Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Raimnel Think if you went all the way to the yolk it might fall apart 2-3 times with a fork would be plenty maybe a 1/4 inch deep. I feel so wastefull when I eat them. Can't get the yolk past my lips. Love the whites both the pickled and hard boiled. Just something about the consistency of a hard yolk. Can down a hot hard yolk but not a cold one. Pretty weird huh? Just did a reread sorry BL4 for giving Bec the credit for the oil tip!
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Good morning all! Man--I still cant get used to this keyboard! I really like the computer though--I think you asked Bigz...it is a DELL Inspiron. My DH says to go to the Dell outlet he thinks it is outlet.dell.com--had a 20% off from Dell so we got a good deal on a last year's model! (and it's GREEN!
Goth--I was reading on an auction and the woman selling BCM eggs said not to think that you can hatch them like "other eggs" something about really low humidity and evaporation and sanding some of the color off of the eggs...she is a big breeder on here. I guess I would look her up and see what she has to say before you buy more eggs!
Silly about the clock Raimnel! At least you only have to look at an incorrect time for a week!
Only as soon as that clock is correct you will still be adding an hour....dont be early to everything! DrH--I agree with Bigz...you need them NOW! I sure hope you took pics before you started working. What a mess!
Not too much news here on my place...my son came back from a party last night in Madison...could hardly stand up and had no idea how he got home! He said he was staying...might have to have a little talk to those guys unless they had a DD. (probably unlikely) The bachelor pad in my barn is working out great! The roos dont seem to mind all being in there together. I did have to take out Hop-a-Long; he is my big cochin and doesnt have a mean bone in his body--they were thinking about beating him up so he has private quarters again...I made a bunch of new roosting spots in my coop to get the birds up for the winter and whenI checked them last night no one was on the new roost! Silly birds! I bet they are a bunch warmer though...got the windows and screen side covered for the most part--more work for today. I almost thought the turkeys were foing to go up in the rafters...then we had to leave so I had to open the door so the chickens could dome in...when we got home those turkeys were back in the trees! When I feed this morning I am going to catch up all the hens that stay outside and pen them in the coop to see if I can get them to go in...still dont know about the turkeys and guineas though--they are fast buggers!
I think I will try your method for the eggs DrH. I have a bunch of quarts canned right now but DH likes to have a jar in the fridge to snack on all the time! Too bad about your pickle chunks...what was wrong with them? Mushy? Salty? Rancid? At least the chickens will have some to eat! Speaking of that...I have mine a big chunk of Muenster cheese that was a bit slimy from the fridge...my God! You would have thought it was their favorite food of all time the way they dove on it! It was crazy to see 50 hens all righting for a bite of that! Who would have guessed that chickens LOVE cheese?
Well, got some fresh herbs from a friend last night so I am making some herb jelly today...and some hot pepper jelly and (what the heck)--guess I will do the pepper mustard too! Lots of work--better get to it!
Have a fantastic day everyone! Terri O

Edit--DrH, try slicing the egg with an eggslicer. the yolk in smaller bites works for me!
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TO and Bigz there's nothing I would like better than to get some kind of an idea where I stand with them [FEMA]. There is an endless list of things I could do but like I said hate to start tearing into things if it's all for nothing. Heard their supposed to be around the next 2 weeks that was a week ago. Having done a stint in the Army I know how the wheels of gov work one one way one the other. The end result is often What the H***? As far as slicing the eggs don't think it'll work. Can't eat deviled eggs or tater salad either just because of the yolks. They all sound great but just can't do it. Wish I could! TO glad the DS made it home alright! If I had a nickle..... older and a little less stupid now. At least I like to think so. Went on a walkabout quite a few dead trees down in the woods but not too bad mostly pine and popple. Have 3 smaller oaks down on the road out back that will fit nicely in the stove. Need to get back to cutting only a month behind this year, seems like something always comes up. Think I nearly broke the 2 fingers when I tried to keep the brine tank from joining Davy Jones locker [crawl space] a month ago. Told L that the bleach was eating my skin up but then thought it's only the 2 fingers. It's happened before where I injure something and the skin peals from the moisture being absorbed in the injured area. Gotta go Packers, chili dogs and Point beer await.
No worries Dr. H! I did not even notice! Must have been super tired when I was looking things over on here.

Last night, DH and I took the kids out to Haunted Hollow ( http://hauntedhollow-home.com/ ). It took us 45 min. to drive 1/2 a mile to the place due to the traffic, but it was completely worth it! RIGHT when we were to the front, one of the local radio stations started playing MJ's Thriller. Absolutely perfect for scaring the garbage out of the kids (which we did). Our youngest DD (11) apparantly does not enjoy that little adrenaline rush from getting spooked! When one of the spooks crawled into the back of the car I thought maybe that persons life might be in jeopardy!!!!!!! It was so darn funny DH and I almost passed out from laughing so dang hard! I guess we have to leave her home next year....... I really did not think she would react the way she did!

Off to prepare for all the goblins showing up this afternoon. Enjoy the day everyone!
BL4 that's hilarious! Can pic a mini ninja kickin butt. Hope she's OK! Packs D is doin great! Halftime gotta go beat the rugs. Rogers needs to hit the mark. Come on Pack!
Hi everybody. Fond du Lac show went great. I took 3 standard cochins, 2 Ameraucanas and one spitzhauben to show. Ended up with a blue cochin pullet getting best Asiatic, my black cochin pullet getting reserve asiatic. Blue Ameraucana pullet got reserve Any other Variety, and then my Black Ameraucana Cockeral got Best Any other Variety, Best Large fowl, Best Land fowl and ...... Reserve Best in Show!!! I knew he was a really good bird, but didnt really expext Reserve in show!. Will work on trying to get pics of him posted. Sure going to be my top breeding roo for next year.

Enjoy your birds and the nice weather while it lasts. Happy Halloween
Busy weekend here. Boy am I pooped. Parties for the kids both days and trick or treating. Sorry I missed your call yesterday TO. Was at a party, wishing I was riding. It was a great two days. I decided to make my quail eggs into deviled eggs for the party. They were a hit and gone quickly. We don't pickle them, there isn't anyone in my family that likes eggs pickled. Actually DD11 and I are the only ones that even like pickles. Took everyone trick or treating, the X went along with DH X too. Quite a group we were. I'm suprised that everyone got along so well and didn't act uncomfortable. If they were they didn't show it. I've decide to hatch out a couple of quail eggs. Trying to get the bator to be stable. Well have to go and read up on quail batoring. Have a great night everyone! DrHa- I caught it and that's ok. Your welcome anyway.
Also congrats on the egg!
Good evening! We did not have a single trick or treater! I guess that is not really unusual though...dd24 is house sitting and was in heaven that they went through 6 bags of candy! She and her BF dressed up and had a blast seeing all the little kids in their costumes.
I spent the day starting my new coop! Too bad I am so frugal...I could have built 8 coops in the time that it took me to do the floor and one wall! I am challenging myself to build a coop from totally salvaged materials...what a pain! I know it would be much easier to go and buy new...I just cant do it though! I will take some pics tomorrow and show you how far I got...
At the fund raiser for the humane society last night we won 2 items in the silent auction! One is a decoration I got for 5 bucks and DH won the Margarita package for $20. I was disappointed that I didnt win the stamp package...the woman running the show was there until the end and outbid me by 5 bucks! Darn!
Tomorrow I am going to pick up some more hay...sigh...so tired of unloading hay! I think only about 4 more and I will be set--I hope! Well--I better get outside and finish the chores for the night...pretty tired from all that hammering today! Have a good night and sweet dreams every one! Terri O

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