Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

What did I do today?
You're lucky OM doesn't read what you post. Wayyyyy more info than we needed to know!

In light of that situation, I say the guys sleep in one bunkhouse & we'll take the other, FT.
Just checked the mail box. We are almost the last house on the route. Anyway the new catalog from Murray McMurray was in the mail box. Thought I'd check out the price on the Sebastopol Goslings....Straight run only...$56.35 each...not bad eh Jim?

Sorry to hear about the loss of Joe Philbin's Son. Nothing but the Best Wishes for his family. Coach said family first and football later...I couldn't agree more.

I think my chicken with the skinned leg has a broken foot too. Its swollen. She can't walk and lays on her side with her leg turned out. I hope she heals up ok. I hope her leg isn't broke or her leg pulled out from her hip. I guess time will tell.
Ok, changed my avitar. Since I am the one usually behind the camera I do not have many pictures of myself, so I had to use one of my 'trash the dress' pics. This one is most like me I think (besides the ones in the trees.....)

Had my massage today (heavenly) and then lunch with the new Dean at UW-Fox. A very good day!
Wow--you most all be posting to make up for tomorrow! Angie-I dont get any emails for this forum. I do what FT does and go to the bottom of the index and look at my posts. I also have the link directly to the Cheesehead forum in my toolbar so I can come directly here FIRST! It works for me.

Angie I have had several chickens that have ended up hanging from their toes/legs stuck in wire or whatever...some have turned out OK and others never did recover and I ultimately had to put them out of their misery. It seems like the heaviness of the bird combined with how long they struggled was they key to their recovery--or not. Good luck with yours! I just had a baby finch hanging the other day from some nesting material. He seems to be fine so far!

There was a bunch else I was going to type but as usual I have forgotten most of it! *sigh* yup...I have a BIG birthday this week...I guess I am losing my mind!

LOL--see you all on Wednesday! Get a lot done and accomplished tomorrow...Terri O
anybody ready for the changes? tomorrow!

I didn't know we were planning the bash already! lol
IDK if I can make a new design for a tshirt but I can print some tshirts with last years design on it, it's not like it's dated lol I'm gonna work out a way to screen print the signutures on the back this time. hmmmmm!................. maybe! just maybe! You all will have to bring your shirts with you so I can do it though. so don't forget your shirts.

um, this last week I set out to make my own hot cocoa MIX (powder) I did it!
it is sooooo very Yummy! better than store bought, especially the "NEW" crap with aspartame in it
which is why I set out to make my own. I can't have phenalenalene (sp?) it gives me a migrain. and the hot cocoa company's decided to addt to their mix? stupid, any ways I probably said all this before. lol now I just need to find all my notes so I can do it again

I'll be back later this week, well maybe tomorrow to see the changes, but then again I think BYC is supposed to be down?????


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