Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good morning! I like the idea of a Western bash for you guys over there! I know there are many that cant come all the way over to the camp (although you are missing out on a GREAT time!) BBP--you can be in charge OK?
How's THAT for delegation?
I just have time for a quick note...gotta go and cook again today. I will be so happy when this day is over! It has been a looong week of working outside the house and it really shows! Now that I know DrH will be stopping for eggs on Christmas I guess I will have to try and "spruce the place up" a bit...well, at least I will make a clearer path!
DD25 didnt get in until 3:30 this morning! I am pretty tired today cause I dont sleep real well when the kids are out. SHe missed my delicious liver dinner too
OMG--it was the best liver I have ever made! DH said, "you have never made good liver!" He hates it! He had his LOs from the Mexican place we went to on Monday. I was in heaven....MMMMMM!

Today WCc is coming over to bring my calls and choc muskovy she got for me. I love when she comes cause she loves my place and gives me "the big head" for how much I've done or built! Maybe she is just fooling me but I like it!
OK--dogs are barking so I guess I'd better get them out before I leave....I hope you dont get "spanked" on the incubation thread Jim...although it is sounding like you have made your niche in the OF thread! See? I hate to say "Told ya so" but hey, told ya so!

Have a fantastic day! Terri O
Good Late Morning All! TO you don't have to do anything special for us! Was just thinking this morning of what would best decribe our place/lives. Decided on utilitarian! Just printed your directions will sit down and do a search later. Will throw the boots in the Jeep, would love to see your extended fam! L was thrilled to have an "out" to come home. Here I go again, bating even after the dismal failures, but guess I learn more every time. Following the tried and true! Jim good thing you have back ups to the back ups to the back ups. Hope you get your hose situation figured out. Hope Annie is feeling better soon too! BBP that's what sucks about living where we do, too centrally located! Depending on where and when we might have to put a damper on that bash too. Cind sounds like Rr needs some space of her own, sounded backed up on the eggs too! " Leave me alone I gotta lay"
tiki think that coop is cool! No snow here either and sounds like a brown xmas
WCc the old fam farm is on 58 between Caz and Loyd. My ashes are destined to be dumped in the Willow just past Co. K. on Hill Road. It's beautiful! Amy always good to hear from you! Ditto on
to shanti! How's my lil Cartman doing? Got to do the "Santa" call to the BFF's DD the other day. She promised to TRY and be better. Santa got a hardy Ho Ho Ho out of that one. Had to come back and edit. L's decided to come home tonight. Now have to retrain myself to put the seat down. Hope I remember to mention it to her.
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Good idea! There are others(at least one) near the LaCrosse area that havent been on here lately. I cant remember her name. And I think troll is near Blair.

I have the book by Temple Grandin, really a good book. I would love to watch the dvd but my tv doesnt accept dvd players.

Yeah cindlady go UP!
I got that idea from someones coop here on BYC. Hope Roadrunner's leg gets better.

Jim here is hoping Annie gets better and goes to the DOC!

I like that term. 'spruce up the place'

I see there is a pair of lavender skovies for sale. Cant do it cant do it cant do it
no more birds
o pick up only~ arent they pretty Terri?

Found that OF thread. Looks like some interesting reading, if I have time.
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Good idea! There are others(at least one) near the LaCrosse area that havent been on here lately. I cant remember her name.

I have the book by Temple Grandin, really a good book. I would love to watch the dvd but my tv doesnt accept dvd players.

Yeah cindlady go UP!
I got that idea from someones coop here on BYC. Hope Roadrunner's leg gets better.

Jim here is hoping Annie gets better and goes to the DOC!

I like that term. 'spruce up the place'

I see there is a pair of lavender skovies for sale. Cant do it cant do it cant do it
no more birds

Found that OF thread. Looks like some interesting reading, if I have time.And troll is near Blair I think.

Tiki, Does your computer have a dvd player in it? What book do you have of Temples? Animals in Translation or Animals make us humane?
I have a signed copy of ? Animals make us Human that my niece and her husband had Temple sign. Haven't read it yet
I normally read books like chicken, horse,pig, goat books that I can skip all over the place (kinda like my mind)
I am going to find it on the book shelf and read it after watching the movie, still impressed !!

