Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Had BigBadCryBaby over a couple days ago for coffee and to view the chicken houses & runs. It was really nice to see you BBCB!

Looks like I will make it to the meet this weekend, not sure if I'll be there right at noon since it's a 3 hour drive, but I'll do my very best!
Good rainy morning all! I decided to do all my outside stuff yesterday and my running today. Looks like I made a good call. Yup Bigz any northern over about a foot is filletable in that stretch of river. Every species of fish in there is fat. Good forage base. I used to pickle the northerns but haven't caught enough to pickle and eat off the grill. They are right at the top of my eatin fish list. BBCB I still need you to tell me the flavor of your beverage of choice. If you don't I won't show up! MTF glad your going to make it to the Bash! This is going to be really GREAT!!!!! But think the shoulder mounted computer will go into overload trying to remember peoples real names. I have an older model with only a few KB's of memory. And it's really slow comparatively. Put the lil ones in the coop run yesterday for the first time. They had a ball running and attempting to fly. They were scratching and dusting and eatin stuff. I sat in there in a lawn chair for awhile laughing at them exploring. Most have their breast feathers and are minature SLW feathers. Their purty! Think I'm going to have to devide the coop somehow till they are big enough to be with the big girls. They'll be too big for the brooder soon. I know Peaches will protect them but he can't be everywhere at once. If 2 hens get into a fight he breaks them up. Looks like house work and running today. Hope your day goes very well!
I think we all will have problems with our "shoulder mounted puters"...that's why we will have name tags! I LOVE name tags...then I dont feel so dumb when I cant remember names! Had my good neighbor over for the pot roast last night. He helped me get the sheep in...well--he was going to help but I got them in just as he pulled up--so we had pot roast instead. Those darn kids all deserted me and I even COOKED! Ticked me off...oh well, to be a kid again. He is sending some rabbits with me to Chickenstock!
SO I hope all of you will want to take one ar a few home with you...anyone? How many should I bring--they are just adorable!

All critters in the house are snoozin'--I guess they feel the same way that I do when it is raining outside! My finger is healing a bit...glad I can type without too much pain--no unloading hay though! Hand still doesnt work so well--

BL4--we used to have camp outs in the back yard in my old neighborhood growing up...it was so fun! We walked to the "Beer Depot" across the highway and bought bags of candy and sat up and ate it all night. We would have several tents set up in the tiny city lot we had---ah thanks for the memory!

Suppose I out to think about doing something around here...got to work at noon; only one client today and then tomorrow off to Milwaukee to have breakfast with a friend (and free pie!!!) and visit parents...then I guess I better think about packing for the weekend! Whooo--Hooo! Cant wait! Dont foorget your white elephants...more fun with lots to chose from! Terri O
We'll see how they mature - I'm only really happy with the markings on one of the pullets so far. The rest don't have enough black on them, or they have little black flecks where they shouldn't.
Most of the boys will probably end up as pets, and I'm hoping the girls will be good little broody hens and sit on Call duck eggs for me - I'm not brave enough to try putting Call eggs in my incubator, but I want to buy a bunch next year, stick them under the Cochins, and get some different varieties of Calls!

I'm on the waiting list for a show-quality adult pair of Columbian Cochins from Tom Roebuck in the fall though, so if that pans out I should have some gorgeous chicks next year.

An icky, rainy day this morning, too cold to put some of the younger chicks and ducklings outside for the day and sit around watching them, so I'm going to break out the steam-vac and shampoo all the carpets.

Oooh - and I have some more Runner ducklings due this week - 7 out of the 8 eggs are pipped as of this morning! This should be a much better hatch than last weeks!
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Go babies!!! Mine are due Friday. Hopefully everyone will hatch early like all my other hatches. We are camping there. It's just a hop, skip, and a jump from home...so I can go home and check the pets and stuff in the mornings and at night.

All is good here. Just working on the name tags. Almost done. Can't wait to meet everyone!
Oh! And I plan on bringing some of my homemade jams for sale or trade and a few of my iris's too. The iris's I am taking and putting in bags, assortment of iris's. Like 5 in a bunch, each a different color. Any special orders??? Maybe I can oblige.
Got all my running done this morning but had to wait to unload for awhile. It was coming down pretty good for awhile. Going to proof the yeast this time and make bread in the AM. Anyone want some chive plants? Started a small fire in the stove to take the dampness out. Looking good for tomorrows weather. fm do the sunshine dance for Sat. please.
Go babies!!! Mine are due Friday. Hopefully everyone will hatch early like all my other hatches.

These ducklings are hatching a bit early - they're technically due on Thursday. So far, I have 3 out - 2 boys and a girl (they're sex-linked, girls are lemony yellow and boys are blue/brown). Four more eggs are zipping and will be out by tonight.

The last egg still hasn't done anything. They were all alive and pipped into the air cell when they went into lockdown, so I'm still crossing my fingers for that one.

I should have a picture of the new arrivals tomorrow!

I went to Mauston to buy two 50-pound bags of duck chow this afternoon, paid and went out to have it loaded into the car and they told me that they only had 1 bag left! They're getting more in the morning, so I'm headed back tomorrow to get my other bag. It's crazy how fast that stuff evaporates when you have 31 ducks to feed.
Whoo hoo! Horseback riding in the rain! At least we had some homemade Chicken and dumpling for lunch before, and looking forward to some BBQ pork sandwiches with mashed potatoes and some peas..... YUMMY!!!! Made some Ranch cookies today too just to heat up the house a bit.....

No sign of the shipped calls yet....... you would think somebody would let you know SOMETHING!

Annarie, I am glad you picked up the rest of those babies! They sure are cute but LOUD! We have been trying to get them used to us but they have bonded to the other baby call and go beserk when he is gone! Dunderheads......

Is AlpineRanch her username on here? I would love to send her a PM with how they are settling in!

Looking forward to seeing you all this Saturday! I hope it is NOT a day for ducks Saturday!
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Damp and windy evening to all... Helped down at camp this morning. Needed to move a bunch of stuff back into the newly carpeted sun porch.

Rained out today for finishing cutting the pop hole. Decided it wasen't a good day to move the javas out to the new coop. Tomorrow for sure

Talked to Jim today. He planted 142 tomato plants and a whole pound of bean seeds

My back aches just thinking about picking that many beans.

BLT'S for supper tonight. Suzie baked a fresh loaf of bread today. Big thick slices and thick cut bacon and tomato...oh my they are tasty. Doc, maybe suzie can give you some helpful tips for baking nice loafs in a jiffy. She whips up the bread awful fast and simply. I'm just in the consumption part of the ho-made bread and rolls.

Have Fun... ~ bigzio

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