Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Yeah it is official I am going to the bash
Can't wait to meet all of you
Evening All!

Well, got the daylillies seperated today and replanted around the cottonwood tree out front. Got my one hosta bed weeded and have decided that a couple of those need to be split up-got one done, will maybe do the other tomorrow. Bought some Asiatic lillies and got those in the ground, also some marigolds potted up and on the front step. Of course, it started to rain, but I did manage to at least get my free hostas in the ground, the iris will have to wait till morning.

Might have gotten a line on some more hens-I am looking to expand my flock by 4 or 5 as I am stuggling to keep up with egg orders, and don't even have any eggs for myself these days-bummer! Hopefully the gal will part with some hens without asking me take the rooster's as well-I already am pushing it with the one I have-I think if I had multiple roo's my neighbors would kill me!

Whew, been a long day! Think I better turn in-Nitey Nite!
Polla... Glad you can make it!

Dornes.... you are "chicken math" exempt.... at least for now! After all, your rebuilding your flock.

WCC... you got to post pics of that chariot! And I know what you mean about keeping up wit egg orders! First it was going to be enough for DH and I. Then I thought "how can I eat good eggs and not feed the kids and grandkids !?" Then people started to ask about buying eggs. I could get rid of 15 dozen a week without batting an eye! I had to tell people "no eggs" so I could save enough to make Angle food cake for my son's birthday! LOL... last time when my son said he had an order for 3 dozen I didn't have enough. He told me to go out and squeeze the chickens!
I think they knew... I went to the nest box and 3 were laying yet... just made the order!

Bigzio.... Don't strain those eyes too much! We need you at the bash!

Well, got a little more planted. Picked the strawberries. (Man am I glad they went for flavor instead of big and pretty when they planted those!)
Picked more asparagus, I now have 9 stuffed quart bags frozen and it's still coming! Plus I gave away at least 5 pounds! And we've been eating it too! I will bring some roots to the bash. I still have more planting to do!

I think my Dec. hatch girls started laying!
I didn't expect them to lay until Aug. but there seems to be strange, fairly small brown eggs in the nests!
However, I think a couple of the girls are hiding eggs again!
I've gotten to where I can pretty much tell who laid what egg (at least with in 2-3 chickens) and some are missing!
Now I have to hunt down eggs! I can't afford to loose any, I can't keep up with egg orders as it is! The babies (Easter hatch) have caught on to the "chick,chick,chick" call. Amazing how well that works! Loose a few chickens and give the call.... they all come running! (Well, unless their on the nest)

Should sleep... company coming today. Wish my house was cleaner

Did I ever tell you all how much I love this place?!
lol I just hope all of you who just moved that you love your new place as much as I love this place! We looked for 3 years! I think it was just waiting for us to find it!
Good Wet Morning All! Dumped 1 1/2" out of the rain gauge. Lots of boomers early this morning. Happy Fathers Day to all who qualify! Was just thinking haven't heard from Keedokes in a while. WCc I wanna see this chariot too! Cind sounds as if you might like your place?
I hear ya on the not enough eggs seems I over estimated the number of eggs layed have people on a rotating list. I would take as many asparagus crowns as you can spare!
WCW glad to hear you got your flowers in! polla glad to hear you can make it! It's a blast! Bigz you better be behaving yourself don't want you showing up with a white cane and seeing eye chicken. Jim I went and looked at that motor it looks like a Briggs but the neat thing was that it came off a Monkey Wards tiller. The rain has quit that might get me out to trim up the shrubbery NEE and finally get to the rhubarb. Having sweet and sour pork for fathers day I love it L not so much. But I got to choose so I win! I've only had to water the gardens once so far I can almost see the maters grow. Looks like a very productive year
Enjoy the day good people!
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Morning all!!

I just glanced through the 10 pages of posts that I had to catch up on so I'm just going with: Hi, Welcome, Great coops, sorry for any losses (if applicable), Congrats, and have fun at the Bash!

