Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I am soooo sorry to hear of your losses, Carol & Kee. That is so sad.
And Kee, that sounds scary, and just plain wrong. You better get him to the ER soon! That is not normal to be in acute pain if you are suffering from your average illness. He could have e-coli or something else just as serious. Where is the pain in his body? Stomach? Muscles?
Wow, I sure hope he is feeling better soon & doesn't have anything serious. Please keep us posted.
Kee ... I agree! Get him to the ER! Could be appendices or an massive gallbladder attack!

Carol... Sorry about your roo. Do you know what happen?

To those who want asparagus... I'm going to dig up all the plants I have been stepping on all season!
We'll see how far it goes

Well, DH's friend came over and we were talking about how we could fix up and utilize the space in the work shop. He's going to help insulate and move some very large work benches for me and help put up shelving and and a rack for my scrap wood.
Then we started talking about tools and I was saying we have to have room for my 2 vises and a grinder (for when I get one!) I said I had my eyes open for a good used one. We also discussed the merits of having a table saw. Then his friend had to go and DH gets on the phone. Then he asks for some of the money he gave me the day before and takes my truck!.
2 hours later he comes home smiling (me too!) So for Fathers day I got a table saw!
AND a 10" miter saw! (a nice one!)
And a brand new exhaust fan for the coop!
And a bunch of other odds 'n ends the guy had! He was getting a divorce and moving to Pennsylvania on Wed. and was trying to sell his stuff. DH said there may be more Tue.!
I have such a good hubby!
Oh! I did get him a fancy back scratcher you mount to a wall corner!

Still haven't found where the girls are hiding the eggs!

My broody seems to be doing fine. I caught her off the nest and got a peek at the eggs, I'm not so sure she's turning them though
I marked them all and I saw allot of the marks. Could be they just got turned back up

Got to finish fixing the trailer for the bash... hope the rain cooperates!
I am so sorry to hear about the losses, Had a nice father day with my dad and my sons, chickens are doing well.

Good Morning Everyone! WCc that's terrible about Bert! Hope you get a Bertwo! kee glad to hear from you! Get that man to the Dr.! ASAP! Cind wowwee that's a major score! otonoh as I've said many many times if you can't find a home for them I'll take them back! I'll even come and get them. Just let me know. I didn't mean that I would scarf up all the asparagus crowns but I will take whatevers left over. raim think the hens name is Oreo? Fire in the hole, that's funny! Had a great D Day! Oldest DD was in the Dallas airport on her way to Witchita for a week of neutering animals and saw the youngest DD when we went to look at their house again. Heading back over there shortly to set them up with a temporary shower. They only have a tub right now. Should be an easy deal. Boy am I going to regret typing that out loud!
Better get some B'fast and load up the tools. Probably will check in later. Because I know you'll all want to hear about the new shower.
Have a great one!
good morning, not much happens overnight, so this should be a short one.. I found a young guy who claims to do small engine repair cheaply.. I am going to take a chance on him.. I have a 9AM appt.

i spent a loooong time at Fleet yesterday.. what a fiasco.. Nobody knew anything about the new way small engines are rated.. (by foot pounds) 9.00 ft pounds torque = ??? will it do the same job as my former 6 HP ???

I had to help 2 guineas out of their shells last night.. I did not check this morning to see if they lived.. The late hatchers always seem to need help.. and they seem to be weaker..
there is one this morning that is zipped.. I will give it until this afternoon to absorb the yolk and/or hatch... that one will make it 50% if he makes it.. guineas are not doing more than 50% this year.. I think there are too many roosters out there.. ??

High Five died last night.. he was a chick that had one leg twisted 180* .. hopped around on one foot very well,,waved the spare foot over his back .. was over a month old.. He was such a fighter and got around as well as the rest, and was growing normally.. I did not have the heart to kill him..

I better get going, laters /// jiminwisc \\\\\\\\
Jim, if I was closer to you I would have my DH look over that tiller for you. He is a wiz at fixing things like that (people give him lawnmowers that don't "work", and he will have them running in no time flat).

I hope everyone had a wonderful Father's Day! My DH and oldest DS went fishing with my BIL on Saturday night, my BIL scored with a 25 1/2" Northern.

TO, was checking out the ingredients I need for your cake...... and of course it requires Dutch Processed cocoa and I do not have that in the house. No worries though I'll get some and make it right! What would be great is if I could find GF cake flour!

KD, I hope you give us an update on your BF......... I know you gave us very vague symptoms, but just keep in mind that when an appendix ruptures the pain will go away............

I am so sorry to all of you who lost babies over the weekend.

DK so happy you finally made it to WI (I think I said that already...

Susie (and anybody else who would like some) I will be digging rhubarb this afternoon..... and making soap since I have not made ANY yet!

Everyone enjoy the day!
Thanks guys--we knew it wasn't anything too serious, we were just worried about pain management more than anything. He started feeling nauseous the other night (he realized he hadn't eaten ANYTHING all day) and when we got home from a festival he vomited so violently that he pulled several muscles and I think may have cracked or bruised a rib. The pain from that got so intense that the nausea continued (and thus the vomiting) making things worse and worse. I think he got sick a total of five times, and after that point was in intense pain. He woke up this morning and is feeling a little better--not such intense pain, just very very sore all over, and it still hurts a little to breathe (thus my rib theory). He's had pancreatitis before and we were worried it may have been a repeat of that, but after a bit of theorizing he said that the pain was much different. If he hadn't been feeling better this morning he would have had to go in for some big time pain meds, but after a night of ibuprofin (and some benadryl to help him sleep, because that's what we had) he seems to at least be able to walk around. He was just so restless and in pain last night it was freaky.

Thanks so much for all of your thoughts, and I'll definitely keep y'all posted. (Thanks for the chick sympathy, too.)

Jess, you DO need to get him to the Dr... My DH had a bout of pancreatitis and they had to give him antibiotics and an anti nausea stuff so he could rest his stomach.

I am flip flopping about going out to help a neighbor pull weeds, I am tired, and spent an hour in the mud, feeding and watering horses at clients this morning...

Stay Dry folks
jim I know why you try to stay away from the incubating and hatching thread.
OMWord the people there. someone on BYC has an incubator made out of a side by side fridge/freezer, that looks like it holds as many eggs as my coolerbator.
that is all I'm saying, ok that and Seriously!

ok I gotta go iron and iron and iron (the tshirts for the bash)

to ta loo
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