Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good Aft All! WCc sorry for causing the pain but at least you were smiling. If it makes you feel any better you have company. Have a bad shoulder myself and it's hurtin! But not to the degree that your going through. Can only hope that you don't end up having to live with it. It SUCKS! Scraped all day think I can finish tomorrow.
Then clean the room top to bottom. P&Btwo really like their new digs! He said it was really cool! She had to agree. Laura has the last load of laundry on the line. $80 total! Thought I had more underware than that. No eggs out of the SLW's yet they are over 5 months old now. I thought they'd be laying by now but only had the red sex links to go by. Buster is a very good roo he's on top of everything except the girls, not that he doesn't try. I grab him and we talk he stays very calm in my arms until I try to give him a kiss. Guess that's crossing the line. Need to post some pics of him and Ptwo. Sure hope they will work together. It will hurt my heart if they don't. The beef sirloin tip roast with fixins in the slow cooker is makin me hungry. Lookin forward to open faced r beef sammy's tomorrow too! Just sad that it won't be on homemade bread. But it's comin! BBCB you better show up tomorrow if you want to sit my recliner and point out the spots that I missed.
hi all, thats all I really wanted to say. I'm not feeling to good today. side note dont buy a touch screen computer moniter. my mom has one and if a fly lands on it it goes crazy. opens programs closes programs..... u get the idea grrrr so annoying. night all
Nice weekend. I put 2 loads of sand in the coop and run this weekend. Well- and a little in the dog run and sand box too. What a job! But now I all I have to do is put up the plastic around the one side of the run, and we should just about be done for the winter.

You know, I gotta tell you all this. I had bought that Red Lake Diatomasious Earth and it was great! I ran out for the last month or so and I just bought a bag of Barn Lime to see if that would help or even be different, while I was waiting for my store to get it in. (Has to be specially ordered.) Wow! That didn't do anything!!!!! I got in my Diatomasious Earth this week and added it to the floor and poop catches......AMAZING!!! Within a DAY there was hardly a smell. I am going to always keep it on hand.
...in my book.

Terri and Becky, let me know what's all going on. What time and where we are all meeting. What day are you guys going riding and what time? Are we to meet before or after you guys go riding? I'm lost. What else is new.
Hi All! I was at the Beaver Dam Show this weekend, 7 first places and a few Best of Variety & Reserve of Variety wins. Lots of very nice people there and intriguing pigeons especially. My friend and I also found several great Runners for sale- usually we see many drakes but there were quite a few beautiful hens. Anybody else attend?

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the fall.
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Well the coop is getting closer to done which is so exciting. Just need the wire cloth under the run put in and the corrugated plastic roofing put up on the run, a little paint and finish the nest boxes and we will be done. Hoping by Halloween to get some Hens in the hen house!!

Carol hope the Dr has good words for you tomorrow and we will catch up on those birds!

Hope everyone is haveing a great Sunday and getting your Halloween decorations up! Finally got the kids to decide that they want to be Wolverine and Super Girl. Phew- big decisions out of the way. Now off to do some night time laundry!

have a good evening
good morning all!

ETA any one around me have BIG delawares for sale? Where looking into raising delawares for meat next spring. Any thoughts on this? I heard that the hatchery Dellies are smaller.
and I think I'm talking to myself here.
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Good Morning All!

Another beautiful weekend...I got alot of the farm fall chores done, and built a brand new and improved roost in the coop for our expanding flock. I used furring strips for roost bars and really did a nice job. I figured that all the chickens would be so appreciative of my efforts so I went out Saturday night to check and not one of my 25 birds was on the new roost!!!! Nothing like feeling unappreciated.

Our egg count has fallen substantially from 10-12 daily to half of that this past week, so we've been checking outside to see if we've got birds laying in the bushes. This reduction in egg count started when we added six new birds, so we figured that some of them might have moved their laying outside. We searched and searched and found nothing outside, so Ive strung some lights inside and I'm cutting lights on at 4 am, hoping this improves things. Yesterday evening I saw three of my hens enjoying the remnants of an egg outside, so now Im really flustered. I'm keeping them cooped up for the next few days to get them back in the habit of laying inside the coop in the event they are laying outside and I'm just not finding where they've stashed the eggs....hopefully, they don't kill each other while I'm at work.

Carol I've had both shoulders reconstructed so I know your pain...you've got a great attitude, you'll get through it. I'm keeping you in my prayers.

Everyone else, Have a great day!
Hi all, beautiful day again, guess it's Monday-DH left the house this am without his phone so it was fun trying to get ahold of him because of course shortly after he left someone called and wanted to come pick up our smaller coop! Finally got ahold of DH and he came back to help-good thing since the coop was built extremely solid. So the coop is now on its way to its new place and the guy was excited to get chickens-told him about BYC so maybe he'll find us!

BBCB- glad to hear that the 3 you got from us are adjusting well. Funny how you go through all that and they don't use it! Maybe if you added some chicken poop it would feel more at home for them

Have to say the last few days have been busy, DH decided that it was time to put the dual purpose birds(hatchery stock) to good use and they are now in our crock pot for pulled BBQ chicken sandwiches. Figured out that only 2 out of the 5 were laying, in fact one that wasn't laying had a big mass of egg the size of a grapefruit inside her. A friend showed us a fast and easy(but not always)way to get the breast meat off.

Off to finally start my work day!
Monday Evening All.... Busy as usual around here. Have all the garden fences that keep the chooks out of the gardens taken down. Nothing tilled yet though.
Doc it's good to hear you are making progress. Most of the heritage breeds don't start the lay til 6 months or more....sounds like yours are right on schedule. Enjoy the sammies...sounds goody!
fm, have to be careful with the barn lime around the chooks. It can burn their feet....the DE is a much better choice...

BBCB.....wish I could say all the chores are cought up. I'm in the woods 4 to 6 hours a day. Prolly has something to do with gardens not tilled yet eh? My daughter has a couple old wooden ladders in her garage that she said I can have for roosts. I think they should work fairly good. I hope.

Stupid Packers...Stupid Vikings... ~ bigzio

raimnel....I forgot to mention that wippet also has Delawares. He is the guy by Green Bay that I got my javas and buckeyes from. Jim hatched a whole bunch of his Del eggs and butchered the males this fall. I think he was pleased. ~ bigzio
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More sand today. This time for the dog run only. That'll do til next year.

Check out what I got today. What are the odds that I'd get 2 huge eggs in one day. My friends laugh and ask what I am feeding my girls. Just Purina Mills.....and a ton of treats. I can honestly say my chickens are "happy chickens".

The lighter one is 2.8oz and the darker one weighed 3.3oz which was just a tad more than the one I got about a year ago.

Gotta get packing for this week...end.

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