Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Whew! 2 weeks later and think I am finally all caught up!!!

HUGE thanks to BBP for taking care of my chickens while in Vegas!!_No one else would have put up with the "beast" lol.

The "beast" is my one remaining Roo-Danny. He has this morbid fear/anger directed towards feet/shoes. When I hold him he is fine and cuddles up like a baby, but the minute hes down and sees shoes he goes into attack mode.
I have been trying to hold him, pet him while putting him on my boots-seems to work (although the first time he was shaking like a leaf). I am thinking of putting old shoes and boots all over the run and coop and see if I can de-sensitize him that way (nice look huh?). Any other suggestions? (need to get him behaving before my babies come-dont want to be worried about him while tending/enjoying the babies).

Your all making me want to trek down to the ChickenFest-thinking its over a 4 hr drive though ARGH!!!

BBP: any updates on your blind chick?

BF4U: Was it you that had the break in to your coop? Ever figure out what did it? That was an awful small hole for a coon-soomeone was suggesting coon did it then something else got in the hole? Any updates? So sorry to hear about your loses!!!
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"beating that kid like a rented mule" dang Jim I spilled my soda on that one

at least for the time being I have a chick free house,,,,moved the fools hatch to the brooder shack,,,,dang they look little again

Jake kept me busy all day while I was busy working,,,forgot how much energy a pup has and then there's the terrier genetics,,,,could be a very tiring training program

he has chased the chickens a couple times,,,but stops on the spot when I yell
this will take some doing,,,,,,but it is doable

the cat finally just snuck over and touched his nose while he was taking a puppy nap,,,,,funny chit,,,shoulda got a pic

time to close up
Sorry BBP. I know the feeling-Had Ahmelia out agan today and Im afraid she may be hiding pain like you said. All she wants to do is snuggle with me and sleep. WHen I put her down-she flies up to me.
I really enjoy all the posts....I think I am caught up. First..Unkadan I sent you a PM so watch for that. Oh and your dog is absolutely snuggable...however I bet mischief is its middle name. ;). FT I am glad you made it back safe and sound. Car problems are a HUGE pain. I think TO will be able to set me up with a couple Muscovy ducklings. I plan on bringing some of my extra young stock to the big bash...will have to attempt a rough "sort" prior to that. Oh that coop with the mural is awesome! There is some artistic talent there for SURE! I am jealous!

On to the question about shipped eggs. I have experience with MANY batches of shipped eggs, and I have had everything from fantastic results to absolutely horrible results. This year two batches of eggs came from as far away as Pennsylvania, and I had terrific results with both. Last year...not so much! My general rule of thumb is to not spend any more money than I can afford to lose completely, and try to buy eggs from someone very experienced with shipping their eggs. Oh also with super stock...that health and strength from the parent stock is VERY apparent upon hatch.

I qualify all this by saying....this is just my opinion and I continue to learn and be surprised constantly. ;)

You are all great....I am happy to have found this thread!!
HI all, DH just got finished cutting all the metal studs for the 3 foot walls. I got the top and bottom 2x4's in today plus what ever else i did. lol tomorrow I'll be putting in the up right studs. now all we need is a weekend WITH OUT rain. Roof needs to go UP! just a portion of it.
I'm gonna take a pitcure with the walls so you guys can see the frame work.
I am sooooo tired right now and my feet hurt. oh and I lost a life today lol I ALMOST fell head first down the steps. I caught my foot on a nail head. I pounded it in lol DS6 almost fell down the stairs too. DH decided it was time to put up a safety rail lol YA THINK! lol
gotta run! I still gotta do church bulletins for tomorrow lol
I had a bator scare today...checked temp it was 102....I took lid off so it came down...then put it back on checked in an hour 102....so stupid me turns it down but turned the wrong way
....hour later it was 104...husband turned it back down....then we realized that the door had been closed to the room they are in and the sun had heated the whole room up....candled still have movement....hopefully I didn't turn them into nuggets!!!!
Got 2 new silkies from Tiki this week...they are quiet and don't do alot of scratching around.....they are separate from the rest...how stressful is a move for chickens....They are silkies and you can't see their eyes....could they be more tentative because they can't see their surroundings???
Raiquee, I have had from 0% to 100% hatch on shipped eggs. It just depends. Really good packing definitely helps. If there's something out there you really want and can't get locally, go for it.

LOL at the rented mule too!!!
Well jodi, you and I both can "sweat it out" about possibly cooking our chicks! I'm going to try candle them tonight

Yes Jim, I swear if I would have caught her she would have FELT my wrath! Even when raising my kids spanking was a last resort thing but there was NO Doubt that it was off limits!

I'll get some better pictures when I can charge my batteries.

I had to go out of town for a night and leave all the birdies home alone... When I came back everyone was fine, except for one poor blue maran...

This young blue maran is developing some copper color in the feathers. I am wondering if I have a Blue Copper Maran by accident, if I do I may sell it in a month or so. Oh well...

Off to bed. I have to work at 5am. LONG day tomorrow, Final sermon prep, preach, lunch, counseling, build a brooder, leadership team meeting about church constitution and bylaws, Bible Study, Man Club then BED around 11pm.

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