Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Bigz...wish you guys were closer.. Our farmers market guys ounds wonderful.

Angie... My roo is a little rough on my dd, butchers so good with the hens. He does the song and dance show before he "hops on". He sings a sng for the girls when he finds good treats and always let's them eat them first. He has three favorites and protects them pretty fierce, otherwise he is a nice boy. He is extremely handsome roo too. And he keeps the peace. That helps with doing new birds jut a few at a time.

Otherwise was a great day for gardening. Enjoyed it and hope tomorrow is nice. Have a great evening...first visit from the tooth fairy here tonight
Yeah the mating dance is the gentleman way of doing things. And if he offers her treats. It is no fun (for the hen) having a roo that just take hen and don't court her. :D

I really don't have much advice about that.

Well now I heard a racket in the coop around 7ish and walked out and there was a rabbit running out of my coop. :lol: Must be the week for rabbits stirring up chickens.! My older chickens are ok with rabbits but the younger ones must have started it and then they all gotta chime in.

mmmmmthat food stand guy sounds nice.

I have arthritis and fibro too. I think it is something I am eating. :p Well runs in the family too though. Diet really helps. :hugs

Who said make food our medicne, not medicine our food

Whew Vicki! What a scare!!!! Good Mama
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Hi All!

Carol.... I looked for costumes and there are some Elvis costumes for dogs but hard to judge the size for a rooster.... what kind is he? I know you've said when he did his first "show" but don't remember.

Jim.... Give 'em he11 for all of us! LOL

GR...Sad to hear about your dogs... comes a time all you can do is just try to make the passing easy.

Mugs... If you have any freezer room maybe you could bag it up in 5# or 10# bags and freeze some of it.

Vicki... I hear ya on the city boy thing! Most of DH's family farm in Minnesota but his dad had a birth defect and would never be able to farm so he got to go to collage to be a teacher. So DH has seen farms, heard stories about farms, but really has no clue.
Mom and Noodle sound like they're giving you quite a show and work out! Hope that Hawk NEVER comes back! Is the run covered?

May you get all the meat you need and enough to share! That market guy sounds so good
... too far though

With the rain coming I wish guinea mom would have parked the kids inside
instead of the garden. Well, we shouldn't get it until late morning so maybe she'll find a nice dry spot by then.

Young son's new job seems to be going well. The last 2 weeks (and a day) have been kinda trial for both him and his boss. He's working for a used car dealer that dose car auctions too. The first week he just drove cars into the auction ring then brought a few cars up from Illinois. This last week he was out soliciting cars for the auction, doing telemarketing, detailing and even cut the lawn along with a few other things. I guess before the auction a couple came to look at a car and the boss was on the phone and he told Jon to grab the keys and show the car! He also got drivers together for today's auction and was in charge of the timing and the keys for all the cars! The guy is on the boarder about hiring another person full time but wants Jon! The other guy comes all the way from Gurnee everyday, so his boss is going to work on it and maybe split the other guys hours between here and Gurnee. So far he loves it because he dose so many things and has responsibility.... Not just sayin' it as a mom, his other employers see it too... the kid is smart and would make a great manager. He's managed crews since he was 16! He's never been fired and jobs he has quit for one reason or another would take him back if they had openings. Mostly he's been working seasonal jobs and a few temp jobs. All in all I'm proud of him, he has a good work ethic and it shows... people like him...but don't screw him over either.... he can bite back!

Well, time to finish up stuff and get to bed.... night.
Morning everyone!

Hope you all are enjoying your rain, missing us by THIS much!!! grrrrrrrr. Oh well, gardens are almost done up here anyway. Just have the winter squash, Brussels, herbs and the toms that won't quit left anyway. Just means my poor DH will have to drag out the hoses and water today.

Tiki~the run isn't covered yet but I made sure they are never more than a few steps away from shelter. Where mom and chick were was in between the coop and the greenhouse. They are only about 5 ft or so apart right there with the gate and the pop hole right there and it's where I put their outside food and water. It makes a nice little protected area 5 tp 6 ft or so square that she keeps the baby in for now. That area will be worked on soon as I plan to enclose it for winter for the girls. Going to put greenhouse panels on top for a roof and probably plastic in the sides when the snow flies.

Why do I read in all the books to not let chicks outside in the run til they're six to eight weeks old? That's like not letting a child play outside til it's what, 5? That's a great way to give their immune systems a chance to develop! Do have to admit, Noodle isn't dong too much to it's chick starter (although it does eat it) because it's too busy being stuffed by mom with yummies like bits of worm and grasshopper or teaching it how to eat greens. Ok, I understand they might be assuming these chicks don't have a hen (tho they don't say it) but still, what's wrong then with a supervised outing?

GR~I totally understand your frustration!
I really miss my "old school" vet. He treated me too like I had a brain and knew my animals and worked with me toward what was best for all involved, not just his bottom line. I'm like you as well in I don't believe being a good friend and caregiver means putting them thru h**l just to give us a little more time with them. That is not loving nor responsible guardianship. I also believe in the natural approach. My little Yogi lived to be 12 which totally shocked my vet
(we actually dug his grave out by the white pines over 3 years earlier thinking he would not make it thru the winter) but a lot of caring a little intelligence and good dose of common sense gave him 3 more quality years.
Of course it's hard saying good bye, but knowing you did the right thing really does make it a bit easier. Having a vet that is sensitive enough to work with you thru it does make it a bit easier as well. Or, at least having one that will return calls or at least have his/her staff do it.
Huge hugs and prayers to you and your loved ones. You have a very hard time ahead of you. Just like my Yogi did, they will let you know when it's time to do the right thing. (I actually prayed for the coward's way out~that I would wake one morning and he would have passed in the night but I was forced to suck it up and help him "let go") I swear, my little dog actually looked long and deep into my eyes like he was telling me it was ok, it's time. God Bless you for being such a good animal guardian.
Good morning folks,
had a nice 30 minute rain and might get some more, much needed it's been awhile, I did some disc work yesterday and the dust was rolling

