Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Peatwo and Btwo
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Your birds are beautiful Dr.H!!!

So far one deer has been tagged in our group.... my DH tells me there is a story behind the tagging of this deer..... I will let you all know when I do what that might be.

Time for a nap! I don't think I will be getting to that kraut today... too tired! At least the pies are finished and baking away......

Boy oh boy Dr Ha ha. Peatwo looks so much like his daddy.
But man, Buster is a BEAUTY! I really like Silverlaced Wyandottes. I have one full sized and 3 banties myself and am looking at getting a few more this spring.
Hi All!!

Just got back from Ohio Nationals. My red boy won 1st and best variety.

We also had the local Fox 6 news here to film our coop for a story on backyard hens in Milwaukee. Should be on the news in the next week or so.

Dr. H-- beautiful birds!~
fm I'm so glad that I got a roo out of the 2 eggs that hatched! Peatwo is my boy, so many good memroies of his dad. He too almost falls asleep in my arms. Makes ya feel good! Wait till he fills out should be pretty neat! Really hope him and Buster will get along want to hatch out some wyandottes I really like them! Too! Think that will be the majority of my future flock. Have to put them to bed Buster stands at the doors making sure everyone is in. Btwo think is an ugly ducking her neck is really long and it takes a longer time to pet than the rest.
But you know what ugly ducklings turn out. Ugly ducks
She's so precious to me. They all are. God I wish I would have never got into chickens! OK that's an obvious lie. They have brought so much enjoyment into our lives! Just got interuped with a long phone convo with good neighbor Donny. It's so nice to know so many good people!
DrH---the birds are looking GREAT! I definitely want eggs or chicks this spring from you. My SLW roo is not as nice looking as yours to be sure. He is the bottom of the order though so he is missing a bit of his tail. Since I made the "man-cave" for the boys they seem to be getting along much better though. Take out the female factor and they all seem much calmer! I have 15 residing in there and they crow like crazy but dont seem to fight at all any more.
I bought the hinges for my new coop today so I can get back to work on it. It is still just the floor and one wall! I am a very slow builder it seems...I have lots of "good stuff" to build with but now much time to do the building! I might have it done by the time it get s really cold...
We just got back from picking up more hay. I want to go back and get the rest tomorrow but I am thinking that it may be raining in the morning. I am trying to talk my friend into coming to help me unload the hay--DH is allergic and complains too much--I tried to ply her with lasagna for supper but she said she has a sub sandwich to eat...silly girl!
( oh good--she said she is coming!) I dont know--a whole 13x9 pan of lasagna for DH and I...sounds like a belly ache!
So I better get out and get my chores done before she gets here...cant wait to hear the deer story...they always are good; especially when third or fourth hand!

Oh I forgot to say--the people I got the hay from are the very same ones that I bought my champion Black Australorpe and hens from two years ago at the fair! Isnt that a co-incidence? Well, maybe not such a one in this county...

OK--have a great night and sweet dreams too! Terri O
Good Evening Everyone....what a priceless day here on the hill... First off nice pics of the birds Doc, glad you took the time to share them. I 'm anxious to share my pics of the buckeyes too!

The hunt today was truly a blessing and just so much fun! I usually don't have great luck gun hunting....today I fired 3 shots and thanked the Creator 3 different times. I bagged 2 eight pointers and a adult 2 1/2 year old dry doe with no fawns. I'm done hunting now, and the real part of the hunt starts with the skinning and cutting the precious red meat. My bro tagged my second buck, and my son wants his tag open for future chances (who's your dad).I think I taught him well?
It's not always this way here....I truly am thankful.

The neighbors hit a large throphy and tracked it onto my land. They stopped and talked to Suzie. She put them on the line to me...I said go ahead and get that boy....pretty cool that they found him in the field just behind the coop in the young spruce trees. Indeed a nice one.

I saved all the liver and hearts for future fryed chicken feed.....talk about spoiled chooks. The only one diappointed is the wily coyote, that is gettting a lean pile from me! It was at least 20lbs of good stuff for the flock....talk about protein. I just can't waste anything that should be saved....grandma taught me to never ever waste....I still miss her so....she would be fryin fresh deer heart in the mornin if she was still here.

Stay safe.... ~ bigzio

I'm sorry...Congrats MTF on your Ohio National success...How about some pics....Way to fricken go!
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Apparently the deer that my DH tagged had been shot in the stomach, the kids spotted the blood trail and tracked her down so my DH could end her suffering. I know that sometimes things like that happen but too many people get out there with guns and then just start shooting at the first deer they spot without taking the time to check and see if the shot is any good or not....... I would rather a person did not get a deer at all if they can't bring it down with a decent shot...... poor thing.

My DD thought the whole experience was pretty cool; she kept asking her dad to identify the organs (I cannot imagine WHERE she could get that from....) my DS was a little grossed out by the whole process ( I thought for sure he would toss his lunch...) all in all a good time was had by all and they want to go back out tomorrow!

Never did get that nap in..... I can't believe I am still going!!!! Must have been the espresso I picked up at 5......

As far as I am concerned; ALL of you have beautiful birds! I NEVER though I would like chickens so much! They are just so pretty, I STILL cannot make up my mind on what I want when I finally DO get them!

TO, I would help you throw hay. It is good exercise!

Thought I would include this; it is what I am working towards......

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