Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Went out to put the chickens away and one of my new australops was not roosting. I kind of thought it was wierd she was not around earlier. I wonder if something got her or if she decided to roost somewhere else. Does this happen to any of you?
Cool Carol! How are those 2 Jaers from me doing? My other boy from the same hatch is looking really nice, good coloring and type. Thanks for the offer of eggs, but I'll be rolling in them shortly I think.

Geez Ken, why'd they bust your chops like that? Rather ungrateful. Maybe everything has to be in writing in the future, if they even get another chance.

Had to laugh at the You Name It I Got It sign. Some people here resemble that.
LOVED the homebirth pics! I bet I know who you had for a Midwife as well..... I had the first three at home, unfortunately had #4 in Hospital due to labor not progressing.... THAT was the WORST experience of my life! I had purchased the same pool to labor in as well, and then did not get to use it at all. :(

Thank you! I actually had that birth and the 2nd one in Ohio. Just my 3rd this past September was here in Wisconsin. I was disappointed the first wasn't a waterbirth, but the pool just wasn't deep enough. My two waterbirths I used the Birth Pool In a Box and LOVED it! it was about 4 inches deeper and worth every penny over that silly kiddie pool. some things ya get what ya pay for! :)
I'm quite surprised by this..............I have 2 Delaware Hens, came from Cackle last spring in May, they started laying in Sept and have laid me an egg each almost everyday, maybe they take a day off once a week, they are also very proficient foragers, and are the last of my chickens to roost at night, and the first out come day break. they laid even through the winter, Where did yours come from? Maybe we can trade BR for Dels, because my 1 BR hen is lazy and lays maybe 3 eggs a week.........I will be setting some eggs from my girls soon sometime in April, so if you want to try to replace the non layers, I may have some extra chicks come late April or early May. let me know here is what they look like including my rooster.

This is a young Hansom, he was 6 months old on this picture he is much nicer now and very friendly nice rooster, my favorite of my 4....... the girls aren't perfect they could use a bit more size, but hansom is good soized boy and still growing, will be a year in late May. If you interested you are welcome to come see them or I can get some updated pictures, Maybe tomorrow.

I've never seen a chicken like this one but he sure is beautiful! I love the coloring!
Dooner,, yup..

terriO. 300 (three hundred) guineas each year.. IDK about this year, though.. they did not sell too great last year.. Nothing sold good last year.. except chickens..

I like the size and shape of the Delaware hens.. sort of like little butterball turkeys.. I like hens for butchering for roasting birds ..

last year we cut the roosters up and made individual packages of drumsticks, thieghs,, backs, and breasts.. oh, and necks..

my first eggs are due to hatch on the 6th of April.. then the 8th and then the 12th.. there are 55 Del and BarRocks due by the end of the 12th.. I sure hope the roosters were doing their job.. I still haven't seen them doing it..

Nora is getting a little paunchy.. I hope it is just not from all the treats Ken feeds her..
Jim--I have not seen my Australorpe doing the 2 sec drill either....I will know by the end of the weekend if any of those eggs are good. Has Nora had pups before? Her nipples were more swollen than a dog that hasnt...I would think she was bred by the size of them if it was her first litter.

Went to the meeting tonight of the Sustainable Jefferson group. Kind of a disappointment. I did hear an interesting story about a car accident that happened here a few years back from the Mother of the victim that is convinced that it was a murder covered up....The potato guy was not great...he informed me that they have a total of about 50 pounds of seed potaoes for sale tomorrow...I think I will plan on getting there BEFORE the whole thing starts!
Well, gonna go and lock up and do some more reading around here...sweet dreams all...I hope you and your DH have the bed to yourselves tonight MLH! I am glad our dogs sleep in their kennels at night...no midnight visitors! LOL! Terri O
According to Kristi, one of my other eggs is pipping, Blue cuckoo maran, crossed with a Jaerhon, the ones that were naturally hatched last year
were GORGEOUS!!, 1 jaerhon/blue cuckoo maran, and 2 EE/Blue cuckoo cross, and Kristi's Solo that she has..

Amyable, they are doing great, Sven is a great roo and Houdini is a wonderful young hen
So I bought an incubator......Now I'm nervous!!!! I feel like I have the lives of the little peeps in my hands!!!! But will give it a whirl...Will set up tomorrow was hoping to set on Sunday.....I am getting conflicting info....Run for 24 hours or 48 hours..before adding eggs......I understand that will depend on getting temp stable......also do bantam eggs hatch sooner than 21 days? Want to try to set them so they will hatch over a weekend so we are home....Will probably ask a million questions....glad you are all out there...

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