Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

My DD24 just beat me at cribbage! Darn--now we will have to have a rubber match tomorrow.Oh well...BECKY--are we going riding??? I guess I will call you tomorrow...DH is watching the game...I am a little but we are mad at him 'cause he HAD to turn it on at 7 and we had 15 mins left until the end of CSI! Then the kick-off wasnt until 7:20 anyhow!

So OK--I am retiring now to read my book...8:37 but my clock says BED! DrH you are too much...

Had an idea while I was raking today about a meet-up in Feb or March out West a ways...Lyndon Station? Mauston? More West...I will dram about it tonight and see what I come up with!
Sweet dreams all! Terri O
Sounds good to me TO about the meet up, we go to our camper around that time any how just to check up on things there. (dells area)

funny thing, I went to my BYC pages and was looking them over and adding our resent "RIP"
I looked at how many times each page was visited, our brooder box page has been visited like 2000+ times?! I was floored! I wonder how many peeps out there used our "plans" to make their brooder box?! cool huh?
BL4 that sounds like a good spot!

Kristip how old is the brahma, looks like a hen to me. and the redish one looks just like my Rusty (hen) who I hatched from store bought eggs
farmer told me that they were white rock and red rock mixes o.0 ? I know right i figure a mix with a Rhode island red (RIR) cause yours AND my Rusty are lighter than my RIR's!? Have fun with them, I forget, are these your first chickens???
DrH I know the feeling on the time change. My alarm in my head went off this a.m. at 6am
and my kids were all up by 7

Well good night all!!
Welcome Raiquee, you are pretty close to my area. Like you, I was very sick with my pregnancies... with Hyperemesis gravidarum. Spent almost 3 months in the hospital with a PICC line during my 2nd pregnancy. I was also on ondansetron for nausea (and also compazine, reglan & a few others). Just wanted you to know it gets a lot easier after your HCG levels plateau (week 20) and all my kiddos are healthy and normal. I hope you feel better.

I sent a few new people over here lately, hope they've been posting! Off to catch up on everyone!
Good Morning Everyone! I see we're in for a few more nice days then some white stuff. After I got off here went back out to try and lure Lefty around the end of the ditch with treats. Brownie just had a fit she wanted some and proceeded to try and fly acoss the ditch. Made it about 2/3 of the way and swam the rest. Who says chickens can't swim. Naughty chickens! Anyway walked down to where I last saw Lefty and was nowhere to be seen. Thought she was hunkered down somewhere couldn't see or hear her. L then says she's right here. Don't know if she flew or walked over on the new bridge. She was dry so suspect the latter or is a better flier than Brownie. So back through the brambles to deliver a scolding that they'll not soon forget. BAD NAUGHTY CHICKENS!!!!!! BL4 hope you can find a buyer quick and get your place in the country Sounds pretty sweet! Kristip nice mix of birds! Looks like you have someone that's REALLY happy about them! Neat pic! Had to laugh the other day. BFF came out to hunt and Buster followed him almost half way to his condo. We watched him. Told BFF that I thought we might have to come out and pick up pieces of him. Sent eggs home with him including that poult egg. told him that that one was for Emily. Talked to his wife yesterday and asked if she ate it but she wanted the biggest one. Guess she went as a bride for halloween. She lost her first tooth so they were teasing her and called her the hillbilly bride. Going to get the yard finished up today. The tractor is happily in it's berth and ready to go. Better get to it. Enjoy the weather!
Monday's Suck! especially the monday after time change! kids missed the bus this a.m. it gave them an extra 5 mins. LOL
My heart sank last night, we were at my parents house and got home about 8, the coop of course was not closed. My DH came in and said that we were down a chicken!
I of course
went out and double checked, I head counted each breed and by names and found that we were missing "B" well she was "hiding" on the floor. however we had 41 before we lossed two-tone so we are missing more birds than we thought. So that means we have something taken chickens and leaving no proof.

DrH you go scold those chickens for me too, LOL cause all that grief!

talk later!
I could go get these and hold them if some one is interested
Free button quail - Doylestown

Came out to find my car has a flat.. roomies has a flat on his truck...
My home health nurse decided to boot me from the program... cuz I have a life...
fine with me.
HOPE like heck the air and fix a flat will work..
I gots to go get blood drawn..

WcC you should PM TO. She could use a few more button quail to keep her little lonely girl!

Stuck at home today with another kid with an upset tummy. I hope this is the end of it. I HATE having the tummy bugs in the house!!!!!
Hello all! What a beautiful day today! Wonderful weather we are having. Now only if it would last. TO-I will talk to DH in about an hour and then give you a call. Annarie- Welcome back! I understand the busy school schedule and computer problems. Glad you got yours fixed. I will definately take eggs from you and BL4. I only want about 4 to 6 calls next year so I will take a couple from both of you. I will have some very pretty babies from both your descriptions too. One question though- If I let them into the pond during the day will they make their way back to the barn everynight? The pond is about 50ft from the barn area where they will be. Oh and are you just posting pics of your beautiful birds to tease me?
I would like some of your babies come spring. You know how I feel about blues and mottleds. Oh and also if I breed my blue frizz to a splash will I get half and half? Or mostly blues? Well take care and good luck with school and 4H.
Well going out to enjoy the rest of the day. TT4N
Evening All....what a glorious day today, eh! Yep kristip that brahma is a hen. They are the nicest docile breed. I'm gonna have more on the list for spring.
Well, I tilled the gardens once over today. The flock enjoyed the fresh soil and had a ball.
Fell a dead pine and cleaned that up. I need to get back to the woods and start on the major firewood there.
The girls gave me 8 eggs today....up 7 doz now....
Yep, fm must hate me too doc....
and BCC too...

Glad the Pack spanked the Boys....wish the vikes woulda lost though ...

Stay Safe... ~ bigzio
Good Morning ALL!!
Well I am officially out of the home health care, but am still doing Antibiotics at home, but will just drive up to Madison to do the lab stuff...I got a new antibiotic, which is 10 mins 1x a day...
vs 2x a day for 2 HOURS!!!

I saw an ad for OEB chicks.. and am meeting her today in Spring Green.. I may bring back 4.. I am trying for 3.... And all hens if I can...
I have been wanting OEB's for a long time..
I will post pics when I get them home.

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