Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Just a sour stomach so far today.. but my surgery arm is now acting up.. muscles are in PAIN!!!

So now I am going to try to sleep in my sling ... grrrr..
I am so up to a road trip to Palmyra, I used to house sit and horse train a bit for a lady in Eagle.
Perhaps I should bring my blue splash silkie rooster!! and one of my cross bred chicks...

And a few of the chicks

I am hoping.. no wait.. praying... and planning
to go horse camping next weekend... no more jinxes!!

Hello again everyone,

I can't sleep a wink tonight. We placed an order for 25 Rainbow Layers plus the free exotic from McMurray and they are suppose to be arriving this week. I'm so excited but I'm not sure when to expect them. Some people said they got theirs on Sunday but out PO is closed Sundays, and most people said they got their chicks on Monday morning. My order said they would be delivered the week of the 9/28-10/4 so it doesn't add up to when anyone else got theirs.
Urgh IDK what to do. Also I'm hoping to have good luck with the whole shipping process and that I don't have many die.
I ordered 25 chicks for my uncle. He lives on a hobby farm and needed some new hens but hates dealing with raising chicks, hence why he hasn't gotten any new ones lately, so I talked to him and since I love raising them we decided that I would order them and raise them until they can be put outside. This way he skips the brooder part and I can keep any neat chicks I get, plus he is willing to pay more for each chick. So it works out. My favorite part will be watching them feather out and trying to figure out what they all are. So hopefully everything goes well!
Sorry I have been AWOL, it's been a-crazy here.

I THOUGHT I saw you there! I should have said hi but I felt like a dork if it wasn't you. I was in the waterfall building a lot because my friend had a bazillion geese and ducks entered. I love your runner ducks- they are beautiful. I'm working on a porcelain/beige color runner duck right now.

I also met BuckCreek without realizing I knew her from here. I bought a stunning black mottled d'uccle pair from her. The roo has the BEST personality. He looks like he is telling me to pi$$ off. On the way back from Portage, he managed to jump out of the box I had him in and poo allover my leather seats. I was laughing so hard.

9 of my 11 silkies placed 1st and BV, my daughter also won an award in the youth photo contest.
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Congrats and welcome back! That is a great haul of ribbons. And you should NEVER be hesitant to say hi to chicken folks...most, if not all of them, are great and if it wasnt Annarie you might have made a new friend for all of us! I hope someone was passing out BYC cheesehead info!

So Carol...does this mean that you will come and camp with me at Palmyra? We can get riding and chickening done all in one weekend! Annarie then you can come and we will have a meeting of 4....ANYONE ELSE COMING? (again) I am not sure if my daughter or hubby is coming or if I will be there by myself. If anyone would like me to bring an extra horse I can...

BBCB--I had the last piece of that cheesecake this morning with my coffee! (and it was as good as the first!) Probably NOT a very good thing for you to have in the house with HBP if you would eat the entire thing at one sitting!
BigZ--did you lose anything else in the freezer wreck? We had that happen and lost ALL of what was in our 27cu/ft freezer! Thank GOD it was still cold and not to the point of rot! That would have been a real mess. We used a people train and baskets to get it all out and into wheel barrow loads for the trash. A lot of ours was old so it wasnt a great loss...except for the venison....that was new and I was ticked!
DrH must have taken on more water than he thought...I hope his computer didnt get damaged! Must be some big clean up going on there right now...

I am going to hop on over to the "What's for Supper Grandpa?" thread to get some ideas for tonight...I am fresh out! So much food around here and I dont know what to make! It is going to be just me AGAIN for supper...guess I will have EGGS!
Have a great day everyone! Terri O
TO, try your hand at making a cheese souffle', or a chiffon cake, or quiche, or flan......

I wish I could attend the chickenstock but with the new job looming I have no idea about my hours and I also have a charity event to attend that evening, on top of that the next day is the sisters b-day.

BigZ, sorry about the freezer. I'll agree with you that things are just not made the way they used to!

Enjoy our Fall weather! Beautiful day out there today!

What a great weekend! They had trick or treating for the kids and also trick or treating for the grown ups. Jello shots and pudding shots. Differents shots and cupcakes with shots and cherries and OH....did I say shots???!!!!???
THAT was fun! My kids gave up on getting candy.....their feet started hurting. That place is huge! The dogs had a great time too. There are so many places to walk and smell new stuff.

Sorry about all the bad stuff going on. Dr Ha Ha, are you still swimming? And WIChookchick...go get yourself some Omiprisole for your stomach. You can get it oer the counter now. It reduces the stomach acid so you don't feel that way and if you are puking...there's not much to puke. I swear it works! I had to be on it for almost a year when I had my TWO stomach bactrias. H pylori and campylobacter jajuni. LOTS of antibiatics, some by IV, and omiprisole and pain meds. Was in the hospital for almost a week to start with and still have troubles once in a while. And it's been more than a year.
I feel for ya!

And Terri, please make some of that cheesecake for our meet-n-greet.

Glad others are checking back in. I was wondering how Koolaid queen was doing too. Haven't heard from her in a long time too. Hope all is well.

Enjoy the day everyone. I'll be suckin' up the pineneedles today. That wind this weekend brought down a lot. I don't have grass right now it's so bad. Take care.
Well back from the doctor/surgeon....
She said she saw my shoulder joint "going a little bit north" 6 weeks ago..and today it was "more north"...so off to the hospital this friday for a CT scan w/dye injected in my shoulder. Rotator cuff...
GRRRRRRRRR (she is not the surgeon who did the original operation. I fired him...and now he lied about my rotator cuff)
Well no wonder I haven't been able to raise my arm past the same level as my shoulder... And when the PT lady had me really stretch it out...I can't even lift it now...

Terri-o..YES i seroiusly wanna go camping.. i was gonna try this weekend.. but with the shoulder. Now I can plan for Palmyra.
Can you email me with more details. [email protected]

I found this on the madison CL if anyone is interested
http://madison.craigslist.org/grd/1976107887.html Roosters - Penedesenca and Minorca - $10 (Lake Mills)

WcC, don't you just love docs?

I realize I forgot to update my niece. She ended up with three pins in the arm that will be removed in 5 weeks, right now she has a big bandage instead of a cast due to the swelling from surgery. Otherwise she is as good as new, roaming around the house being a daredevil and driving mom nuts!

I am starting to think there is something in the water over here...... this little town is just buzzing with funerals. WAY too many people are just suddenly dying, some expected but many are not.

Dr. H, Annarie, I hope you are all managing the water issues without evacuating!

Well, I better motor. Busy day again! Beautiful morning to everyone; enjoy it!

BL4 glad she is doing better, funerals suck! I much prefer births and weddings! LOL
ya I wonder if DrH had to leave?
WCc does that silkie roo of yours have an attitude problem? Mine does but he's top roo. I guess its ok cause he cant jump real high, he cant get past the kids knees. Is he a mix?? or maybe mine is? my roo has a purpleish walnut comb. hmm?! do your silkie hens go broody often? mine are always broody. They give up on the notion, lay a few eggs and their back at it.

Well back to cleaning.

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