Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Terri O, I see you have Buckeyes. My ten year old grandson, Maverick, has decided he wants to raise chicks next spring. After researching different breeds, he says he wants to get some Buckeyes - not many since my coop is small and already houses 11 dual-purpose birds. I didn't see them at Farm and Fleet this spring when I got my chicks. Do you know of a source for about 5 pullets and a rooster?

Love, Linn B (aka Smart Red) * * * Nesting with 5 Australorp and 5 Lt. Brahma hens plus 'The Count of Monte Cristo' - or Monte for short - one beautiful, well-behaved, hard-working, Australorp rooster, in south-est, central-est Wisconsin.
Afternoon Linn Bee....I have a small flock of 15 Buckeyes. TO got hers from me. I'll be hatching some again this Spring as well as TO I think. The Roo's in my line are very man-friendly...I've never had a mean one. I saved 3 young cockerals from last years hatch to help with the breeding this Spring. You should be able to get some right here on the Cheeseheads! They are a wonderful cold winter fowl with their small combs.

Jennie stopped and dropped off my deer horns from my bow harvest. One of the guys at her work place does the european mounts. Turned out real nice. I forgot to mention that I saved a two gallon bag of the deer fat off the hind quarters and have been keeping my suet feeders full since the middle of Oct. Prolly have enough for another month. Waste not want not.

Great! I'll let Maverick know and get him to reply to your post himself. Who would be closer to us in south-est, central-est Wisconsin? We are in Rock county which includes him in Janesville and me in rural Beloit. Maverick would LOVE to talk chickens with someone who raises Buckeyes. And, since I took his sister with me to pick up my chicks last May, I know he would want to be on hand to 'adopt' his chicks.

Love, Linn B (aka Smart Red) * * * Nesting with 5 Australorp and 5 Lt. Brahma hens plus 'The Count of Monte Cristo' - or Monte for short - one beautiful, well-behaved, hard-working, Australorp rooster, in south-est, central-est Wisconsin.
Afternoon all !!! Hey Bigz, nother questiong for ya. When I had my deer processed should I have asked for the fat back too???? Just wondering if it is to late. Can you make suet blocks for the chickens with it??

Overcast and snowing up this way. Don't know if it rained at all, haven't gone out but will be headed that way after I post.

Mr Piggy is doing great !!! Guess my not backing down the other day showed him who's boss. Took longer to teach Dh that lesson !!

We haven't heard from Ken lately about any new names he's been called. I was called a "StickHead" but replace the ST with A D by my 89 yr old Aunt today. My sister asked me to order her eye drops thru the mail. She had 3 to choose from so I called my Aunt. She said one of them she wasn't using because her old eye doctor said she really didn't have to use it (Lumigan) Well, I said your new doctor just ordered it in September shouldn't you be using it? Man oh Man did I catch H3LL !!!!! GD you and your sister are asking me all these questions bla bla bla ......................... She is the one who taught me how to swear. She worked at Case Company factory with all guys. Even my Dad didn't swear like little old Auntie Esther !!!
So after she called me the D!ckHead she hung up on me. I called back and politely asked why she called me that. Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla......... I'm just recovering from a Stroke and if you and your sister keep this up I'll have another one !!!!! GEEZZZZ !!!And you are acting like a D!ckhead !!!! Hung up on me again !!!
This is from a woman that said if anyone ever hung up on her she that would be the end of any conversations !!!

So I only ordered one of the scripts and called her back about an hour later to tell her that it was a 15ml bottle and bigger then the 5m; bottle she got at walgreens that she couldn't squeeze. "Oh Thank YOU ! "

So all is well, I just don't want to ever leave a conversation ending like the first two because you never know especially at 89. She is ready for a nursing home and it is going to get real ugly. I pitty my poor sister who is her medical power of attorney etc.

As far as allowance, we never got any but then again we didn't really have "chores" I remember feeding the outside dog and dusting but never got paid for it. My Mom was a stay at home Mom though.
Our neighbor girl got allowance and she had tons of stuff to do, we would go over and help her !!!!

Wish I would have had some slaves (I mean kids)
Just kidding about the slave part !!!
Sure would have been nice to have some helping hands and companionship around here other then DH. Doesn't help that you didn't get married until you were 45 !!!!

Now that my sister has her first granddaughter I feel like I have one two so that's the best I can do !!!

