Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hey All

Thanks Guys//Gals

...visions of men cooking panneycakes with only aprons, FT streaking on the ATV and men running to coop with boots and robe. .... prolly last in my head all day. I will be shopping and all of a sudden it will pop in my head and I will prolly break out laughing in the middle of some checkout l;ine.

Amy the kids are just adorable
and what a beautiful picture.
Good idea!!! I think we should start planning something???

Where should we have it? That's my first question.

I am looking at a map now. Chetek is a beautiful place. I suppose maybe we could take a poll and find out the location of all that want to come!

BBP I have 3 of those crosses. One is dk blue with silver hackles (boy) and the other 2 are millie fleur colored silkie looking creatures. They are too cute I gotta keep them. I should post a oicture of them sometime.
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In the future, please, please, please! Warn me before I read into something like that. Can be anything like "tatter, beware of what you're about to read as it will cause nightmarish mental pictures"...this forum is courteous or at least I thought it was so just keep that into perspective when you throw out those "men in aprons" posts...thank you
Might I suggest a very small change to your question? Instead of "how much sperm a male -- " let's go with "how much a sperm whale male -- "
My boat. . . er, bed. . . couldn't handle the ebb and flow.
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Might I suggest a very small change to your question? Instead of "how much sperm a male -- " let's go with "how much a sperm whale male -- "
My boat. . . er, bed. . . couldn't handle the ebb and flow.

Tiki, you definitely need to post pictures! The blue one with silver sounds very pretty. I'll get a picture of my silkie mixes funky looking hen friend. She's borderline ugly but the she's the sweetest little thing.
Does anyone want/need a pair of black cochin bantams? I have a pair that I hatched from eggs I got from SoulSong here on BYC. I also have a splash rooster I'd be willing to give away.
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