Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

We must be long lost relatives !!!! I can totally relate. As I stumble thru the snow covered yard realizing now is a good time to put things away for winter !!!!

I was just at Menards, those drills sound like a good idea for small projects that don't require alot of power and a 300 ft extension cord !!! Another reason to go back to town !! Thanks Jim

Well, I put this on my Christmas list !!!
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I see this morning that Peatwo found a nest box to his liking. Have the coop open and most are standing in the doorway in the sun gettin a tan
The well pipe was thawed right after I posted.
Found that I neglected to insulate a small section of the outside wall where the pipe comes in. Done deal. I see my idiot neighbor out in his well pit with a flashlight this morning. He freezes up several times a winter. Him and his dad have a favorite saying for anyhing they don't understand. "It's engineered wrong" oh the stories I could tell. If I posted pics of his place 99.99% of you would puke.
I feel so sorry for their kids! Jim hope you get your drain thawed, that's not fun. Have found that the "you get what you pay for" adage holds true. Have too many tools here that were made elsewhere and found that if you only need them once in awhile they hold up but anything you use a lot should be quality. But you already knew that huh. Was gonna start mudding the drywall in the bedroom today but after groc shopping, insulating, chickens, garbage, wood replentishing think I'll just do the dishes and call it good. Still nursing the knee, don't want to over do it. Thinking a beer while doing the dishes would taste good then some lunch and a nap. Suns shining! Getting to be that time of year where just seeing the sun is wonderful!

I am heating my coop with a ceramic heater and also a water heater. I keep my coop around 40 degrees. It wa 2 degrees this morning but the coop was still warm. It is my first winter with the chickens so i am a newbie, but i feel if I can keep them warm they will spend more time producing eggs instead of trying to survive.
Beautiful - but cold - day to day. Last night was our coldest so far. . . just above 16 degrees. By the time I got to the chicken coop, the inside was just over 40 degrees. Granted, I wasn't the first bird up, but I was outside by 8:00.

Sort of wondering if the chickens will be too warm inside and find it hard to adapt to going out. I didn't expect it to be that warm. It is the sun! They have a full glass door that lets in the morning sun and really seems to heat the place up. I suppose I should get a lowest/highest temperature gauge if I want to see just what the night temps get down to.

Oh, well. I'm off to try making a new door for the coop. I have an outside locking door. No way I want to be crawling through the snow to unlock and open it for the winter so I'm gonna make a Guillotine-type door that goes up and down from the comfort of the inside. And it should make the chickies safer from varmints.

I've got the sides routed out and I've got the door. I just have to figure how to get it mounted and working. Wish me luck!

Love, Linn B (aka Smart Red) Gardening zone 5a - 4b in chilly south-est, central-est Wisconsin
Good Fish Fry Friday To All... Since chickens have survived for thousands of years without any additional heat, I choose not to heat the coops here on the hill. My one coop is insulated while the other is not. I have thermometers in both to monitor temps for my own information mostly. The insulated coop prolly has a 10 degree advantage over the other, however both are tight without drafts and ventilation to prevent frostbite on the combs.
I consider my flock to be as healthy as possible. I do have weather proven breeds which is a smart idea here in the Badger State.

Plenty of folks at the pot luck last night. The high school choir provided the music and did a wonderful job. Really nice to see and hear young folks with a God Given Talent, actually use it!

Nothing new here. I sent Gov Walker a nice Thank-You for signing the Castle Doctrine....He's simply the Best!

Kept work at a minimal here today too. Just didn't feel like playing in the cool air here today. The brave flock is out and about....except the older lt brahmas. They are smart enough to stay in the coop out of the wind. Must be why they are called the magestic ones.

Later... bigz
I have been in and out all day long, but this last trip was a doozie.. It really got cold when the sun got below the tree line.. I had the guinea pen closed all day.. that was a mistake.. they wanted to go in, and couldn't, so now most of them are in the pine tree.. I could not even coax them down with bread treats..
I am not going to try to get them down any more today.. they can spend the night up there, if the owl gets one, he gets one.

Yeah DrH, I have heavy duty drills for real jobs, but with the drill bits and drivers that come with these drills, the drill is free.

I think these would be nice Christmas presents for household chores.. The big test will be to see how long a charge lasts..

Bro Dave came out with his Ohm meter and we got both outlets changed out.. they were worn out GFI's .. I put regular outlets in..
My daughter was here and really got a good chuckle watching the two of us screw up one thing after another.. It would take a week of typing to tell all about it.. Just picture the three stooges, less one.. fill in your own blanks.. hint, we were using telephones for comunications from outside to down in the basement.. Bro Dave on the phone asking me if I can hear him, heII yeah, you are only 3 feet away..!!

when the power comes back on, call me, Dave,, OK, Jim.... . No call, Dave didn't know the number of my other phone.. So he runs all the way down to the basement to tell me the power is on.. Need I go on ?? meanwhile DD#2 is about ROTHFL.. We have fun , no matter what we do..

