Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I'VE GOT A PIP!!! It's only day 19.5 here folks.

I absolutely love using the Brinsea Adv for incubating! But for hatching it drives me crazy. I only have three in there for hatching because that is all I can handle watch stumble around. But this early early pepper is a Brinsea egg and is hatching in there. It's a gold laced Orpington. babies are so exciting!!!
BF4M- I hope everything works out for you! Cant wait to see pics of GLO. I have to google it now!

I dont know if I can wait for ducks to hatch, another painful week for Pekings and 2 weeks muscovy than what chickens are! Well none of them are staying anyway.
Going to try and post pics of my new peeps...

First the Barred Silkie if it can be called that...

Next come the Marans


Maran #2

Maran #3

So what are the thoughts?
Hens or Roos?

I am ready for opinions... They are all Blue or Blue Copper Marans.

Going to try and post pics of my new peeps...

First the Barred Silkie if it can be called that...

Next come the Marans


Maran #2

Maran #3

So what are the thoughts?
Hens or Roos?

I am ready for opinions... They are all Blue or Blue Copper Marans.

I say two and three are girls. I was just checking combs on my marans this evening, so it's fresh in my mind. But that's just my opinion...
Was repeatedly called an ***** or one of its variants today at work. I am glad that I know not to listen to all the foolish people in the world or my ego would be in the dumps.

Late getting home tonight, 13 kids from church are in my house hanging out, I made them popcorn and gave them water. Then ate my chinese dinner in front of them!!! New owners at the local takeout shop with free delivery! Since it came to me I got to choose. I spent most of my time eating trying to figure out how to upload pictures on here. Hot and Sour Soup good flavor with lots of tofu but needed more veg, steamed dumplings tasted like they were pre-made, the biggest egg roll I have ever seen lots of veg and smoked pork, and the best General Tsao's Chicken I have had since I lived in the cities 6 years ago.

What a great day! Now the kids are putting themselves to bed and I get to watch my shows. When all the kids leave I will crack a couple of cold ones and head off to bed.

Only 2 eggs today out of 6 birds.

Ok Call duck hatching...

I have done both incubator and under mamma. I have had the best luck under mamma. The incubator ones I would try to tip as far as possible onto a side and the switch every day so they would sort of be on their sides. I would mist them as well, but I was not really too consistent with what I did.... I think I was lucky to hatch Maggie out at all..... Just keep them on their sides for hatching, and watch those internal pips. They should be internally pipped for 24 hours, then pip a hole in the shell for roughly 24, then zip. If you shine a flashlight through the side of the air cell you will see the shadow of the pipped chick breathing (hard to explain). Just an FYI, it is really difficult to stand by when these babies hatch without helping them somewhat. It is so disheartening when you have fully developed hatching ducklings and they end up dying inside the egg. I thin the best course of action would be to put the egg on it's side in a carton so that it does not wiggle all over the place while hatching.....

Checked the eggs under Jules and Maggie tonight, there is a small area of development about the size of a thumbnail in each egg. Now all I need to do is figure out where Taffy is squirting out eggs....

Prom plans are in full swing here. The kids are so cute! We have had major meetings about corsages and boutonieres, what ties to wear, what necklace will go with which dress, where are we going out to eat, who is doing what, where are we having pictures taken, etc, etc, etc.....

I will be happy when Saturday is over.
I will post pictures when I can. I have my friend who took my Trash the dress shots coming over to take their Prom pics. They should be pretty cute.
Wanted to let everyone know about my hatch.....Set 12 eggs on April 2 Lost one early on.....11 hatched on the 22nd.....This was my first hatch so I am pretty excited about it....And man are they cute!!!! Silkies and Cochin bantams....possibility of a sultan or polish will have to see..... a couple of them have a nice vaulted heads....

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