Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I have family up by Wausau that I know the younger sisters will be going to visit this summer (I don't have an exact date yet), but they'll be going up through Plover and Steven's Point...I know there are a couple of you up in that area, so maybe we could arrange a little "Chicken Train".

I could be part of that train!
I, being in Waupaca could easily meet you in Point, Annarie. Then I could meet you, Amyable somewhere, say Appleton-ish area. It could work.
I have family up by Wausau that I know the younger sisters will be going to visit this summer (I don't have an exact date yet), but they'll be going up through Plover and Steven's Point...I know there are a couple of you up in that area, so maybe we could arrange a little "Chicken Train".

I could be part of that train!
I, being in Waupaca could easily meet you in Point, Annarie. Then I could meet you, Amyable somewhere, say Appleton-ish area. It could work.

Thanks gals! That would be awesome. I'll talk to Julie this week, keep ya posted.
Cool pics fm! Except for the 2 grinning idiots in pic 12. Cute pics with you and H! I know, still haven't figured it out yet. But I will then you'll all be sorry. Really wish there had been more time to talk with everyone. KAQ just from the short time we talked think that first pic says it all. Sitting here typing this is making my face hurt from smiling! I wonder how long this will go on? Mom used to say your face is gonna stay like that! Think it's going to be for most of the rest of my life! Becky really enjoyed standing outside the closet and talking to it. You had me thinking of sending you pics of Wren and Stimpy across the road. You would puke! Oh oh there you go again see what you did! I'm a lot mellower about it now. Used to twist me in knots. TO I was starting to worry about you getting home safe but didn't know how long you were camping, figured it wouldn't be too long with the critters. Glad to hear your OK! Thanks for the hug always like those! Wanted to share but didn't know how it would go over. You all deserve a big group hug! Can't believe how much was accomplished before the rain got heavy. Mater cages done, coop cleaned, well cover stripped and new cover on, big garden got material put down between the rows, dishes put away, long convo with BFF, meeting held on the picnic table, feet stared at, man their big! Looks like inside things for the rest of the day. Chair, remote, L's nacho's, their the best! And enjoying everything outside our windows. I could... nah seed for tomorrow.
dr ha ha ... my mom has so many pics of me like that she just shakes her head ... "why cant you take a nice pic.."... my reply is i dont want to break the camera lol

yes fm that is my dd in the pic ...

annarie ?? for you will a wild mallard mate with a tame duck??? just wondering .. there has been a male haging around the drain off ditch were my runners like to go swimming and then she went broodiy on me so not sure who the daddy is the wild or the new tame drake we got

if any of you are on face book i do have the pic on there too so you could get tagged there too .. just pm me and i will give you my full name ... real name lol
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I'm so sorry I missed the get-together. We got as far as Madison and after my husband went in to see his patient, he came out white as a sheet, sweaty and running a fever. So I made him drive back to Milwaukee. I am now sick as heck too.
You know I have some for you. Let me know and we can work something out. I am going to Rhinelander over the 4th. Maybe we can meet in Appelton? Otherwise we will chicken train it. Nice pictures everyone! The girls talk the whole way home about how much fun they had. Although 3 of the girls had ticks on them and my youngest go bite by a mosquito by her eye lid and it swelled. Looked like she had a heck of a shiner for the graduation party yesterday. She was ok though, didn't slow her down. Got to go make supper, I'll be back.
Relax, take a deep breath it's going to be ok. Oh and SSSHHH! When the cats away the mice will play.
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Hello everyone feeling bad on not making it to WI Chickenstock. Looks like it was a great success!! Love the pics!!
My weekend didn't go so great, we got to our cabin in Clam Lake at 11:28 pm on Thurs. night only to find all the doors kicked in as well as the shed and basement doors.
Who ever did it stole alot of stuff everything from a 2.5 hp mercury boat motor, hamuck,treestands and sticks, even the flay knives and kitchen knives and pans. My wife and three year old didn't want to spend the night but where ya going to go. The cop came out from Ashland County and he had two other calls to go to for breakins from last week. Some places they acctually took ouy all the plumbing pipes and electrical wires for the copper. I'd like to slap them.
Didn't even have tools to fix the doors.

