Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Cind, I think she said duck. I hope she said duck.
And don't worry: do we ever get as much done that we want to in a day? I sure don't.

And if you ever find that you have any spare hackberries, that would be beyond wonderful! No rush on that, though. Whenever you find the time to look is fine with me. Thank you for the offer! And if anyone has any wants as far as plants go, please list them so I can see if I have anything to share.
DrH, I usually don't mind weeding either. But when you've procrastinated for as long as I have this spring, it gets a little overwhelming. The worst part is the darn grass that keeps growing between the spiderwort & irises, both of which I'm about ready to just rip out. Grrrrr......
TO, you sound exactly like me. Once I wake up, there goes the brain into overdrive. Can't fall asleep at night for nothing because of the same problem. (I sure hope I can make it to the bash. I am just dying to meet you all!) And speaking of coffee pots, can you believe the first Mr. Coffee maker my mom ever got was from my brother & lasted for over 20 years?????? Now you're lucky if the darn things make it to their warranty date, which is also getting shorter these days. Criminals. What's going to happen when we run out of landfill space?
So which Renaissance Fair did you go to, TO? My sis & I like to go to those from time to time. The one down here has jousting, a beautiful dancing horse and a bunch of, oh, what is it called when they have the trained large birds of prey? Oh well, they have those too, & elephant rides, and......Fudge, it's getting late. Gotta go! Have a lovely day & weekend, everyone, and Happy Father's Day! Hope noone gets rained out of their festivities.
Dornes, here are some links to hackberry on Wiki if you're interested, with a few pics:
Good Morning Everyone!

Got some free Iris and Hosta plants yesterday via Freecycle, intend to plant them today, and maybe split up some daylillies, and I might go and get some annuals to plant around. Stormed for much of the night here, and it's still cloudy and cool this morning-good day for planting flowers I think.

Hens, I do pile up my used chicken bedding, and I toss in the grass clippings (the ones that the chickens don't get, anyway), leaves, etc. and give it a good toss now and then. I think when I plant my flowers around today, I will go and take some of last years pile and mulch around my flowers with it. Should be aged enough by now to not burn anything up, I would think.

I suppose, I better get off of here and eat something so I can go get my running done and come home to plant. Have a great day!
Celtic and Cind, yes, a DUCK. Haven't cracked it yet since it will be a full meal on its own!

I love the Ren Faire down by you! The jousting tournament is enough to give you chills, isn't it? Those guys have really well trained horses.

Speaking of horses, when I sold my round pen over Craig's list yesterday, I joked with the woman who is coming to pick it up tomorrwow by asking her if she wants my horse too. Tunrs out, she is looking and he does fit the bill. I really should sell him since I don't ride him. But he's been mine since he was a two-year-old (15 now) and I wonder what it will do to my heart to let him go. Has anyone else here done that? He would have a lot more interesting life if he were ridden. Here he just goes in and out of the barn when he needs shelter and gets nice hay and grass and has two buddies he can boss around. He's super-healthy and has his hooves trimmed regularly. Sometimes doing the right thing hurts.

Time to get outside and work. Heard we might have rain yet today. Oh, and my hay won't need baling next Saturday like I was afraid it might. Phew! Can't miss the bash!!!!!!
going soon to check on the tshirts to see if the beaks and the combs are dark enough to suit me. I ended up painting in the combs and beaks by hand, I was having the worst time seeing where to place the screen so I just painted them in. it probably went faster lol and I got the beaks and the combs done in 1 day instead of 2 like it was going to take with screening them. DrH that pocket of yours threw me for a loop! (on the tshirt, Im making) had to do some touch up on that one, well DH did while I was painting in the combs. and I dropped my paint brush on one of the "extra" white tshirts.
did I tell you that the shirts look Soooooo good!

I love that pool!

HOLY egg!

TO coffee did the same to me today?? sent me back to bed

TO & DrH, we set up the tent too, ours fits 3 Queens and a twin. I think I said that?! lol oh ya I remember saying that, that's when I ask Bigz if the tent would fit somewhere at camp. I think we're leaving the goats home
bring the barky dogs
I will apologize now, sorry!
Holy ouch. What's funny is my Ameraucana have been laying regular sized eggs with several of them containing 2 yolks...itty bitty ones. LOL Their eggs are slightly smaller than the store eggs.

Well, puppy pak arrived today, microscope shows it faired shipment well, progesterone level today says we're right on track. Everyone do the puppy dance for us and wish Miss Bubbs some fertility and luck!

Did I mention I hate waiting? Darn dog hormonal cycles, impossible to tell if they are pregnant for at least 3 weeks.
good afternoon, I just got back from my ride to look at the tiller.. I should say piece of 5h!- I wonder how people can try to get away with selling junk like that? He will find somebody who doesn't know any better, I suppose.. It ran OK, but everything that was supposed to swing, swivel or snap, was rusted TIGHT !
He admitted to me that it was stored outside for a couple of years.. Ya think??
I think I will tear my tiller apart and see exactly what I broke in there.. I am hoping I just blew a hole in the piston.. easy fix..

