Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Heather, I had my best luck here (1st year) with a variety called Musik or Music depending on how the seller spells it,,,a Canadian variety.

I'm adding German White and hopefully another red this year,,,I grow and recommend hardstem varieties,,,,there are a few that do grow Elephant in WI also a consideration.

the guy that set me up and I buy from is a wholesaler to Gurney (I'm sure they have many) when he gets back to me I'll ask how his inventory is and if he wants more customers I'll post his info,,,,,not easy to get a hold of very busy kinda guy

when you google for seed garlic in WI, MN you can find numerous vendors I think something to be said for getting seed in our geographic area

buy the biggest bulbs available,,,,,hopefully next year I will have some for sale
"two black walnuts a corn cob and some rocks" o ny gosh that is soooo funny :gig

Mama and baby should be ok unless the other chickens try to take her baby away from her. I have had hens fight with each other and then lost all the babies. You should be able to tell by watching if they are ready to rumble. ;)

I went to the Local Foods Organic store and bought garlic from them last year and planted because I couldn;t find anyone selling it. It worked. Not really big cloves but it worked.

That's sweet Vicki.

And so sweet and sad MLH.
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I have an interview tomorrow with our local paper concerning the whole Poultry Ordinance so today I am doing prep work. I hope I am able to answer all of the questions presented!

I am also trying to set up a Educational Seminar...... AND get a float put together for the city parade on the 15th of September. What really bites is that I am scheduled to participate in the Hot Mess Mud Run that day!
I hate not being here to answer questions.....

Unk, better keep an eye on your dog. DNR will shoot it if they catch it shagging deer, just an FYI.
"Unk, better keep an eye on your dog. DNR will shoot it if they catch it shagging deer, just an FYI"

yup, that's why he's being trained on the homestead,,,,and with only 2 field officers in a 3 cty area not too much to worry about as far as game laws anymore,,,,of course the $$ the DNR spends on salary these days is all in the offices in Madtown supporting Scotties cronies/lackies

Vicki, cute chick pics! The last one really made me Lol, because when my lavs were that small, whenever they would stretch like that, they'd always did a #3. I was glad to see yours did not spoil your cute photo.
Whew is right on your hawk story! I'm glad you saw it coming .

Marg, I hope your hen heals up good & quick for you! It is so frustrating when you're not sure what the problem is exactly.

Terri, that was so nice of you to go over by Marg to help her out. As Bigz often says, our Cheesies are the best.
I hope your hen & horse are getting better. It is awfully funny when a chicken sees a rabbit for the first time, isn't it? Silly things. It is even funnier when you have a rabbit who already knows how the birds will react and will scare them on purpose. I swear Shadow (aka Brunswick) greatly enjoys "chicken bowling". I really need to get a vid of that sometime.

Judge, hope you're feeling better, and congrats on the wheatons.

Bl4, congrats on the small victory!

Cind, you had me ROTFL with your comment on us going on an herb fieldtrip. What a sight that would be, eh? We just need to get FT to come along too and we'd be all set.
I would greatly appreciate some advice on some good books, please. And
to your DH. Glad to hear your DS is such a good worker! I hope he gets more hours.

Amy or TO, would either of you be willing to share some ground cherry seeds with me, please?

Happy belated birthday to Frenchie and Tomski!!!!!!!

MLH, I noticed one of my roos shaking his head a lot for 2 days, but he stopped now.
Let me know if you find something that helps with it in case it returns for him, please.

Ghost, I'm sending best wishes for you and your dog.
We used to have the most wonderful vet when we moved out here. So intelligent, compassionate and always ready to go that extra mile. He even went to the farms to treat the animals there. But he retired & sold his vet practice to a young couple who wound up selling it only 2 years later. Frustrating for sure.

Ang, I do really like the roos that dance first. I also like the timid ones, but that is just me.

Came home with an old egg basket from the flea market. Not as "antique" as I was looking for (one of those that has been dipped in a yellow rubber coating) but I haggled a good price. Still looking for a really old one. Anyone have a lead for me?
I know a guy, he collects/resells farm antiques, he has a whole barn packed full. I got a nice old yellow egg basket from him. His name is Terry, he's out around Neenah. He saves and sells outhouses too. Uh, yes, we have one, er, uuhh 3 of them.

Amy or TO, would either of you be willing to share some ground cherry seeds with me, please?
You bet! Warning: they grow like weeds. PM your addy!

Happy belated birthday to Frenchie!!!!!!
GR65 We just had to put our dog down this week....Your little quote thingy is sooo true....I drop something on the floor in the kitchen and the vacuum (dog) isn't there to clean it up....
Bf4... I don't know how often you come towards Madison, but jugs usually has nice looking garlic this time of year, you could probably give them a call. Or I can pick some up for you. When is the best time to plant and then harvest garlic?

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