Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I am with DrH! Every nice day we have brings us a day closer to spring, just as every cold, wintry day brings us a day closer to spring. There is no Mother Nature waiting to get even. The weather is what the weather is and this year has been good so far, IMHO. I, for one, am appreciating the heck out of our south-est, central-est Wisconsin fall/winter weather for 2011.
Old Man
Hey all--got the cheesecake built! I am happy; made GF one too. It is just the cheesecake made w/o the graham crust...but it will be good! I am looking forward to lobster and prime tonight, and maybe I will make anothe prime tomorrow--I have one in the freezer...and the spices...and now mu mouth is watering!

Congrats on the goosie Jim! I sure wish I could dump my flock of Toulouse...I would take a few Sebbies in a heartbeat! I really like their look. Did the pip pop yet H&R? Remember if your DS9 has any "extra" wheaten girls I will add them to my flock for sure! I read the Ameracauna thread about them needing to have black in their tails and wings...my hen has about 30-50% black in hers...she did get a blue at the last show I took her to. Really want to see what her offspring turn out to be...can I rent incubator space from you guys? She is back to laying!

Unfortunately the Buckeyes are still not laying well. Maybe one is now and again...I have an open pen and am thinking about moving them to it tomorrow. I think the barn is too damp or something for them. Seeing as they really dont care to roost that might be it. I will give them a heat lamp in the shed so they can warm up under it if they want. They wont be able to go out just yet. I am uncertain if I let the blue Ams out and them if they will go back to their respective pens for the night. I am thinking they might...just dont know if I want them to free range together cause they will probably cross then!

NOt much else going on here...just chillin', runnin' out the old year...and waiting for some orps to show up at my door......Terri O
That iss too funny!

Happy Gnu Year All!

I have to share the stupidity of this video, the warranty company OR the manf of these Indoor Cycles.. (for gyms) made these vids for us techs to see and learn...
I think either they feel that people are either morons OR very very slow to learn...
THis video is labeled "how to lubricate the chain on an IC-bike"... now there is a redundant set of words.. an indoor cycle IS a bike... stationary but still a bike. hello!!!

There are others.. but this one just made me scratch my head... 3 minutes of watching some dude put lubrication on a chain.. I can see the ins and outs of taking the cover off... but the rest is just.... redundant!! LOL

Have a great one!
Now I am too, thanks to you, TO! As I said before, you da best!

Oh, and I'm also craving some lobster, prime rib & cheesecake. Thanks for that!

BBP, what are you charging for your orp chicks?
And if you don't mind, I am still curious as to what kind of hatch ratio you think you might get so I have an idea about how many to order from you. If you followed that..............
Evening everyone! took the kids out to eat this afternoon, we were given some gift cards for Red Robin- yumm! We will be hanging out at home tonight and have our own New Year's Eve celebration.

FT- we decided not to join the offical BYC NYD hatch thread- to hard to keep up on the reading plus the few other threads we read. Also since our hatches have been starting on day 20 or even day 19- we ended up setting later in the day Dec 12th.

TO- how many eggs are you wanting to set? Might have some room by the end of this next week. The one egg is still at the pipped stage. We have only 1 wheaten Ameraucana egg that we set on Friday- DS(6) has this trio and the girls are not laying much as they are in molt- hopefully the tail end of it

CC- have any interest in a male peafowl? A friend of ours has a friend who has a friend that wants to find a female peafowl and not sure if this person would end up having to take a pair and might possibly want to get rid of the boy. Not a for sure deal but told my friend that I would ask you
That iss too funny!

Happy Gnu Year All!

I have to share the stupidity of this video, the warranty company OR the manf of these Indoor Cycles.. (for gyms) made these vids for us techs to see and learn...
I think either they feel that people are either morons OR very very slow to learn...
THis video is labeled "how to lubricate the chain on an IC-bike"... now there is a redundant set of words.. an indoor cycle IS a bike... stationary but still a bike. hello!!!

There are others.. but this one just made me scratch my head... 3 minutes of watching some dude put lubrication on a chain.. I can see the ins and outs of taking the cover off... but the rest is just.... redundant!! LOL

Have a great one!

Dh said something about "lubing my chain"...yeah, I guess I will pass!

On that note I am heading to the shower to get ready for dinner! Terri O

Once again....HAPPY NEW YEAR! I am wondering who eill be the FIRST POSTER in the new year?

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