Roast beef and potatoes for supper.. and I am hungry.. I have to go out one more time to fill the waterers and close up the coops. then I am staying in for the night..
Afternoon All!
Spent the day yesterday with my BFF and we had a boat load of fun. Not much to report here. The Girls are doing well and I finally found out who "lays" on the run! It's one of the Barnies! LOL!

I'm not heating the coop this winter. Well, I should say I'm not planning on heating the coop thins winter however, that can change. I did make a trip to Menards to get some patio paver things to set a heated water dish on for the Girls. I also have to seriously come up with a plan about heated bunny water bottles. While I was there I saw a Suncast play house that was on sale. It would make the best chicken coop. Windows, doors, flower boxes, a porch and a roof. They only wanted $2300 for it.....ah let me think....that would be a no! I also say some sheds that might make a good rabbitry in the spring....

Welcome to Linn Bee and Brande! Nice to see you here!

FT-Don't feel bad out kicking that pig. Trust me, I doubt he felt it much. You might have better luck smacking him on his snout to get him off of you. Pigs are very very thick skinned and thick muscled. We had to use 12 guage needles on them to vaccinate them. They also are very very smart. Start to work with him just like you would a dog. He will figure it out fast. Also neuter him. That will help and especially after 30 days, you will just be dealing with behavior issues instead of testosterone and behavior problems. When you get him neutered, try to find a place that you can take him to as opposed to having it done in the field. Pigs do best under gas anesthesia rather then injectable. The gas is easier on them. They metabolize (or "burn through") injectable drugs rather quickly and that can make is harder on them because they reach the medication/drug "threshold" faster. That looks like a good book. Also in the mean time if you need advice, your might try to contact a PBP rescue. They might have tips to use to keep you safe when your with him. I did a quick search and found 1 in Michigan and 4 is Wisconsin.
Here is the link: The Wisconsin ones might even know where to go to get him fixed!
Hope I didn't step on ant tootsies! Just wanted to help!

Opps! I was blabbing about pigs and I missed doggie dinner time! Gotta Go!
Hey all...just read a few pages and have so much to comment on I cant even think! I just came in to warm up...stupidly stood outside for 45 mins talking to a guy (really good looking guy--LOL) about birds and stuff. He bought one of my Royal Palm Toms. I had been doing stuff outside waiting for him to show up since 1:00. He called and said he hoped I wasnt mad but he had just gotten to the feed mill and was it OK to still come out? Those turkeys sure have a bunch of feathers...I thought he would be heavier than he was.
SO I wasnt messaging you Jim...now I am jealous...somebody else was!

Sounds like you've got id down LinnB! I am anxious to go back and read and find out what FT's pig did! Great idea for the Christmas present BTW! At the next bash we are hiring you for the entertainment...you fo know that right?
OK My tea is gone and my face is almost thawed...better go and read back!
Terri O
(PS) I am glad it did not get as cold here as it seems to by everyone else! We are at 20 now and that is cold enough! I do see frozen pipes in my future...The guy that was here said that they are expecting torrential rain next week? WTH?
Happy Friday Everybody,
Guess my coop hasnt been as warm and draft free as previous years. I had to get the ice out of the waterers this morning. Back to more hole patching. hehe

My new little coop is toasty though. Only fits a few birds though.

Good gift idea jim. I might just use that.

Hope guineas are ok in the cold tonight. I have a old hen that keeps slipping off the roost so made a itty bitty roost right by the lamp and I wrapped some twine around the roost so she can stay on and stay warm. Shes an old modern game bantam. Looks rather moth eaten all the time. Shes old.

Sounds like pea2 found warm spot.

I would stand outside too for 45 minutes .

Never mind. duh

Have a nice night,

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Evening- chilly here today, so glad the week is finished- seemed like it would never end. Have a client who is having us do some work at their house and keeps adding things to the list and wanted us to come right away to do- even though she was supoose to get back to us about this 2 weeks ago when we had time. Wish they would pay the bills this fast

Tuesday DS(9) was playing at recess and rechipped one of his perment teeth- so had to go pick them all up from school since it was close to the end of the day and head back to the dentist on the far west side of Madison, returned to the dentist this am so they could do the final fix- did a good job once again. Then back out to school. Ended up just coming home and working on paper work that is piling up.

Waiting to talk with the vet about our Irish Setter- the dog has gained 2 lbs over the last 2 weeks and the pain meds seem to be working but the dog is now trying to take our couch apart.... will be talking about possible solutions and anxiety.

making artichoke for supper along with leftovers, the kids just love them, did a survey for Ocean Mist and they sent us a pack of 4!

Starting to collect eggs to start the incubator for a NYD hatch- working on the third doz now and will set Monday.

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