woodchips for coop floor


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 2, 2014
cental pa
I have a small wood shop and generate a couple wheelbarrow loads of mostly hardwood chips would they be ok to use
I would not use them. The compressed bags of pine shavings we buy are 'cleaned' of all (most) of the small bits and dust. I suppose if you were to 'clean' yours in someway it might be ok. The chickens peck in it and chase after bits of scratch or spilled feed and end up eating it. It is best to leave 'saw dust' out of their diet. So I suppose it is up to you to do for your birds that which you feel best. Nice to have a forum such as BYC to test the waters with… The pine wicks up moisture, I don't think hardwoods do that.

Best to you and your birds,

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Thanks for the reply been using hay seems to work ok use pine shaving in nesting boxes although they are still to young to lay will stay away from hardwood

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