Well, off to do chores then make supper and ?????? Wish I had all of your energy TO, Even one weeks worth for the whole month would do me good !!!!
Must be a WI thing. I stapled up feed bags on all of the coop windows yesterday and I ach like mad from being out in the cold on top of my normal aches and pains !!! Old age Sucks !!! And still not quit old enough for the senior discounts !!! They should go by your pain levels !!!

Drha, I was going to say sounds like you have more then arthritis in you knee !! Sounds like you need an MRI !!!! Hope it feels better soon.
Raining pretty good here now. Linn, TO is closer in Lake Mills. I'm about 40 miles west of Green Bay. If TO can't help you out, you might need to take a road trip.

I'd be happy to answer any questions Maverick has.

I process my own deer so it's easy to do it the way i prefer. Most folks don't ask for their (tallow) fat back. If you asked for some from the butcher to feed the birds, I would think he would give you some. I don't render the fat at all. I simply cut it small enough to fit into the suet feeders and use it like that. The wild birds as well as the chickens Love it!

I sampled the bean soup....Deeeelicious


Can't spell
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Ok here is my bean soup recipe...
You can make this with either smoked ham or smoked venzun sausage. if I'm using sausage, I prefer to grill the sausage first to eliminate the extra fat and add flavor. Trim the extra fat off the ham if needed.

2-3 cups of dry beans

1 large onion chopped

1 quart bag frozen tomatoes

1 heaping teaspoon chili powder

3-4 cloves garlic chopped or minced

2 Tablespoons lemon juice

salt and pepper to taste

Cover the beans with water to over 2 inches and soak for more than 12 hours. Usually overnight. Drain and add 2 quarts or so of water and add meat. Bring to a slow boil and simmer for 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Remove meat and add the rest of the ingredients and cook for another 30 -45 min. while that is cooking chop the meat and add to soup.

I usually have to add some ham soup base to it if it needs the added flavor, but alittle at a time so it doesn't get toooo salty. I usually start that after I add the veggies.

Do you think you need this recipe too Cind?

Back Again... Linn if you go on the buckeye thread....go to page 315 and post 3144...I have a pic of one of my roo's there. My original stock is from a local breeder and not hatchery stock.

Great! I'll let Maverick know and get him to reply to your post himself. Who would be closer to us in south-est, central-est Wisconsin? We are in Rock county which includes him in Janesville and me in rural Beloit. Maverick would LOVE to talk chickens with someone who raises Buckeyes. And, since I took his sister with me to pick up my chicks last May, I know he would want to be on hand to 'adopt' his chicks.

Love, Linn B (aka Smart Red) * * * Nesting with 5 Australorp and 5 Lt. Brahma hens plus 'The Count of Monte Cristo' - or Monte for short - one beautiful, well-behaved, hard-working, Australorp rooster, in south-est, central-est Wisconsin.

Sounds like someone needs to bring their grandson to the Bigzo Bash next year, hmmmm?????????????????
Or am I being presumptious? There will be one next year? Please?

And Bigz, that recipe sounds yummy. Thank you so much for sharing!
I love a good home made soup in the winter. And I always make extra to share with mom. She loves soup too. Thanks again!
good evening, CC, if there is no official bash next year, I am just going to drive over to Brent's house and park in his back yard with a case of beer.. think he will come out ?

I had both peacocks in the coop tonight, but when I went to chasing the pied hen in, one of the males came out and flew up to the roof.. win a few, lose a few..

speaking of deer, the mechanic (friend) I went to today was just cutting up his two deers. He must be one of those who lets it hang for awhile, eh? He is going to borrow my grinder to make hamburger.. He definately does not handle the meat like I handle mine. It was laying in pieces on plastic on the garage floor, not covered... clean enough, I suppose, as long as nobody steps on it.. I will update you how it smells this week after he brings it here to grind.. I hope he doesn't offer any to me..
I am already rehearsing polite rejection speeches..

Sandi, it is funny to hear you young people complain about getting old.. You sound like my DD's..
I like your old aunt Ester. Not because she is old and cute, but because she calls you names...
You said your pig learned real fast to not come at you, faster than DH did.. How many times did you have to kick DH ?

Not much on TV tonight,, might have to watch the football game.. I don't know who is playing and I don't care who wins.. But like TerriO, I just have to watch..

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