Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Oh Amyable, if you could only see my flower beds! The milkweed is just about taking over!!!! And I know about the Monarchs; my kids are pros at finding the eggs, caterpillars and then raising them to adults. They even sex them correctly (which is another story....)

I have a daughter with Epilepsy, so seeing the cat is no big deal. The kids have seen him do this before but it has been so long you forget what it looks like. BTW the cat is just fine, he has been taking a few more naps than normal but that is to be expected.

Grilling some French Onion brats tonight; some potato salad, broccoli and chocolate pudding will be the supporting players.
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Hey all, glad to hear everyone is doing well. I'm so excited because the Hen group's chicks are coming next week!! We're getting a Speckled Sussex, an Easter Egger, and a Golden Campine via mailorder, and then a Silkie from MeettheFlockers! We've also got our two English Angora rabbits to add to the family--my daughter named them Peter Pan and Wendy. Wendy was a VERY expensive rabbit, because I went to pick her up in Oshkosh and was almost there when the engine blew out in my car. The lady was kind enough to meet me at my dead car and bring the bunny to me, but then I had to get towed all the way back to Milwaukee where my mechanic had my new engine waiting. We knew the engine was dying we just didn't think it would break before we could take it in this week. Whoops! I'm just really glad I didn't have my kids in the car because it was about 90 degrees yesterday, and it's no fun sitting on the side of the road for an hour+ in that kind of weather. But a $200 tow fee later and I was home.

I'm hoping to get a lot done in the yard this week--we'll see. I've got to get the tiller fixed so I can finally get the garden in. Anybody with small engine skills want to stop by?
Keedokes, are you the gal who contacted me regarding putting a coop on my farm? How is that whole effort going?

Hello everyone, good to be back. Took me a couple of hours to read through all the posts since I've been gone a week, missed you guys. I'm almost finished getting my outdoor run done, should have the chickens out by the end of the week. Here are some pics for all of you who need visuals.

Jerry Lee. He's not camera shy.


My Purebred Ameraucanas


Some SLW pics for you, Dr. H!!!



And the silkies are enjoying the outside!


Talk to you all soon!
I had a surprise when I came home from the cottage to lock up, two chicks with there egg teeth yet, looked all over no mom in site, but it was dark so, took them in, kept them warm, looked the next morning still no mom, left to pack up, my DH got home first by noon and he found mom with 11 more chicks, so a total of 13 unexpected chicks, cute little ones to, even some calico looking ones
BBCB- Glad to see you back- we missed you guys at the party this weekend but we had a great turnout- Brianna even came with her whole family. Jerry Lee is adorable- that is a fantastic pic!

Congrats on the new chicks Buck Creek!

Building another run on the coop and it's almost finished. I have 20+ eggs hatching any minute now too. Talk about a full house.
I had a lone Runner duckling hatch last night.

Actually, I hatched it - the duckling really didn't do anything. It's been so humid in out house, even running the incubators dry I haven't been able to get the eggs to lose enough moisture. Of the 5 Runner eggs due yesterday, I listened to two of them pip into the air cell, peep for three days, and then slowly go quiet and silent. I poked an air hole and saved one - I didn't get to the other in time.

I checked two of the other eggs this morning and they died without ever pipping into the air cell - they were cemented in all the extra egg white. The last egg might still be alive - it looks a little behind in development, so either it quit last week or it's a slowpoke that might try to hatch yet.

At least the lone duckling that is out is a color I haven't hatched from my Runners yet - a really pretty, light dusty yellow. I think it will end up being sort of Lavender - and she's looking very healthy!


I took these great pictures of my 8-week-old Columbian Cochins this morning that I wanted to share with you all - have I mentioned how excited I am to finally have Columbians?


Hope all of you get a chance to get outside and enjoy this gorgeous day before all the rain this week!
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Barely morning yet but Good Morning to All! Just came in from some more weeding with my comb. Time for lunch and a nap. MTF it does sound like a full house, should be neat! BCC sounds like mama had her wings full good thing you took in the lil ones! BBCB glad to hear from you! Broke into a big grin when Jerry Lee's pic came up. Tell him I said he's a handsome boy. Scrolled down and saw the SLW's and my heart melted then read the caption. Thanks man! And who doesn't love silkies? Nice nest boxes too. Keedokes sounds like it was bad timing but that you were prepared for the engine to blow. Glad the kids weren't with you too. Forgot to mention that yesterday at the the home one lady asked " how do you know where the tail is?" my response was it's on the the opposite end of the beak. Didn't make her feel bad I think but everyone got a chuckle. There were all kinds of questions about the chicks. I told them about their coloration and how it would change. Going to take one back in when she's a big girl for them to see. Was thinking while weeding this morning about selling the car that there will be 2 additional stipulations to them buying it. First is that if their ever in a postion to do so give someone deserving a deal like they just got. Second is the recipe for spicy mexican pork. I could eat mex every day! Looked on the web and none so far has come close to authentic. I so miss the mexican resturant downtown. It was great! It was a local family from G'ma who was about 150 down to the small children. They all helped out. It was like sitting at their supper table super nice people! Best margarita's I ever had and that's saying a lot! Now I'm really hungry!
Hi! Yeah, I am! We're hoping to get a meeting together on the 13th, and when that happens I'm going to get a coop building committee together. At that point we'll plan the coop and hopefully build it before the chicks need to be outside. Not that I would mind in the least if they stayed at our house, but my husband has lots to say about that.
It's great to find you on here!
Hi! Yeah, I am! We're hoping to get a meeting together on the 13th, and when that happens I'm going to get a coop building committee together. At that point we'll plan the coop and hopefully build it before the chicks need to be outside. Not that I would mind in the least if they stayed at our house, but my husband has lots to say about that.
It's great to find you on here!

PM me when you get a chance and let me know what the plans are. Sounds like you guys are full speed ahead.

MTF sorry to miss that party, I missed most of the weekend working, and the girls were out of town. It'd have been a fun time, I'm sure.

Doc, good to hear from you! Everytime I go for one of the hens now Jerry Lee starts making all sorts of noise and puffs out his chest at me, that's when I smile and go to give him a hug and runs away. Guess he's figured out he's a little under-sized by about 230 lbs to rooster #1. Still, you gotta love him for being protective. I've got one EE in isolation now, she's got a chewed up tail, was bleeding like crazy the other day and I found a couple of hens feeding off bits of her. Yuch. I fixed her up and penned her, and she was going at herself until I lathered her behind in vick vaporub. Those birds will really do a number on each other and in a hurry.

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