Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

EL this is our barn red coop...not my choice but hubby was doing all the work so I let him have his way
....But I like it now....
Also we are 5 days into 12 eggs in bator...have candled but don't know what I see so will continue to wait!!!!

2 little hens have gone broody....they sit side by side in the same nest box......they do switch boxes once in a while.....do they stop laying when broody???
Off to the twin cities for a couple days with daughter....hope to go to the Urban farm store up there....will have to see if we have time!!
Good Friday and Fish Fry Friday All.... nice day here on the hill. The farmers are speading liquid gold non stop for days now.....they use semi- trailor tankers for the spreader...I've seen 4 different color tractors pulling and spreading.....talk about major dollars just for equipment....
I don't know what a spreader holds for gallons, gotta be 5,000 I'm thinkin....

Haddock and home made fries tonight, along with ho-made cole slaw as usual....you just gotta love fish fry friday.

hi folks, everyone having a Good Friday?

beautiful day in the north, lifted the straw off the garlic and did a gently weeding, had some oats growing,,go figure. Re-mulched and watered with some fish/kelp solution. First year growing it and really want to get a good crop for increasing my seed stock. Hooked up with a fellow know as Dr Garlic last fall, was almost too late to get anything to plant. Planted a short row of sugar peas late for this year but really early for most,,,,lol Harvested 4lbs of spinach off the over wintered plants, nice surprise doing that for the 1st time. Sold it with one phone call!!!!

have a sick chick from the hatch, 1/2 the size of the others and lethargic, I fed some yogurt, honey, garlic and have it isolated in the corner of the tote. Time will tell

set that nipple waterer in the brooder shack, had a pullet use it in less than a minute, I was amazed (doesn't take much)

bbl breaks over
EL this is our barn red coop...not my choice but hubby was doing all the work so I let him have his way
....But I like it now....
Also we are 5 days into 12 eggs in bator...have candled but don't know what I see so will continue to wait!!!!

2 little hens have gone broody....they sit side by side in the same nest box......they do switch boxes once in a while.....do they stop laying when broody???
Off to the twin cities for a couple days with daughter....hope to go to the Urban farm store up there....will have to see if we have time!!

How adorable!! Love the sign too.!!!!!
I searched for the article you speak of FT. I searched for it with the name and guess where I was directed? Back to BYC!!!!! Here it is! https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/491013/goose-incubation-hatching-guide-completed

In the first paragraph it states that it is applicable to all species. You can see where it veers off into the goose only part.

SO, is the pen mightier than the sword? Or is the internet mightier than the pen? That is the question.
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Yah Good on the spinach unkadan! I miss spoke earlier when I said my sister planted it in the fall, she overwinters it like you do. I have some lettuce coming up. TO was that you that lost yours? I wonder if mine will be lost next week with the cold weather. I just got a gardenning book by Eliot Coleman it looks really good. I doubt I wil be able to read it for a while I am so busy right now. Ya right thats why I am here talking to myself on the computer! lol
That's what we were originally thinking too. Barn red then accenting with white. I told hubby I didn't care what color really, if I don't like it I can always repaint it. Barn red was originally my idea but when he got home with it and spilled all over, I didn't like the color like I thought I would. Lol. Oh well. Everything happens for a reason, right? It was expensive paint though, so that part sucks.

In other news! I was supposed to take our 6 chickens plus the 52 I picked up at the organic farm this morning out to the Amish to be butchered tomorrow. I loaded up our chickens, went and got the other chickens, he gave us too many but didn't want to unload the extras so told me to just take them, no charge. So I had 7 extra chickens. When I got out to the Amish and was unloading I decided to keep my chickens and take em back home. Lol. So my chickens just went for a ride today! :). I was actually supposed to bring 4 home to replace the 6 old ones but they looked like crap. Certified organic is no match for actual true free range. Our chickens are beautiful and plump and happy and these sad looking things we picked up today were just pitiful. I don't think I'll do that again. I've already told hubby we're gonna have to raise our own jumbo broilers from now on cause these chickens were shockingly poorly cared for. Certified Organic or not, I won't do that again. The old ones we have now were at least free ranged before we got them. They still were a bit rough looking at first but I think it was because they had just finished molting. We got them in November.

I was already a big advocate of free range over C.O., but today just gave me a little extra umph. They were carrying them out of the barn loading them up hanging upside down by 1 leg. You know, they were just a product to them. Ugh! I'm sorry to keep going on about it. So I'm gonna stop.

Anyway, we're all at 3 bears lodge in warrens tonight. Enjoying the last of spring break. It's been fun. The baby is conked out on me right now and hubby and the other 3 are still down playing.
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Good evening! Funny EL--you must have been editing while I was reading your original post. It was all underlined and in blue..then I went over it and it turned RED! Scary stuff! And weird.
We just had our delicious dinner salads. I went out and picked some very baby lettuce and herbs to supplement the greens we had. OMG was it good! No my lettuce did not freeze out--musta been somebody elses. I just love salad greens mixed with herbs. So much flavor!

I am hoping my guineas will be hatching this weekend! THere was something there when we candled at 13 days so my fingers are crossed! My neighbor that was complaining about the ticks over at his place and I do believe that he will be getting some from me. He says that he doesnt want to keep them over the winter...I told him to eat them! He said he might give them back for the winter and then take them back when the bugs come back...yeah...like I dont feed enough birds all winter!

Speaking of feeding all winter...what birds did you feed just so you could hatch from them Jim? And what were you talking about that BYC changed? I still see the thing for unread posts on the cheesehead page....

Man today was a looong day! The stuffed peppers I made at lunch were a big hit with the T. pines folks. I had never made them before but they sure looked good! Then when I was at the grocery store they had green peppers for .69/lb! So I bought a bunch and am going to make them tomorrow I think. Got a ham too but that I am going to wait on because my brother and SIL are having ham for Easter. (and we go there) I mostly bought it so I could have the bone to make bean or split pea soup...getting a taste for that again with this cooler weather we have been having!
My new client is a neat guy. I am going back there again next week.

I think the color scheme for your new coop sounds great! Personally I would go with the green on the whole thing, the door espresso and the trim terra cotta. Hmmm--maybe I need to do some painting on my house? LOL! Not that it needs it or anything!

I think I am going to have some ice cream and find a movie to watch...DH is studying on how to set up some operating system at his work...if I a watching a movie he might stop telling me about what he is reading. For me, as long as my computer works....that's all I need to know! Oh yeah, since I was gone all day I missed the FedEx guy who was attempting to deliver my new computer...GGGRRRRR! Hopefully they deliver on Saturdays...
Did I tell you that my mink cage turned chicken coop is 6" too long for the space I wanted to put it in?
Maybe I can figure out something tomorrow...goodnight and sweet dreams! Terri O
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