Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I'm lost . Sounds like a good lunch. I am trying to figure out how far Clintonville is from Eau Claire. I am on 94. Can't find my map and google maps or whatever messes with my computer too much. I habve to go do some more work too. Got a lot done yesterday.

I PMed you Tiki! Terri O

BBP--just tell them to bring the roos to the bash and you can meet there! Then it wont seem so long cause you can stay overnight.
BL4--I need those recipes too...the bean flower intrigues me! I have already ground up gar/fava flour and I dont have a single recipe to use it in. All of my books seem to think it has too strong of a flavor for making stuff.

I just came in for a minute since it was raining...I am back on my porch. It was way too hot in the house after being in the wind in the pasture and brushing my horse! Sheesh does he have the shedding hair! I had to keep turning him into the wind so it wouldnt blow in my face. Unfortunately I did eat some...

Now it looks like that was just a little shower and the sun is trying to come out! I think I need a nap...DD26 is napping--she went out in Milwaukee with her brother last night and got home about 9 this morning...then she and DH went to do a 5k run/walk. Dh said she refused to run...now she is in bed. DS23 texted and said that she must not bu used to having a "Big Time." I guess he must feel fine! Darn kids!

I think I will close my eyes for a "minute." Terri O
So my all time favorite recipe site is allrecipes.com. That is where I found the bread and cake recipes. For the bread, instead of using the different flours the recipe asked for, I used Bob's Red Mill Baking flour instead. I did not have GF cornstarch so I just omitted it. I was short and egg too so I ended up adding extra water to keep the bread at the banana bread consistency.

http://allrecipes.com/recipes/healt...10=1&event8=1&prop24=SR_Showcase&e7=Home Page

MxM! Your site has inspired me! Walgreens is having a sale on all kinds of make-up this week, my DD and I just cleaned them out of polish!

Tiki, Clintonville is about 154 miles from Eau Claire and it will take you almost 3 hours to get there.

Off to the in-laws. I'll post some pics later.....
Tiki...we had the others out in a pen today and the newbie seemed more interested in what they were doing and also were chattering a bit back to them.....We have been holding them and talking to them everyday....they come to the fence today when the others came near.....so I think they are warming up....tried some treats yesterday not real interested but maybe because I was sitting there.....Will try again tomorrow with treats
Hi all!
Bubba is fine, he just started the fight and got to higher ground to watch the fight....That cat is something else. He has decided that he needs to go out with the dogs. He cries at the door to be let back in. That cat is so not normal....

BL4-I love allrecipes.com too! I use it all the time. I love the little calculator on each recipe to adjust the ingredient amount for the number of people you are making the recipe for.

TO=$1000 for that TW could be a good deal. Depends on what he can do. If he is bomb proof and can gait then that it a good deal. Does he rack and preform a running walk? or is he a "Plantation" Walker? You can always negotiate the price. Are you getting a pre-purchase exam? That might be helpful if you think the owner is asking to much for the horse based on "issues" from a medical stand point.

Well, I just wanted to get caught up here....I think I'll go make some chili for dinner.....later!






Well I woke up feeling tired.. went back to bed.. and finally out the door to feed EVERY ONE.. at 3 o clock.. all I can say is thank god I feed in several places and that they are usually fed
in the afternoons.. and the horses have some grass to snack on.
So I get home with DH, I am over heated, head achy, then the chills started...
After a cup of soup, and several crackers... I am just feeling tired, and chilled...
And now DH has a sour stomach, so probably has what I have...
I am going to have a staggered hatch... very staggered.. I got 2 serama eggs one day, a day or so after I put eggs in the bator, then a couple of days later, another 2, and then another 2..
So now they are partially stacked...and dated so I know which are which!
Well I am off... well I have always been a little off...
Tiki...we had the others out in a pen today and the newbie seemed more interested in what they were doing and also were chattering a bit back to them.....We have been holding them and talking to them everyday....they come to the fence today when the others came near.....so I think they are warming up....tried some treats yesterday not real interested but maybe because I was sitting there.....Will try again tomorrow with treats
Thats good Jodie. Probably they are just not really used to people because they were hatched in the fall and lived outside they didn't get much people attention. I sat outside in the little coop a couple of times, but definitely not enough(It was real warm in there) The chocolate cake with beans sounds really good. I think I may have heard of that before, but dont have a recipe. My daughter might. The wind blew down one of the gates and killed one of my Millie Fleur hens.
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I am already in Wausau,, send me the info and I can pick up those chickens and hold them for you until we can devise a plan for you to get them.. I will be free tomorrow for awhile.. I just have to go to maynard's and pick up some drawer glides.. I temporarily assembled one drawer today to see how everything will go together.. It turned out perfect.. I guessed at the clearance I will need for the glides,, I don't think I will paint these drawers.. I just want to get them installed and get on with cleaning up the shop..

anybody need firewood? I have a good sized pickup truck load or more of oak strips..no bark on it.. just come and get it,, free free free,, maybe bring a trailer, too.. it is the remnants of a large slabwood pile..

Nora snapped back at Prince tonight.. That will teach him to not mess with a pregnant female.. He bullies her every day about his smoked bone.. tonight was the "straw that broke the camel's back" I had to laugh at him,, he looked so surprised, ,hurt and bewildered.. and she took the bone and just dropped it and walked away.. and he did not go pick it up, either..

took 4 turkeys out to the brooder.. makes 5 total..

NO guineas in the pine tree tonight.. I blasted them down with the water hose.. the last one hung on tight, but he finally got the idea.. but was he ever soaked..

we had an eagle riding the thermals at dusk.. waaaay up there.. I wonder if we are going to get the nasty storms tonight?

Annie is watching Titanic.. I saw it once.. that was enough.. actually I saw the original Titanic movie way back in the late '50's too ..so I saw it twice..
Quote: TO-
At 17 he has a few things in his favor and a few things NOT in his favor.
The questions you should ask when you get there...when was he broke to ride, how much riding has been done On/with him over the years. The reason to ask this, depending on the amount of use and when he will likely have some arthritis, OR will have within a few years. Also depending on what has been done with him, he may NOT be totally bombproof.
I have a friend with a TW and he HAS to be the lead horse and was a show horse AND at parades, but he got to be soo bad he had to be retired from parades.
Find out how he deals with mixed herds, how he would do around sheep and goats.
Some things that will be red flags, 1- he is standing tied and groomed already. 2- he is already tacked up. 3- the owner/seller
does not want to show you his gaits, w/t/c both directions.
IF any of these are done, thank them for their time. They are trying to hide something.
A well broke horse can be worth that money, but I found a gelding for Stan, a friend of mine, for $500. He has one quirk, he has to be lunged and ridden by a very experienced rider for his first ride of the year. He will give a few crow hops or a buck. After that he is fine. A registered breed stock appy. He is about the same age as the horse you are going to look at.

So why is DD20 even interested in horses now? I thought she lost interest after the pony she had passed on.
Also... why don't you pass her onto your gelding to her and you start riding your mustang and her son?

I would also pay money for a vet check IF you and DD are serious.

let me know how it goes.

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