Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Too bad you are Up North and I am South-est, central-est. DH got a new coffee maker for Christmas so I need to recycle my old but fine working one. It will probably end up at GoodWill. Sigh! I don't do charitable contributions this year since I can't itemize.
FT Yikes
sucks about the Coffee Pot!

Well, just got back from the local feed mill. I was gonna pick up a bale of alfalfa, store was closed but door open - they were doing some type of inventory. I asked if they would just give me a bale and i'd drop by and pay them tomorrow. The owner said "No Problem." We walked out to the warehouse and floor around the neatly piled bales of alfalfa was completely littered with loose seeds/tiny stems...etc. I turned to the owner and said "give me a broom and I'll sweep that stuff up for you - I'm just throwing it out into my chicken run anyway. He laughed and said "go for it." He pointed to a big pile of used feed sacks that customers bring back and told me to fill as many up as I wanted.
I filled three. As I was dragging the third out out, I yelled "THANKS!" he just started laughing and told me I could sweep the warehouse out any time I wanted!!!!!

I'm gonna run to the Local TSC and see if they have DE. I KNOW they have the PDZ but didn't see the DE. Maybe they can order it for me.
Thanks for the help you guys, you're the best ....I went to Shawano's TSC and picked up the Tylan 50 and syringes. It was their last bottle. Just came in from giving her the first dose. Hope it helps the good old girl. She is gonna be 7 years old April 23.

I fillet all my northerns and simply skin with the fillet knife. I end up with 6 boneless fillets and cut the 2 big side pieces in half ending up with 8 fillets when done. Only takes a few minutes to do, and they sure are tasty.

I use to always buy hay for the flock and break off a pad and toss it in for them to work on. I had one hen develop impacted crop from filling up with stems so I stopped doing that, however I had no other problems ever from years of doing it.
Might of been just that hen for whatever reason.

Tell the OM that I feel sorry for him for getting yelled at FT ....all of us OM are sticking together and that's final

Fleet Farm sells food grade DE too. I only use the wormguard broad spectrum with flax, and dust with 5% sevin dust for vermin.

Do the Badgers play on free TV today? GO BADGERS

Thanks - I'll check before I ask... I hate it when I ask if they have something and they point right behind me! LOL

Welcome to this forum! These guys/gals are great, you can ask just about anything and get a STRAIGHT (and more importantly) an HONEST - been there done that - answer. BTW I'm not REALLY from Wisconsin either but "I can see it from my kitchen window." LOL

Unfortunately, nearest Fleet Farm is in Green Bay - 50 miles south. I don't get up there too often...
Anyone ever have a bird freeze to the coop floor? Seems my friend two roads east of me had this happen this morning....poor bird. In these frigid temps how do you keep your birds warm (newbie question)?

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