Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi there. Would anyone be interested in a buff Ameraucana rooster or 2? Standard size birds, not easter eggers. Have to sell a couple, as I have 4 roos and one hen. One is 1 1/2 years old, other is 5-6 months. Both very nice birds, and just kind of hope that they dont go for meat as they do at most swaps. I know you cant keep them all, but these are nice birds, too nice to eat in my opinion. Would like to get $5 each for them. Can email pics. Located about 30 miles north of Wisconsin Dells. Will be going to the Neilsville swap on the 9th and Beaver Dam show on the 16th.

Thanks, Paula
Hi there. Would anyone be interested in a buff Ameraucana rooster or 2? Standard size birds, not easter eggers. Have to sell a couple, as I have 4 roos and one hen. One is 1 1/2 years old, other is 5-6 months. Both very nice birds, and just kind of hope that they dont go for meat as they do at most swaps. I know you cant keep them all, but these are nice birds, too nice to eat in my opinion. Would like to get $5 each for them. Can email pics. Located about 30 miles north of Wisconsin Dells. Will be going to the Neilsville swap on the 9th and Beaver Dam show on the 16th.

Thanks, Paula
Terri- I was looking at the Aution and saw this FREE TO GOOD HOME plus shipping: male button quail ($35 S&H or P/U). I don't know if the price is firm, but she does ship. Thought I would let you know.
barlracer. Don't need anymore roo's sorry.
Hope everyone is feeling well. Beautiful day today!! Played outside for awhile, will probably go for a ride later after supper. Making a cheesecake for dessert tonight. Couldn't stop thinking about having one since TO posted her pic. So just had to make one. Looking good so far. Also Terri I am 90% sure we will be at Palmyra. Unless the weather is horrible, we will probably go riding. No kids that weekend so we like to go play as much as we can. well going to go finish supper. Take it easy and check out the moon tonight. Look awesome last night.
Well my doc gave me generic Zantac..And Oxycodone...So not so much pain, but loopy N fell asleep for 2 hours...got up in time to get to the post office, village hall to pay water bill...and call the police on my neighbors anonymously,,,
I went out to my car, the neighbor puppy is playing w/ my dog...There are 4 kids there, all under the age of 6 or 7..The 6/7 yr old tells me no one is home, he is watching 2-5 yr olds...
I said...thats nice, drove away and then when I got to the Hall...I called the police...
They run an illegal day care, their dog (older one is viscious to dogs and people) they have non registered junk cars all over their tiny property....
I deal with this the best I can...but to leave a 6yr old in charge??? Nope!
I ran some other errands and came back at the same time as my housemate...So I have an "alibi" if they ask.

YES--I noticed the moon! It has been neat-I think it is either called the harvest moon of the hunters' moon; I always get them confused!
I am glad that you are coming to Palmyra Becky! We will have a good time. Ya know, every time you mention "weekend without the kids" I think divorce is a good thing! Gives parents a weekend "off" now and then...oh oh...may have put my foot in my mouth again!

You know you have the "ROO sucker" here! I am estimating my Roos and I do have way too many...sorry! But Welcome to our cheesehead thread and we hope to hear more from you!

I had a very bad thing happen today...I had the chimney guys here and they said I had had a chimney fire in the past year (unknown to me) and I need a new chimney lining etc to the tune of nearly 5 grand! I paid the "chimney inspection fee" of $110; but of course my insurance co is balking at the relining...not that they havent gotten that much from me over the years...so It is in the works...I sure hope I get some resolution soon...it IS getting chillier! Not that chilly though...no heat for us YET!~DH says we have known that for years that it might be bad...I dont remember anything like that! I am just freaked that we could have burned our house down...not that it's much of a palace but it is where I live at least!

I sure hope Doc comes back soon...I bet he would have some opinion on this thing...guess he probably has a bunch on his mind though if his carpeting was getting wet...anyone know if the flood in Western WI is going down? Annarie-how are you faring?

Have a good night all...pork roast is starting to smell REALLY good! Man I love that smell...Terri O

Edit: about the Button Quail: I contacted her and the shipping is crazy for ONE bird (especially one that small!)
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Well- I got a call from Dr Ha Ha today. I was going to call him this evening, but he beat me. He and L are doing okay. They are in the hotel right now. They have 4" of water in the house. He laughed and said, "We needed new carpeting anyway." He says that they took the computer out of the house, but not sure if it was too late; is what I got out of it. They DID go and buy a laptop, but says that when he finally gets a chance to sit down, he's just too pooped out to post. But he has gotten to read some. Says that the water is starting to come off the porch now. Says there's still about 12" of water outside of the house. Poor Dr Ha Ha.

It's certainly good to hear that Doc H didn't get carried off by the flood. The northwoods has been in draught conditions for the past couple of years so they needed the rain, but enough is enough already!

Beautiful day today, warm and sunny, it felt like August out there, but temps in the mid fifties down here to the south by the weekend...so I spent time getting the coop winterized. I put 2 X 2s over the top of the dowels I used for the roost, and hopefully it will help to keep their feet warm and toasty when it gets cold. I also created a very sturdy overhang so I can hang 2 or 3 heat lamps over the roost this winter. I'm not sure they need it, but I'd rather have them a little warm than deal with frostbite.

The pen I made in part of the coop has turned out to be a great way to slowly introduce the new birds into the flock. All of the ameraucanas have been coming over to the pen and sitting next to the birds...especially their brother and sisters who I bought in the psring this year. These birds are looking big enough to start laying any day now, and there are plenty of people who want the eggs, so I'm going to have to start squeezing the eggs out of them if they don't get to it. Actually, with all the hens laying in there, it seems to be contagious. All of my hens started laying at the same time, more or less, and there's a lot of estrogen in the air....

Hope everyone had a chance to get out and enjoy the next couple of days!
Morning everyone!!!!

all the newbies!!!!

I started my job yesterday, they wanted me to be on the payroll before the next quarter started today. I have a LOT to learn, but I am so happy to be there I really do not care!

Dr. H, be safe! So glad to hear you made it out of your place WITH your computer! I also HOPE you had some kind of flood insurance (hate those insurance companies.....).

I wish I had to time to post about everyone but I have to light a fire under that kid and get her moving!!!

Later Gators!

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