Gotta go get 900 lbs of feed today.
Oh Bigz, no need to PM me with the address's and phone numbers of the meat market and the feed store. I found them both (and saved them) Called the meat market and the sausage will take 4 months !!! WOW Well worth the wait though. My butcher shop called today (left a message) and said my deer is done, Total $58 DAH that is only one of the three !!!!! Didn't answer when I called
The I called the feed store you get your layer mix from. Wow again
$7.75 per 50 lb bag !!! 18% protien !!! Only 10 miles south of Shawno !! Another reason to go to TSC then !!! Just need to find some more money !!!

Well, gotta go give some of the chickens some more water. DH had to leave for work early today. So back to town !!!! Better make a list of things I need to do instead of "winging it" seems like I forget when I do that !!!!

Tiki I'm impressed with that coop, did you build that all yourself ????? Good Job

Jim, try to stay out of trouble today, will check in with you later !!!!
Loved your comment on the hat and elf ears !!!!! You are a riot !!! Wish we had a guy like you at our family gatherings !!! Oh and you to and Drha and Bigz. Another reason we need a bash. I could have sat their all night (well I did, right Cind) listening to you guys !!!!! Never a dull moment !!

TO And Cind, do you still need that fish transported ???? Looks like my Madison doc appointment will be on Friday Dec 23rd. Have to try to get in to my Internist in Milw that afternoon.
Thank you for the more compliments on the coop. guys and gals

WCC sorry you cant get pictures.

I started out 4 years ago picking up a home made snake cage on the boulevard. was 6 ft long, 3 ft front to back, and 5 ft tall. Actually moved the da*m thing to my new place tied to the top of my vehicle, and added a bunch of wood to get a coop 6 X 6. Was pretty shabby looking then.And had a dirt floor and voles lived in it too. Once when cleaning I found a nest of baby mice
The chickens ate them. After 2 more years I got the thingy moved out back of my big coop and really did some renovation on it. And put a floor in, new roof, double wooded sides on and on. Almost everything on it was free. Except for the hardware on the door which is kinda chisny. Thats the *short* story.

I have both those books but I really enjoyed Animals make us human best.
Good Fish fry Friday All.... Yep, I agree nice coop tiki...you can keep the snow though.

Cut a load of small dry stuff today. Mostly limbs that break off the maples and oaks. It's alot of work really because the stuff is all laying on the side of the ridge. Definitley got some exercise today. Good fire starters and nice to get er going wood when needed.

The flock enhaled the last big Zucchini that I've been saving for them. OMG they thought it was summer again!
They turned it into a hollowed out canoe in no time.

Suzie is frying up our last package of white bass tonight. Gonna need to fill the freezer next May for sure.

Hope you get a chance to make it to the feed mill in Embarrass FT. Coming from Shawano when you stop at the stop sign, just go straight ahead one block, then turn right at the mill and back up to the loading dock. The office will be the next door on your left. The guys will load it up for you too! Makes the price even better in my opinion.

How many folks want a 3rd annual Bash? The fee for Camp is $80 for the week-end. While we had a great turn-out last year, is their enough interest to make it happen again? Food for thought anyway. Prolly a good idea to figure out what's up after the Holidays.

We did our Christmas tree this year in only red lights. Our old lights were a real hastle so....we decided to do the one color lights. Jennie did her tree in green lights and I really liked it. I'm really pleased with how it turned out.

Later.... bigz
Good Friday night! WCc and I had a good visit and the ducks she brought assimilated right into the little flock I have. THey looked happy...I plan to put the chocolate muskovy in with one of my pied chocolate muskovies and see what happens...good thing I have one pen left!
DH is hooking up the DVD player so DD25 and I can watch a movie...he says "it cat be done..." Yeah right!
I am already enjoying the popcorn!

So not too much news here...7 guineas in and 6 out for tonight...*sigh* They had other ideas when Carol and I decided to put them in....

I am ready to plan the bash in January...I already have one helper! (thanks WCc) but now I am worried if she helps me who will take care of my critters? Oh Oh! Have to think on this one!
Later! Terri O
Count DH & I in! Definitely!
I absolutely love that camp, and the building is so perfect. We'll be there for sure. Just pick a date so I can block the weekend off on our calender.

And if you need some cash in advance of the bash, just PM me your addy sometime and when you'd need it by.
Thank you, Bigz!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Everyone
Haven't been on in a while.....trying to get caught up.....
Have two crowers out of 8....One we were pretty certain was a roo the other surprised us....They are silkies and the one doesn't really have a comb or any wattles....But have heard that sometimes the girls will mock a roo....Any truth to that??
Would love to see a western wisconsin get together...I am near Eau Claire...
Merry Christmas to everyone

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