Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good Evening All....sounds like we are in for dangerous winds tomorrow. They are saying 50mph and anything not locked down will be gone. The forecast for waves on lake MIchigan are gonna be 60 ft....

Terri, what brand puter did you buy? We are shopping and thinkin HP.
raimnel, Jim tells me he has problems with muskovies freezing their feet. Prolly a good idea to shew them in when it really stays cold. Must be from standing on the frozen ground to long.
Nice win for the pack. Hope they can keep er going now. Brett looks tired and old. Won't take much more beating up, I'm thinkin.
Farmer I agree with the straw. If the coop isn't real big then keeping a deep bed of straw inside will be easy and cheap enough. Mine is easily 12" to 24" deep. The flock loves it that way.

Have Fun, hang onto your hat.... ~ bigzio
Hurricane-windy mornin' to all! Hope all the hatches are battened down, it is ferocious out there. Bigz, tell me that was a typo - 60' waves???

Little man is wide awake since 4:30, so have an excuse to catch up on the boards. He hasn't done that in a while, praise God. If necessary, I would give my right arm and maybe a foot for bouncy chairs - they are sanity savers! I even have a spare, just in case, lol!

Keeping fingers crossed for your hatch, Gothchick
Is this your first time incubating? I think any number of babies would be considered a success.

Acer, ditto on pics of that coop. Big LOTR fans in this house. Dh and I probably could quote all three beginning to end...well, maybe not quite, but pretty close!

Holy buckets, raimnel, riding lessons growing up were not as much as those piano lessons. It wasn't all that long ago, I'm not that old! Maybe you could find a high school or college student music major willing to give lessons?

Good job, Pack. Was a bit worried in the waning minutes, but ya pulled it off.
Yup, we put a big hurt on the olden guy, let's do the same thing at his house in Nov. Geez, he coulda retired in full glory. Note to self, quit while you're ahead.
Morning all. Gearing up for the poultry show in Fond du Lac this weekend. Showing 6 birds (3 blue/black standard cochins, Blue ameraucana hen, Black ameraucana roo, and silver spitzhauben hen). Hope to do well as Black Ameraucana roo was champ any other variety at Beaver Dam two weeks ago.

Also have a couple of birds to sell. Blue cochin roo, and 2 buff ameraucana roos. Also, anyone interested, I have a friend that has several white sebastopols for sale (I think mostly hens). She will not be at Fond du Lac, but I could possibly bring birds there for her. I think she was wanting $40 each? If nothing else, I can set up contacts to her.

Thanks. Try not to get blown away today. Time to go to work to take care of the horses at the stable. Have a good day!

Good Morning Everyone! Stayed in bed till 7 this morning woke up at 3:30 and couldn't go back to sleep listening to the rain. All kinds of bad thoughts racing through my head. Need the wind not the rain. Tarped the camper yesterday seems the trip from up north wasn't good for the roof it's leaking. Going to have to put a roof on it or over it when it goes back up north. Looks like I'll be doing mostly inside stuff the next couple of days. amyable agree on the bouncy chair those things are great! They give ya break. MtF hope you feel better soon! A lot of sinus problems going around. Bigz think for an off the shelf you can't go wrong with an HP one of these days gonna get one of those do it all printers. HP makes one for around a hundred bucks that prints, scans, pics, and washes you car. GC good luck with your hatch! It does sound like that digital is wacked. I wanna see acer's castle too, sounds cool! TO hope the puppies aren't keeping you up at night those beagles are quite noisy! Have a good one!
Hello Everyone,

Today was a terrible morning. For some reason the wind knocked out the power here. The weird part is all the power on the main floor and upper level stayed one. Our basement was the only area that got knocked out. For most people having their basement power out wouldn't be a big deal but all my birds are in the basement so no power means no heat lamps. I ended up going downstairs to find 7 dead 4 week old chicks. The rest were all huddled under my older birds. I moved all the birds upstairs into our spare bathroom until the power gets figured out. I'm soooo upset. Poor babies!
Morning All!
I had to call a friend of mine after watching the news, to tell him to take his horses off the pasture and get them into a paddock he has behind the barn...
He only has electric fence tape up.. and with 60 plus MPH winds, I didn't want him to have to try to find a loose horse.

Paul the psychic octopus died of natural causes, for those who know who he is.

I may be getting another horse, my friend was given this great gelding, I helped him find. And now he is back peddling over the fact the horse paces when it
gets near feeding time, and will need to be blanketed for winter. He forgot that he was told the gelding was starved for 8 yrs off and on, so unless he has
food in front of him 24/7 or lots of pasture, he will pace near feeding time, its ingrained in him at this point.
SO I told him I would take him. he is a great horse!

Shoulder is healing well, I wish the home health people would communicate with me, and work with me.. I had to call the home health company, then the
company that provides the meds, I had no idea I was on a "team" who was assigned to it, or that the nice nurse who came by yesterday to draw some blood for
labs was my case manager, and that she is the nurse who I will be seeing from now on, unless something comes up..
Nice one !!..
I work on tuesdays babysitting, I told the case manager person while in the hospital, I work.. I have people who pay me to work with their horses, watch their kids and stuff..
I am self employed... the lady said that it would be "easier" on me to do antibiotics at home.. NOT.!!!!.
I have to drag 2 kids back to my home today to be here for my medical delivery, and next week, before changing the day the lab blood draw is done, which will be done 2x next week
so I can get my delivery on a different day...
Busy busy since getting out of the hospital!!

See you all!!
I was going to post "Oo Oo the sub pump finally stopped running solid!" never mind it started again a minute later! LOL if the power goes out we will be bailing water!! EEEWWWW at least one thing, my husband is not working today (cause of the rain) so he can watch the sub pump. I get to do dishes!
If any body ever thinks that they would like a house full of kids, come do our dishes!!! with 7 people if you skip a day the sink will cascade your dishes on to the floor.
I went out and let the critters out, chickens looked at me like "seriously?! your kidding right?!" LOL and the ducks were like ALRIGHT!!! Water here we come."
HOLY MOLY a huge branch just fell from the trees and JUST missed my van!
Talk later, Have a good wet day my friends!

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