Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hey everybody! My Turkey day dinner is about put together! All that needs to be done is the bird itself (DH said he would make it on the grill!) The mashed spuds and the sweets. Oh yeah-the brussels sprouts casserole too. Other wise I have all the putsy stuff done and in the big fridge on the porch! Hopefully raccoons dont come and have an early Thanksgiving! Gee-maybe I should move it to the downstairs fridge? I really would be a shame if something ate the jello mold and the veggies! Anyhow, I think I might need to find more guests...we only have 4 people eating, we might be eating all afternoon and into the evening. How do I go about finding people to invite?

The girls got off to FL without a hitch. I hope my car runs OK...the seatbelts are good (
) what could go wrong???
I just hope they are safe...I wanted to send a dog along but they said no. Not that any of our dogs would be very protective....just the idea I guess.
I sent along some of the pickles I made (thanks drh) and salsa (thanks B and SIS) and some HM cranberry orange apple sauce, also a stick of the venison sausage ( thanks neighbor!) Hey, speaking of venison...DH almost got us a nice buck on the way home tonight...(he says it was a "turdy poiner") It jumped right in front of his truck on the way home...guess he was paying attention cause he didnt hit it...braked HARD though. I saw one on the road yesterday that didnt even look very damaged...Dh says "are you seriously thinking of picking up road kill?" Yeah...I bet he wouldnt even have brought that buck home HAD he hit it! *sigh*

OK I better go and eat some dinner...have a great night everyone! Terri O
Hey TerriO, nothing wrong with road-kill.. I have had a few. I draw the line on small animals and birds, though..

there is a restaurant in Parish that always had a road-kill recipe book on their service window shelf..

how do you know the buck was on the way home?
Better put your pants on too while you're at it. The long pants, not the short ones.

I'm glad to hear L is starting to feel better, DrH. Please give her our best.

TO, when I bring home pistachios, I have to hide them immediately, or DH will inhale them. I'm glad you got most of your T-day dinner assembled already. I wish I could be so well prepared for the holidays.
You could always invite some of the racoons.

DH brought up a hamhock from the basement freezer, so I spent the day making bean soup today. Mmmm, turned out tasty. It was a good day for soup today. Very wet, damp and chilly down here. At least tomorrow is supposed to be better. Let's hope they're right, for once. Hope everyone gets to enjoy it!
Glad you got the rain and not us CC! I took a look at the sky and I think I will chance it for tonight...I have a few bags of feed on the tailgate of the pickup. Just got done from cleaning up after dinner and doing ALL the dishes I dirtied up during the day of cooking. At least there is a clean sink to start out tomorrow! I wont have to look at a mess while getting coffee and heading to work!
I kinda miss that big dishwasher at work when I have a bunch to do! Makes short work of dishes for 35 for sure!

OK--ready to feed cats and hit the sack. DH is "watching" Badgers BBall while doling something on his computer and laughing...yeah, I am going to bed! Good night all--sweet dreams! Terri O

ETA: CC the first time I read your post I thought your DH brought up a hammock from the freezer!
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Did I mention I build houses with HFH? To date we've built six 'all-women-build' houses in Rock County. It does sound like my idea of fun!

Love, Linn B (aka Smart Red) Gardening zone 5a - 4b in south-est, central-est Wisconsin
You should have ask just a bit earlier! I WAS available. I found out Monday that I'm doing the big feast. Got to the grocery store late this evening. Sigh! Not really worried; I've been doing TD dinner for years, but it is a bit of a late start.

On the other hand, I am retired! I figure a little cleaning here and a lot of cooking there on Wednesday should make Thursday's meal easy-peasy. Of course I did have to go with a fresh bird - already in parts - my bird has three drumsticks! Much shorter cooking time.

Love, Linn B (aka Smart Red) Gardening zone 5a - 4b in south-est, central-est Wisconsin
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Well, in that case, TO, it is a darn good thing I didn't send DH down to get a "nubber".

Glad to hear you got all your dishes done. It sure is a good feeling when you can relax knowing that job isn't waiting for you.
Yikes! I sure hope don't get any rain. It rained on & off almost all day here.
Those are some beautiful birds, TO! What breed are they?
See? They want to join your T-day feast too, to help you eat it all, I mean.
hi, anybody else still up? I was in bed, but it was too early for me to be there.

I have to get up at 7am to take my grandson to work..

we have all the kids coming here for thanksgiving.. so tomorrow I have to push the big trailer out of the driveway for room to park their cars.. I could provide a 40 acre field, but somebody would still park somebody else in.... unbelievable..

CC., TerriO, funny, at first I thought , what the heII is he going to do with a hammock..

Linn Bee, what's HFH ?

we could start a help group and travel from place to place and build coops , grade driveways etc.. I want you all here for the second weeding of my garden..

the 5 gallon metal waterer is working very well in the chicken coop. so well that I think I will remove the cement block and just let it hang from the chain..


Me too !!!! And I have my glasses on !!!! Hamhocks, Hammocks, Nubbers, Rubbers !!!! What's the difference ???

Yes Jim, you might want to sleep with your pants on and a comb on your nightstand for those early uninvited visitors knocking at your door !!!

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