as long as pics were shared. Great pics of all the animals! Making L sit down with me this weekend and figure out how to do it. Howdy pongoid! Do you have fam in Wi? Was thinking about Tyler the other day and wondering how things were going with them. Been a long time since he's chimed in. Glad you brought it up Amy! Hope everyone takes a minute this weekend to remember our missing brothers and sisters and if you can, personally thank a vet. We might not be here without them. "B" really calmed down since Peaches moved in but being locked up has brought the B back out of her. She just screams at me when I'm outside. And she doesn't liked to be laughed at when she's mad either. WOW! A lot to do before the heat kicks in, hope everyone's partys go well, have a good time enjoy your company!
Dr. H, I think PP is settling into his new digs. I'll bet he will chime in soon enough. He should be at the bash.

FM thanks for the fun morning yesterday! You make me want to quit my job even more! Oh and THANK YOU for all the food! Completely wonderful stuff! LOVE the pics of your duckies in the pool! They would eat mine I think....... mine at 1 week is a dwarf compared to those monsters!

See everyone in 2 weeks!

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