Wish me luck!!! 20K race in the morning.

Completed the run in 2:36:34.

I have only hiked the trails that made up the course before today. Never thought about RUNNING it.

I admit I DID have to walk up the steep parts, that's where the extra 30 minutes came from. THe rest I keep about a 10 min mile pace.
Good luck!!!!! Have a great race! I don't run but am hoping to get in our local 'flying pig' marathon when it comes around again.
There's a switch, You just turn it "off" The rest is conditioning the body to withstand the distance with lots of shorter runs and sprints.

I've done three marathons, several TRIs, and a gob of 5K, 10K, 15K, and 20K races....Just on pavement.
I've found that after about three to five miles, the rest is turning off the switchand just "go".

People ask, "Was it fun" the answer is "I don't know"

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