Have company coming in a little while.. son and his girl friend..
good excuse to make BBQ chicken on the grill,,,Yummm...

didn't see mama duck for a couple of days.. she might be out there somewhere, I prolly just didn't notice.. lots of places for her to hide..

Annie got bit by the geese again today.. they came back when she was robbing the turkey eggs from the nest.. LOL then she shows the marks to me ,, like it is my fault or something.. He!!, leave those geese alone !!!!

H&R I pile up my chicken bedding and add whatever to it.. I just started a new pile closer to the new garden.. the old pile is about 6 years old and very well decomposed.. It is about 3 cu yds.. I turn it over eery once in awhile with the tractor bucket, just to get the raw stuff on top buried.. we go against all the rules and bury guts and feathers in there.. the wild animals leave it alone, but our dog likes an occasional rotten chicken head or foot.. Yummm LOL
Boy those thunderstorms today are somethin else, never saw them like this. The sun is shinin, the breeze is blowin, and for sure the driest rain I ever felt!
Got the main garden weeded
Stood back and looked at it, put a big smile on my face. Have one head of broccoli forming already. Think if we had a contest for the reddest neck I'd surely be in contention. ODr.H glad to hear your shipment came through Otay!
I don't use the dancing rabbit cause when fm does it, it snows. Raim glad to hear the shirts are progressing as planned! Sorry mine is a pain but you should have figured that I have to be difficult by now.
Thank the DH for the extra work!
What was there a circus going out of business and you scarfed a tent?
NO goats?
shanti that is one HUGE egg! I'm so glad so many of the newer people are coming and wish at the same time that everyone from the first bash were going to show up. Think we should get a tatoo for every year attended. A lil chicken head maybe, on the forehead. Na Charlie Manson did the forehead thing already. And shanti don't think of yourself think about the life the horse could have
WCW I wish I had time to mess more with flowers, I always appreciate a nice flower bed. CC I hear ya on the procrastination but usually it's a time management issue. I'm lucky enough to have that option now kinda like right now. I think I'm going to manage to have some lunch and take a quick nap.
H&R can't imagine being under a deadline to get the units ready for renters. I applaud you and your DH for being able to do so! WOW TO kinda pushin it aren't ya? Poor Carol!
Gotta go I'm Starvin Marvin!
That is a HUGE tent. To fit 3 queens and a twin! OMG - where on earth did you get that from?

When the bash shirts are done, can you post pictures of it here for those of us that are going to miss the bash - just so we can see what we are going to be missing
I still think we should do a fall bash... trade garden veggies and chickens and such... by then, I will be suffering from Chicken math and need to get more.

Got the coop run finished today (without a door - that will come later and then the landscaping...). I had some old dog fence panels that we put up and then ran chicken wire along the bottom half. Good thing we did. My three week olds would have fit right through the openings on the chain link! The chickens are loving it outside though. Theres a nice little ant hill in the run that they went bonkers over. And worms. Nasty - I hate worms, but Gretta kept finding them and running all over with her peeping to say she had something that the others did not. Chickens are funny
DH even sat in the run with me for a half hour or so, I think he secretly loves chickens. lol

if you look close, theres a chick by the shovel and then two more on the top step:

And here's a shot of the front. Need to get the yard mess cleaned up from the rebuild and get it looking spiffy out there again...

Storms look like they are rolling in... thank goodness - my garden needs watering!
Ya, DrH I knew yours was gonna be a pain in my a$$!

we got the tent from walmart.com HEY what can I say, theres 7 of us! lol
dornes u want a pic of the "shirt" itself or just a pic of what they look like?
here's a pic of the design, on a white tshirt

black looks different.

ok the real things look different than the design, like for instance that egg in .com gave me more problems than DrH pocket T.

wait till you see my DD(3) shirt........

oh and I got next years bash shirts all planned

Think I may offer some up (w/o the title on the bottom) to sell through BYC, you think Niffy would let me?

Here's the updated list of who's bringing what. PM me if you want me to make changes
Here's who's coming so far......

Who/how many/bringing for food

DrHaha/ / Noodles, and BBQ's
RAIMNEL/ 7 / buns for DrH's BBQ's, cheese and sweet peppers, baked beans?
TerriO/ 2 / green garden salad, sausage and cheese, Tabbouleh salad
?Dandelion Acres/ 5 / ??
Susie "J"/ 2 / ??
GothChick/ 2 / ?? (not making it to the bash )
BigZio/ 3 / Venison on the grill
Amyable/ 3 / ?
Julie/ 1/ ?
Magoochie / 2 /
WiChookchick / 2 / dessert
BabyLady4 / 6? / dessert
beckyschicks /6 or 1? lol /
sweetfolly / 5-6 /
GhostRider65 / 2 /
Cindlady /2 / German Potato Salad
FrenchToast/ 2/ dessert OR baked beans (let me know ASAP if your NOT going to bring beans)
Frizzler / / taco dip & chips
Shantibirdy/1/ pie and pasta salad
Polla37 /3/ mustard Potato salad

French toast, see the note to you? lol
off to put the bash back on top. lol TO any news on the banner?
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Yeah - the actual shirt
I saw the designs earlier... but am super interested to see what the actual shirt will look like
You keep talkin' about all this screening that you are doing and it really has me curious as to see the actual shirts.

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