Happy Fathers Day!

So, everyone is doing great here! Buzzy and Crew are ready to go outside but I have no place to but them yet, so they will have to stay in the basement brooder for a few more days. Cornie is huge but sassy and moves surprisingly fast for a fat chicken!

Dh and I got a new couch for the three season porch yesterday at our community shelter thrift store. It's a little big but it is very nice-looks and feels brand new! It was a great price for the condition it is in and we finally were able to get rid of the old, smelly dog couch! So I have to clean the porch to go along with the clean couch!

Mowed the lawn yesterday and thinned some of the radish and turnips in the garden. The tomatoes, peppers, and beans are coming along great and I need to pole the peas to make a little pea grid for them today. The corn is growing very slowly it seams. I'm starting to get strawberry flowers and the raspberries are starting to form.

Well, that is about it so I best be off to get my chores done!
Chat soon!
morning all,

Rainy day, Happy Fathers day. The boys are still sleeping so I guess I will make my own breakfast:D. We are having a chipmunk invasion. not sure how to get ride of them, they aren't in the coop but are in the run. Any ideas? This morning when I let the chickens out, I heard a crow, not sure which one of the males did it? Doesn't matter, soon I have to rehome them. Gonna miss them they are beautiful young men. I am sure the female wyandotte will miss them too.

good morning, NOBODY got left out of this rain shower.. I only watered the plants after I put them in.. the rain is taking good care of that job..

My daughter bought me 3 water hoses with "both ends" on them.. and Annie bought me two "both ends" repair fittings.. LOL another fine example of whine and you shall receive...

Once I get all my hoses repaired, I might have enough to reach all the way to the garden (over 400 feet).. since it is downhill all the way, I should have good pressure..

I am going to Fleet for feed today. then I am going to pick up a plastic cage liner.. that will go into the bottom of the raised box planter I am going to build.. I will leave about 1" space all around the edge for water drainage.. and the liner should hold an inch of water to keep things moist.. that is my plan, anyhow..

we are going to plant lettuce and carrots in the box.... If it works out, I will build a bunch of them and plant beets and maybe head lettuce also.. can anybody see where this is going?? I think a small greenhouse is in our future.. LOL

My only problem is where is the best place to build it..? we have so many shade trees, I want it close to the house.. we are not getting any younger, you know..

Since it is raining out, Annie decided that it is a good idea for me to take care of the outside birds.. so much for "Happy Father's Day"

laters,,,,,,,, jiminwisc ...........

Oh, I am thinking of making ho-made pancaked at the bash on Sunday morning.. anybody interested ?? I need to know how many people would eat them so I know how much fixings to bring..
Happy Father's Day to all those filling this role
. On our way up to Noah's Ark for the day with some friends- decided DH was good so we could take the day off- hope it stops raining and the sun comes out.

I currently have 2 red pullets that need to be rehomed along with a white leghorn cockeral and a partridge bantam cochin cockeral, we won't be at the bash but maybe TO would give them a ride if someone is interested.

Told DH we should get a peahen and peacock to add to the fun- got a dirty look;)

Enjoy the day as we are just about here.
Good Morning Everyone!

Rained most of the night here, which is good for the flowers I planted yesterday. As soon as I am done with my toast and coffee, I will get outside and get the iris plants in, seperate the one hosta and get that planted, and clean the coop, then go to work this afternoon.

On second thought: JV, pancakes sound delicious! I think I will make myself some of those, THEN go out and do my chores!

Have a terrific father's day to all of you dads!
Well got the dogs out before it rained, and went and fed clients horses. I am feeding them for the next week as he is on manuevers with the military.
I took my two out to play stock dog and got back as it was pouring...
Thunder is looming in the background, Thank goodness for portable wifi and a laptop w/ battery...
Off to go back to bed, then yummy fresh eggs for breakfast and as we like to say here at chookchick land.. "Hurr Pamcakes!!"

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