Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Oh I have a wand already..I am holding it up for you right now.. of course you can't see it, so I will describe it for you.. It is located next to my ring finger and it is the second finger from the thumb..It sticks out all by itself,, you can see a facsimile of it on your own hand..
:lol: thank goodness your brought up THAT wand! lord knows usually my hubby is talking about another wand of his..:lol: and yes, he says it's magic:lol:
there, that wasn't so bad.. I thought it would take a lot longer..

the "bolt" you see sticking out of the door is the axle for the door roller.. I threaded it with a 1/2" threading die.. then used a locking nut.. I had to leave the long threads on so that I could have something to grab with visegrips while turning the nut on..

the lag bolt on the side of the door holds the door frame together.. for a really strong connection, drill a pilot hole first, and fill it with Gorilla glue.. then run the lag bolt in.. It will never loosen..

PS. I warned you about me learning how to send photos..

Hey Jim... I can see you're pretty handy in other ways... I bet that makes up for lost magic!

BIG news in my chicken world... I have been in contact with THE Bev Davis of the Marans world. (Did you know she is currently president of the Marans Chicken Club USA?) Anyhoo... I just happened to email her the other day to get on a waiting list for eggs. Something about me must have caught her fancy. She didn't forward me onto her other associates who have her lines and do the bulk of her breeding now. She actually wrote me back and said she herself would be having chicks in three weeks and offered me the opportunity to have some. DIRECTLY FROM BEV DAVIS!!!! I wrote back and said yes, and Asked her for her recommendations on what to get. I got her response this morning offering me her Wheaten line, or her Copper Blue line. If you were me, and had the opportunity to have a clean clear Bev Davis line of Marans, what would you pick? I like that the Wheaten one has been accepted into the APA. I like the Copper Bluesbecause I will get ore variety color wise, and can use the 2 Marans chicks I'm keeping in a breed program with them. HELP! ADVICE!
Trying to catch up.....haven't been on for awhile (since the site change) but don't think I will be able to catch up.....Our 6 month old silkies started laying this week!!!
The eggs are so little and cute....haven't tried any yet waiting to get enough!!! The way the roos crow all day we will have to share some with the neighbors
. Hubby has been bringing chickens in at night one at a time....the hens don't like it but the roos sure do.....They crow in the house and we just laugh our heads off!!!! My stepson was here last night I don't think he saw the humor in it and didn't think the roo was handsome either
... Wanting baby chicks....I think we will try to hatch our own...when it warms up a bit....if I can hold hubby off!!!!
Snow flurries here today..and cold....and my son is moving....couldn't do it when it was 40 degrees....has to be out the 29th....and has known for over a month....don't put off today what you can do tomorrow!!!!
Well Later
Morning All... Doc, I hunt between Wabeno and Laona....I haven't been up there for 9 years. I suppose I'll have to do some scouting to see if the old roads we used are still there and not overgrown or full of tipped over trees, making the walk with bait a chore.

The feed article was in the Oct-Nov issue. I was wondering if that was your OM, MLH. I forgot to ask you back then when I read it.

Boy you sure know how to hurt ones feelings bf4...your even meaner than CC!

Tell you what H&R...if I was the Snow God, I would send every single storm down your way and you would be rich from all the plowing $'s.


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