I left the pop door open last night
, the girls were out taking a bath and drinking from the puddles in the midst of it

Last 2 days pretty hot and humid here, will be interesting to see what the weather brings over the next 10 days with Isac making landfall

bigz, wish I was closer that fellow would be a big asset for me to fill in the stand here, thanks for the # I filed it away for possible future use

Jake is maturing, the last few days I have left him loose while working in the yard and gardens, the chickens still fluff and run when he cruises through their areas but he shows no interest in them. Hope this continues to improve I hate having a dog on a rope anymore than necessary(like if I run to town or am on the tractor). I took him to the gh this week, let him dig around the outside in the mulch sniffing for voles, today I plan to remove the mulch from the sides while he is present, that is where the voles are hanging out hopefully hit a nest and he will get the idea. He does a good job of running off the deer in the 5 acres that the buildings and gardens are on,,,comes up to the house looking for a reward and a "good boy" every time he chases.

I need to get a few more hours work done in the old 12'X24' coop, rebuilding the back wall, then inside sheeting on 2 walls, roosts, and nest boxes. Running some electric and changing the fixed windows to hinged with hardware cloth inside for ventilation. Sticking with no insulation, I found out last winter this 70 yr old structure worked just fine in the cold no need to overdo it. I will put some inside dividers in for separating the breeders and next springs brooder area, that might wait until later this fall, it's all a time thing around here,,,lol

Morning all!
It's sorta raining here. On and off but not much-so far. The critters are all good and Elvis helped me again with the chores. Such a good Birdie!!
Had bacon, eggs, and toast this morning. I conscripted DH to make the bacon. Actually, he thought I said "I made bacon and eggs for breakfast", when I said "I'm going to make bacon and eggs for breakfast". So he came out of his office to fill his plate. When he got to the kitchen I handed him the bacon and told him he could cook it. He groused about me tricking him into cooking. I told him what I said and what her heard were vastly different! lol! But he makes better bacon then me so it worked out well.

Cind-Elvis is a small rooster. He is an Old English Game Bantam. I was looking at him this morning and figuring he is either cockatiel sized (probably a little bit bigger thought) or maybe a small parrot type of bird. Maybe a Quaker? I've only seen Quakers in pictures. Or a Conure? I was looking for an Extra Small dog costume.

GR-Sorry your having vet troubles. I hate that too. I worked for a vet office and it was nice having old school vets mixed with the newbies. But I have to say some newbie vets are better then others.
Right now I have a great clinic I go to. I love them. There are two doctors I adore, one that I like and another I don't really care for personality wise, but she is good. I'm sorry you are having trouble getting answers especially since your pupster is not well. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

Vicki-I completely agree with you on the caregiving coment you made to GR. I spent many years house sitting and two of my clients could not let go. One actually entered the "inhumane treatment" area and was told by our vets at the clinic I worked for that if she did not euthanize her horse they would be forced to call Animal Control. She had an old Paso stud with Cushing's and such horrible suspensory ligament degeneration in his hind end that he was walking on his pasterns. Still makes me mad to this day.
When I had to let my Georgie Girl go due to colic, it was the best thing for her. Hard as HE double hockey sticks for me but it was the best thing for her. I spent the last few minutes with her, telling her how much I loved her and that I was sorry that I was not a better Mom, and apologized for not being around like I had been before. I held her big horse head in my arms and cried like a baby. After some time, she pulled her head out of my arms an looked at her side and looked at me. She wanted me to let her go and she was telling me it was time. I was blessed to be able to watch then put her down. Normally at the hospital where she was they really didn't like owners to watch. But they new me from the clinic I worked at and since I had seen euthanasia's before, they let me stay. She went well and I got to watch her leave. She got a very distant gleam in her eye and it was happy. I know with out a doubt that her Mom and other heard mates came for her. She is now running is Heaven in the perfect body that she lost here on Earth.

Well on a much lighter note, Dh and I are gong to a new "pet" store devoted completely to pet chickens. Whooo Hoooo!!!
Later all!
Haven't been on for forever....See some new names and some old ones...Not even gonna try to catch up!!!

Tiki....Mrs Puffer (as we call her) has gone broody...DH lifted her to make sure no eggs....He found 2 black walnuts...a corn cob..and some good sized rocks in her nest!!!! TURD!!! Both Mister and Mrs are doing well...

We had a nest full of eggs hatched 9 chicks...gave them away...now have one last chick that hatched.....If we leave mom and baby in with the rest of them will baby be OK? Or should they be separated from the rest?

We have learned one thing about raising chickens in the last year and that is to not buy day olds through the mail....the ones we incubated and that the hens have hatched have been much healthier chicks...
One of my "boys" is finding his big boy voice-I LOVE hearing a roo crow (Missed it these past few months) and even better the teenage boys trying on thier man voices!!!

Interesting text conversation with BBP a few days ago:

She was telling me about more of her adorable chick combos...and its oh so tempting...I was texting her about how hard it is to re home the roos when you get so attached, and she mentioned the new chicks.. I text her back (Typo queen that I am)
"Id b all over the new chicks but don't want to go thru having to find hoes for any more boys".

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