Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good Morning Everyone! Too tired to read, up at 4 yesterday and Taz woke me up at 2:30 this morning!
She pulls that crap tonight and that's what she's gonna get! count is 3 in the brooder I out and drying another is zipped and ready to pop. and 5 more pipped.
Read just a tad Bigz dug out my glass call yesterday and stepped out the door to see if it works. A tom came out on the road out back at about 100 yards. Talked sweet and seductive to him and he went to full strut but didn't gobble. Course you know where he's gonna be in a couple of weeks. Congrats to your DD Bl4! That's so cool! She's hooked until she finds boys then it'll come back to her later. She won't forget. Just heard a lot of peepin goin on zipped chick is out. Sang a short rendition of Happy B'day. Couldn't help it I'm tired. Was walking throught yard yesterday by the coop and this is what I found. It was weird had an oldies station on and This girl is a woman now was playing.
Just want to report....2 babies in the bator and several more pips....soooo tiny.....I am an incubating virgin!!!!! So it is like Christmas around here...
Doc she was hunting with a boy...... they are so funny together too. All
and giggly but 'We are not dating".... too funny. She has about 20 of the young bucks after her right now; she just keeps them all at arms reach, not dating any of them since that would get dramatic and she does not want or need bf/gf drama in her life. HS is bad enough without the relationship crap mixed in. Thankfully this YM she was hunting with is homeschooled, so he is removed from all the peer pressure garbage.

I'll try to get a pic of the double duty brooding mammas at some point. I need more sunshine.

Big Fam, you asked the wrong question, you should have asked who has the flask........

I get to run around Appleton today looking for a Prom dress for the oldest DD. Prom is this Saturday............ I hope we manage to find something she likes AND looks presentable..... the dress she wanted has an 11 week backorder on it.
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Big fam I hope your chicks do better for you. I'm sorry for your losses lately, it's hard.

Arugula, radishes, spinach and bok choy is up. Haven't been out there yet this am. Something lse is probably poking up.

That's all I got to report. Lol.
One of my daughter's cowgirl pics is in a photo contest. If you all like her picture would you please write VOTE in the comments? Just clicking like doesn't count. (it's on facebook)


Just bumping this again. :) Voting only goes til Tuesday, so you won't have to be annoyed by me too much.
I promise! But if you are on Facebook and like the pic, please write VOTE in the comments! Thank you!

Good Morning Everyone! Too tired to read, up at 4 yesterday and Taz woke me up at 2:30 this morning!
She pulls that crap tonight and that's what she's gonna get! count is 3 in the brooder I out and drying another is zipped and ready to pop. and 5 more pipped.
Read just a tad Bigz dug out my glass call yesterday and stepped out the door to see if it works. A tom came out on the road out back at about 100 yards. Talked sweet and seductive to him and he went to full strut but didn't gobble. Course you know where he's gonna be in a couple of weeks. Congrats to your DD Bl4! That's so cool! She's hooked until she finds boys then it'll come back to her later. She won't forget. Just heard a lot of peepin goin on zipped chick is out. Sang a short rendition of Happy B'day. Couldn't help it I'm tired. Was walking throught yard yesterday by the coop and this is what I found. It was weird had an oldies station on and This girl is a woman now was playing.

So this is what I have to look forward to huh? I'm expecting 6 Hardy Concorde's to start laying just about any day now. They are 14 weeks. Should start laying anytime after 15 or so weeks.

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