The rest of the weekend went great fishing was great, my son caught a muskie and we caught lots of pan fish and even a walleye. After our trip to buy some things from Hayward to fix the broken stuff. Mike
The rain seems to have stopped! Yeah...I am taking a break now from house cleaning and then I will head out to the garde. How come when you are gone the weeds just seem to grow a mile high? I have not even planted the zucchini patch yet and those weeds are something else in there! I am thinking that I might do the round-up thing...at least they will be gone then. My veggie garden is looking good where I put old carpeting and feed bags. I really like that for the weeds.
You should have heard the parrots today when I was vacuuming! OMG it was too funny. I need to get someone that speaks Spanish over here to listen if they can tell what Coumatu is saying. She just goes on and on...They are both asleep now--talking must tire them out!
I really like all the pics that everyone is putting up--I am so mad that I forgot my camera at home! I had a surprise today...I thought one of my turkey poults was in the upstairs...there was this really LOUD "cheap cheap cheap" turns out that the little button quail has a BIG voice! I could not believe that a bird that small could be so loud. I dont think that the ones left in Wapaca could hear him though.

Did anyone go home with a dish of corn relish? I am wondering where it went now that I am all unpacked and it is nowhere to be seen! I am not worried about the bowl--I just dont want anyone to have put it somewhere and then it gets stinky ya know? If you have it, give it to your chickens...they LOVE it! (Or eat it yourself!)

Have a great night everyone...DrH--I will hug you anytime!
As long as L is OK with it that is! Terri O
Hey Terri O. That must have been your bowl. Another thing that was thrown in my truck. I DID find it when I was unpacking......but not the chocolate cake

Oh! And after we picked that whip cream bowl of strawberries, I went back out there and picked another "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" bowl HEEPING full. Yummmmmmm........mmmmmmyyyyyy!

Kool Aide Queen.....YES! The wild males WILL breed with the domestic. I know because that's what is happening to my friend's in Manawa.

Cedar Post, sorry to hear about the brake in. We were robbed at our old house....twice....well...almost. The second time I caught them and it was the SAME NEIGHBOR KIDS!!!!!
DH chased them down the train tracks in his "monster truck" with 44" tires on it. Then decided maybe not a good idea if a train comes. Cops caught them about 30 minutes later at a brother's house. Jail time for the second time trying. Probation revoked!
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Thanks Bec breath taken! GRRRR!!!!! KAQ only one thing I think missing from that pic would be an extention of a certain digit. OK raimnel here goes my perception. From fm's left elbow is Suzie, to her left is their DD to her left is some guy who shows up in a lot of picnic pics. He likes free food! Bigzio is showing off his ability to nearly kneel down and to his right is Beckyschicks. On fm's right is KAQ to her right is that person you really have to watch it's BL4, then Annarie, her dad with his hand on one of the sisters shoulder then you. Next to her in the shade is H&R's DH then possibly BCC's DH then BCC, then TO's DH, your DH. Down in front is TO on the left with H&R on her left elbow. All the kids nearly got identified but I need more time. Don't look like me and right now that's all that counts. When you get the correct account let me know how I did on this test. If I offened anyone.... well I'll let you guess my retort. Come on BL4 bring it your killing me here oh I get it. Had a great time with all the kids today. Going to can pints of L's famous salsa tomorrow. Getting low on ingredients. Warming up some of her famous scetti sauce with fresh salads for supper. I was sitting here trying to think of something I wanted to ask. Just came back to me. Has anyone seen that show about Billie Swamp? Think it's called Swamp Men or something, 2,500 fenced in acres of Florida everglades and the managers favorite animals are his chickens.

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